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Averages sarmale with leaves of verza sour


Averages sarmale with leaves of verza sour


1Kg of milled meat of pig 110Kg of rice 3foglie of bay 2allori 2cucchiai of pig fat people 100 gr of tomato juice Sour Verza Pepper It know 313l1124d s them (1cucchiaio)


The fat meat piu `of pig is chosen and it is passed once through the machine in order to mill. `An other varying and `that one to mill is the pig meat that of year-old calf in quantita ` milled meat stirs itself with the rice, the onion cut cubetti to many small, pepper knows them and leaves d `bay cut many small and 100mml of water. And `a lot important l `added of water in the filling. The leaves of verza are cut selecting the leaves that can be filled up with the meat, put the leaf of verza on the left hand close at the close of the hand put po `of Crane and a seam the leaf of verza with the right hand. The sarmale comes bubbled in large containers with over leaves of verza disposed to concentrico center. Water is put l `until covering the sarmale, the tomato gravy and two spoons of fat person the sarmale are left to sleep for two hours.


Warmth with the polenta and the grappa uses.





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