Excuse me,... |
Pardon me,... I say! I say,... Say... Hi! Hey! |
Excuse me Excuse me, which is the way to the theatre from here? Excuse me
Pardon me "Посторонитесь, пожалуйста"
I say! Say Hi! Hey! (Эй!) Excuse me
Excuse me, ... I'm sorry to trouble you, but... |
I'm sorry to trouble you, but can/could you move up a bit? I'm sorry to trouble you, but can you tell me the time?
Could you tell me..., please? Can you tell me..., please? |
can could could звучит более вежливо и уважительно, так как подразумевает и не высказанную вслух говорящим фразу " ".
Excuse me, an you tell me... (please)? |
Excuse me, could you tell me... (please)? |
Excuse me, do you happen to know...? Excuse me, could you tell me... (please)? |
Please... |
Would you..., (please)? Would you mind..., (please)? |
Would you be good (kind) enough to tell me..., (please)? Would you be so good (kind) as to tell me..., (please)? |
Can/Could you tell me... (please)? |
May I ask (you) a question? |
Can I have a word with you? |
May I see you a moment? |
Excuse me, ... I say! I say, ... Hi! Hey! Here! Hey there! Look (here)! See here! |
Look here! Look here, you can't talk to me like that! Look here, you didn't take my notes by any chance?
I beg your pardon, sir. (Или просто: Sir!) |
Comrade! |
Citizen! Sir! |
Madam! Miss! |
Miss Miss
Young man! Youth! Hey, you there! Hey, there! Young woman! |
Young man, youth, young woman Young man young woman, young lady, miss
Friend! |
Mate Chum! Pal! Buddy! |
Friend Listen, pal, I don't want to see you hanging around here any more, see! , , , ? Get out of the way, buddy!
Grandmother, gramdma! Grandfather, grandpa! |
Dear! Dearie! Luv (love)! Ducky! Miss! |
Son! Sonny! Boy! |
"мать, мамаша, отец, папаша, батя"
Brother! Buddy! Old man! Mate! |
Syster! |
Brother syster!
Mr Sir Miss Miss Mrs Miss +
фамилия, или
возраста: Miss Caroline.
Professor Professor Mr Miss John, Margaret
со словом " "
Mr + фамилия Mr + фамилия Exсuse me, ... Mr + фамилия |
Can I help you? Sir Madam, Miss
Mr Mrs Miss Jane, Tom
patrons (a secial offer for partons) Ladies and gentlemen
Officer! |
Аналога обращению "товарищ пассажир" в английском языке нет. Если контролеру нужно проверить наличие билета у пассажира, то он говори Your ticket, please! Where to, chief?
Dr (Doctor) + , Doctor, Mr + |
Nurse! Matron! Sister! |
Nurse! |
В Великобритании должность палатной сестры называется sister, ее может занимать как женщина так и мужчина.
Mr/Mrs/Miss + фамилия |
Mr/Mrs/Miss + |
"Коллега, вы были правы" (It looks as if you were right, Professor Smith, Doctor Jones, my friend.) Colleague My colleague, Professor Lewis, is of a different opinion.
My learned friend.
Comrades! Friends! Leadies and gentlemen! Dear friends! |
Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed colleagues! |
Ladies and gentlemen! |
Выбор формы обращения зависит от статуса мероприятия, состава аудитории и ее численности. Чаще всего, официальную форму обращения к аудитории, собранию типа Ladies and gentlemen употребляет председательствующий, с нее же начинает основной оратор. Все же остальные, после того как председатель представит их аудитории, обычно сразу же начинают свое выступление.
Ladies and gentlemen! (на вокзале, в самолете). Обычно же любые пожелания отражены в соответствующих объявлениях, например, Passengers are requested not to alight hilst the vehicle is still in motion.
Pedestrians are kindly requasted to abide by the rules.
Margaret |
Edward |
Meg, May, Margery, Peg, Rita |
Ed, Ned, Ted |
Elizabeth: Lisa, Elsie, Libby, Beth, Bet, Betty, Betsy, Bess, Bessie William: Will, Willie, Willy, Bill, Billy Edward: Ed, Eddie, eddy, Ned, Neddie, Neddy, Ted, Teddie, Teddy |
"Наташка", "Ленка" "Петровна", "Васильевич"
"Тетя" "дядя"
Aunt Lucy Uncle Tom |
Mr + фамилия |
Mrs + фамилия мужа Miss + девичья фамилия |
Smith |
Lewis |
Mr + фамилия |
Mrs + фамилия мужа Miss + девичья фамилия |
Mr Smith |
Mrs Gordon. Miss Gordon, Ms Gordon |