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Утешение, сочуствие, соболезнование


Успокойm 22522d322w 0;есь

Come, come.  Now, now...  Here, here...  Calm yourself!  Keep calm! Cool it!/Simmer down!/Keep your shirt/hair on!/Cool down!

Не беспокойm 22522d322w 0;есь.

Don't worry!  Don't you worry!  Not to worry.

Don't worry!  Don't you worry!  Calm yourself!  Don't fret!  Don't get excited!

Don't be nervous!  Don't get excited! Relax!

Don't let it get you down.  Don't get upset. Cheer up! It could be a lot worse.

Don't take it to heart.  Cheer up!  Better luck next time.  It's not the end of the world. Buck up!

Crying won't help.

Cheer up!  Take it easy. Forget it. Things will come right.

Успокойm 22522d322w 0;есь. Все кончится хорошо.

Don't fret/worry; all will be well.

Don't worry./Not to worry. You'll pass the exam with flying colours.

Утешение с советом часто передается и в более или менее устойm 22522d322w 5;ивых высказываниях:

Pull yourself together.

Keep your temper.

Cheer up! Never say die. Don't lose heart.

Keep your head/presence of mind.

Don't let yourself go.

Don't lose control of yourself.

Don't take it too close to heart.

Pay no attention. Never mind.

Don't let it get you down.

Don't start moping.

Cheer up!

Put this out of your head/mind.

Pull yourself together.

Put it out of your mind.

Forget it.

Forget it.

Take it easy. Pay no attention. Never mind what he says. Forget it. Put it out of your head.

(There's) no need/reason to worry. Don't let that worry you. Not to worry.

(There's) no need to worry. No need to bother.

Don't let that upset you. Don't upset yourself.

Don't let that distress you. Don't distress yourself.

Don't think of it. You mustn't think of it.

You must keep your head.

You must keep/hold yourself in check.

You must keep your temper

Calm yourself.

Pull yourself together.

(You must) keep yourself in check.

(You must) forget it.

(You must) put it out of your head.

You must hope for the best.

All will be well.

All will be well.

Everything will come out all right. Everything will be all right.

Things will take a turn for the better.

Everything will be all right. Everything will come out all right.

I sympathize with/feel for you. You have my sympathy.

If you only knew how I feel for you/sorry I am for you.

I'm so sorry for you!

I understand.

How well I understand you!

I'm sorry to hear of it, but, believe me, all will be well.

Cheer up! Things are bound to change for the better.

You have to take the rough with the smooth. 

Things do happen. Anything can happen.

(It) can't be helped.

It's not your fault. You are in no way to blame.

It's not your fault.

You had nothing to do with it.

Never mind! Forget it!

What nonsense! 

It's nothing!

Never mind that! 
(It's) not true! 

What nonsense!

Such nonsense!

Well, really! Are you serious? (He/She didn't mean it.)

(There's) no reason to distress yourself.

(There's) no reason to get/be upset.

I don't see why you should/I see no reason why you should distress yourself/get upset/lose your head/lose heart.

You have my sincerest/ most sincere /deepest/ most heartfelt sympathy. Please accept my sympathy.

Accept my most heartfelt/ sincerest condolences.

Let me express my deepest/sincerest sympathy.

Please accept my condolences.

May I express my condolences.  May I present my condolences.

I grieve with you. I commiserate with you on your loss.

I feel deeply for your sorrow.

I share your grief/sorrow.

I understand your grief.

I was sorry to hear of your grievous/ irreparable/irretrievable loss. You have suffered a grievous loss.

I was so sorry to hear of your loss. I was sorry to hear of your bereavement.

I was sorry to hear of your misfortune (great sorrow).

I was sorry to hear of your bereavement.

I commiserate with you on your great sorrow.

What a terrible/ great/ grievous/an irreparable misfortune!

What a terrible/ grievous/ an irretrievable loss!

What a terrible misfortune!

What a painful loss!

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