Adverbul (The Adverb)
Adverbul reprezinta partea de cuv nt care ntregeste ntelesul verbului.
Adverbele sunt de mai multe feluri:
Adverbul de mod (The Adverb of Manner)
Raspunde la ntrebarea How? - Cum?
NOT multe adverbe de mod se formeaza din pozitivul adjectivului + ly
Ex.: A bad boy speaks badly. = Un baiat r u vorbeste rau.
normal - normatty
Ex.: A normal m n works normally. = Un om normal lucreaza n mod normal.
beautiful - beautifutty
Ex.: This beautiful flower smells beautifully. = Aceasta floare frumoasa miroase frumos.
Adverbul de loc (The Adverb of Place)
Raspunde la ntrebarea Where? = Unde?
Here = aici; there = acolo; up = sus; down ~ J s,' in = nauntru; out = afara
NOT Adverbele de loc le gasim sub rma locutiunilor adverbiale, compuse n 6n9lez din:
o prepozitie + determinanta majora + sub-
Exemple: de locutiuni adverbiale de loc: on table = pe masa; under the table = sub
near the table = l n£|a masa wer the peste mas above the table =
pra mesei; in the garden = n gradina Und the house = n jurul casei.
Adverbul de timp (The Adverb of Time)
Adverbul de timp 2 feluri:
Adverbul de timp precis
(The Adverb of
Definite Time)
Adverbul de timp indefinit (The Adverb
of Indefinite Time)
A) Adverbele de timp precis/ definit (The Adverb of Definite Time) arata momentul n timp c nd are loc actiunea: today [ta'dei] = astazi yesferday ['jestadi] = ieri the day before yesterday = alaltaieri tomorrow [ta'morau] = m ine the day after tomorrow = poim ine
In the morning [in 6a 'ma-.nin] = dimineata
In the afternoon [in di: ,a:ft9:'nu:n] = du-pa-amiaz
In the evening [in di: 'i:vnirj] = seara
During the day ['djuarirj ,Ss 'dei] = n timpul zilei
At night [st 'nait] = noaptea
At noon [at 'nu:n] = la amiaza
Atmidnight [at 'midnait] = la miezul noptii
This morning = [Sis 'mo:nirj] = azi dimineata
This afternoon [bis ,a:ft3'nu:n] = azi du-pa-amiaza
This evening [dis 'irvnirj] = asta-sear
Tonight [ta'nait] = diseara
Last night ['la:st 'nait] = aseara; noaptea trecuta
Last Wednesday ['la:st Svenzdi] = miercurea trecuta
Last week ['larst 'wi:k] = saptam na trecuta
Lasf month ['la:st' mAn6] = luna trecuta
Last year ['larst 'ja:] = anul trecui
Last century ['larst 'sentjuri] = secolul trecut
... ago [a'gau] = acum...
two hours ago [tu: 'auaz.s'ggu] = acum doua ore
five minutes ago ['faiv 'minits a'gau] = acum 5 minute
s/x weeks ago ['six 'wnks a'gau] = acum 6 saptam ni
ayearago [,a 'ja.T a'gau] = acum un an
two months ago ['tu:'mAn9s a'gsu] = acum 2 luni
two centuries ago ['tu: 'sentjuriz s'gsu] = acum 2 secole
This time lastyear = anul trecut pe vremea asta
77?/s time last week = saptam na trecuta pe vremea asta
This time last month = luna trecuta pe vremea asta
On Monday [on 'mAndi] = luni (cu eveniment)
On Tuesday [on 'tju:zdi] = marti
On Wednesday [an Venzdi] = miercuri
On Thursday [on '63:zdi] = joi
On Friday [on 'fraidi] = vineri
On Saturday [on 'sastadi] = s mbata
On Sunday [on 'sAndi] = duminica
In January ['d3£enju3ri] = ianuarie
In February ['februsri] = februarie
In March [ma:t/] = martie
In April f'eiprl] = aprilie
In May [mei] = mai
In June ['d3u:n] = iunie
InJuly [dju'lai] = iulie
In August ['o:gsst] = august
In September [sap'tembs] = septembrie
In October [ok'taubs] = octombrie
In November [nouVemba] = noiembrie
In December [di'sembs] = decembrie
Atfive o'clock - la ora cinci
a) Adverbul de
timp precis sta la sf rsiti
propozitiei. Ul
b) Daca este accentuat, se pune i
nceputul propozitiei. a
a) / go to the cinema this aftemoon. = ^ duc la cinematograf azi dupa-amiaza
This/ In the afternoon l
go to the cinema
Dupa-amiaza ma duc la cinematograf.
B) Adverbele de timp neprecis ori frec. venta (The Adverbs of Indefinite Time or Fre. quency)
ever ['eva] = totdeauna, vreodata
never ['neva] = niciodata
always ['o:lw3z] = ntotdeauna
somet/mes ['sAmtaimz] = uneori,
c teodata
often ['ofn] = adesea
seldom ['seldam] = rareori
just [djAst] = tocmai
stlll [stil] = nca, mai
already [o:l'redi] = deja, p na acum
Adverbul de timp neprecis sau frecventa sta
ntre subiect si predicat.
Dupa verbul to be.
Dupa verbele modale (can = a putea;
may = a avea nevoie; must = a trebui).
primul auxiliar, c nd timpul este
naintea acestora (1, 2, 3, 4), c nd este
Ex.: 1) John always comes home late. -John ntotdeauna vine acasa t rziu; 2) John [s always athome. = John este totdeauna acasa 3) John can never do that. = John nu poate face niciodata acest lucru; 4) John has n&J& been to Paris. = John nu a fost niciodata & Paris.
Exemplificare a pozitiei adverbului de frecventa sau timp neprecis (dupa A. S. Hornby)
predicat |
e simple la prezent sau preterit cu adverbe de frecventa sau timp neprecis |
Subiect |
Adverbe intercalate |
Verb etc. |
The sun |
always |
rises in the east. |
Mr. Black |
occasionally |
goes to the cinema. |
His wife |
never |
goes/ does. |
My brother |
rarely |
writes to me. |
We |
generally |
have breakfast at seven. |
Tom |
usually |
cycled to school. |
Harry |
always |
went/ goes to school by bus. |
He |
sometimes |
goes to bed very late. |
Mrs. Green |
hardly ever |
plays tennis now. |
l wonder whether you |
ever |
met my brother while you were in Finland. |
B, Predicate (simple sau compuse-modale) cu verbe auxiliare ori modale (anomalous finites) |
Subiect x A.F. (x not) |
Adverbe intercalate (MPA) |
l am |
always |
at home on Sundays. . |
can |
hardly ever |
understand what that m n says. |
Do you |
often |
play tennis? |
They don't |
often |
go to bed late. |
You don't |
usually |
arrive late, do you? |
You should |
always |
try to be punctual. |
She will |
occasionally |
offer to help. |
She nas |
never |
h d a holiday. |
Wecan |
generally |
get there in time. |
Will ne |
ever |
learn anything useful? |
wonder whether they will |
ever |
improve. |
nave |
rarely |
seen better work. |
They can |
seldom |
find time for reading. |
L 14 |
You must |
never |
do that again. |
Adverbe cu comparatia neregulata
Forma |
Pronun- |
Principalele |
Forma |
Pronun- |
Principalele |
Forma |
Pronun- |
Principalele! |
tare |
traduceri |
tare |
traduceri |
tare |
traduceri ! |
badly |
f'baedli] |
rau, ur t; |
worse |
[wa:s] |
mai rau, |
worst |
[wa:st] |
cel mai r u |
prost, ngro- |
(provine |
mai ur t, |
(provine |
cel mai urai' |
zitor |
si de la |
mai prost, |
si de la |
cel mai! |
ill) |
mai ngro- |
ill) |
prost, ce |
zitor |
mai ngro. |
zitor |
far |
[fa:] |
departe; n |
farther |
['fa:&3] |
mai departe |
farthest |
['fa:Sist] |
cel mai de- |
mare masu- |
n spatiu, |
parte 0, |
ra, foarte |
ca distanta |
spatiu, ca |
distanta |
further |
fo:&>] |
n continua- |
furthest |
['fatfist] |
cel mai |
re, mai de- |
departe (o |
parte ( n |
distanta sau |
timp); n |
ca timp); cel' |
plus, pe |
mai t rziu |
deasupra |
ill |
rau, ur t; |
worse |
[wa:s] |
mai rau; |
worst |
[vvarst] |
cel mai rau, |
prost, ngro- |
(provine |
mai ur t; |
(provine |
cel mai ural, |
zitor; nefa- |
si de la |
mai prost, |
si de la |
cel mai |
vorabil |
badly) |
mai ngro- |
badly) |
prost, cel |
zitor; mai |
mai ngro- |
nefavorabil |
zitor; cel ma |
nefavorabil |
late |
[leit] |
t rziu |
later |
['leita] |
mai t rziu, |
last |
[la:st] |
la urma (de |
ulterior |
tot), n urma |
tuturor, nw |
t rziu ca toti; |
latest |
[Meitist] |
ultima data |
cel mai târ |
ziu |
little |
[litl] |
(prea) putin, |
less |
[ies] |
mai putin; |
least |
[Ii:st] |
cel mai puf" |
n mica ma- |
n mai mica |
sura; deloc, |
masura |
nicidecum, |
c tusi de |
putin |
much |
[mAtJ] |
mult; mult |
more |
[mo:] |
mai mult, |
most |
[moust] |
cel mai m"' |
mai; n mai |
pe deasu- |
foarte, & |
mare masu- |
Dra; iarasi |
se poate $ |
ra parte; |
aproape, |
cam |
near |
[nia] |
(pe) aproape; n/ prin apropi- |
nearer |
['niara] |
mai aproape; la mai |
nearest next |
['niarist] [nekst] |
cel mai aproape; la cea mai |
ere |
mica dis- |
mica distanta |
j j r |
tanta |
la r nd, mai |
departe; data |
viitoare, pe |
urma; mai |
well |
[wel] |
bine; frumos, |
better |
['beta] |
mai bine; |
best |
[best] |
cel mai bine; |
cum trebuie, |
preferabil, |
cel mai mult |
cum se cuvine; |
mai mult |
pe buna drep- |
tate, complet, |
pe de-a-ntregul |
Locutiuni adverbiale cu this, next, last etc. (dupa A. S. Hornby)
morning (afternoon, evening); week (month, term, year etc.); January (February etc.); spring (summer etc.)
next last
Sunday (Monday etc.); week (month, term, year etc.); January (February etc.); spring (summer etc.)
(the) next the following
day (morning, afternoon, evening, night);
week (month, year etc.); January (February etc.); spring (summer e c.)
tomorow yesterday
evening; night
tomorrow yesterday
morning (afternoon, evening)
the day
after tomorrow; before yesterday
the week (monlh, year etc.)
after next;
before last;
morning (afternoon, evening,
Monday (Tuesday etc.) morning;
(afternoon, evening, night)
day (morning etc.) in May (juril
June (spring etc.) morning, after
noon etc.
today (This day)
week (fortnight)
Locutiuni adverbiale care ncep cu prepozitii (dupa A. S. Hornby)
on before after by |
Sunday (Monday etc.) Sunday (Monday etc.); the first (second etc.) Sunday (Monday etc.) |
'"* "' " i^'i ' 'J'-. / iV>!:- .V... m ,j .. during <M |
May (June etc.); the first (second etc.) of May (June etc.); May (June etc.) the first (second etc.) May (J u ne etc.); (the) spring (summer etc.); the morning (afternoon, evening, day, night); (the year) 500 B.C., 1066, 1914 etc. |
\i * before afis"! after by |
six o'clock (half past two etc.) noon (midday, midnight) dawn (sunrise, sunset) Easter, Christmas, the New Year breakfast (supper etc.) time |
' i in l , |
a few minutes (hours, days etc.) |
an hour's time half (quarter of) an hour's |
a few (several) hours' two (three etc.) days' time two or three (four or five) week's (etc.) |
f s-
Prepozitia (The Preposition)
prepozitia este partea de cuv nt care leaga substantivul pe plan spatial, temporal, cauzal
MO ntre prepozitie si substantivul determinat sta o determinanta majora
Ex.: On the table
C nd substantivul determinat de prepozitie este luat n sens general, dispare determinanta majora
Ex.: Life in water
Important: Toate prepozitiile n limba engleza cer acuzativul.
Urmatoarele substantive au urmatorul regim:
nome = camin, casa
a/ Dupa verbele statice se ntrebuinteaza prepozitia at fara determinanta (engleza americana l suprima si pe af).
Ex.: l am at home.
b/ Dupa verbele de deplasare (go, come, return etc.) dispare si prepozitia fo si determinanta.
Ex.: l go home.
sc/ioo/ = scoala
a/ Dupa verbele de deplasare, cu scopul te a nvata, dispare determinanta.
Ex.: l go fo school. (pentru a nvata),
b/ Dupa verbele de deplasare, fara scopul de a nvata, se scrie normal.
&.: l'm going to the school. = Ma duc Pana la scoala n alte scopuri).
3/ church = biserica
a/ Dupa verbele de deplasare, cu scopul e a te nchina, a participa la slujba, dispare ueterminanta.
tf..' He goes to church every Sunday.
/ Idem, pentru alte scopuri, se scrie normal.
Dan- " Hes 3 'n9 to tne cnurch- - Se duce n, la biserica, (de pilda ca sa vorbeasca cu
bed = pat
a/ Dupa verbele de miscare, cu scopul de a te culca, dispare determinanta.
Ex.: l always go to bed early. = Ma culc totdeauna devreme.
b/ Idem, pentru alte scopuri, se scrie normal.
Ex.: She went to the bed to change the pillow-cases. = S-a dus la pat sa schimbe fetele de perna
town = oras
a/ Dupa verbele de deplasare, n orasul n care locuiesti, dispare determinanta.
Ex.: l gojo town on week-ends.
NOT n Anglia de obicei nseamna "la Londra".
b/ Idem, n alt oras, se scrie normal.
Ex.: l wentto the (near-by) town of Pitesti.
B) dlnner = masa
a/ Dupa verbele statice, se ntrebuinteaza prepozitia atfara determinanta
b/ Dupa verbele de deplasare, se ntrebuinteaza to fara determinanta
Ex.: l'II go to dinner.
Principalele prepozitii englezesti n
unele cazuri, exemplele sunt de verbe cu particula adverbiala 1/af = la
spatial - static
Ex.: / am at the window. = Sunt la fereastra
Ex.: At one o'clock = la ora 1 Af noon = la amiaza
Ex.:Atlast = n
sf rsit
At least = cel putin, macar At the same time = n acelasi timp 21 in = n
spatial - static
Ex.: The boy is in the room. = Baiatul e n camera
Ex.: in July = n iulie in summer = vara in 1972 = n anul 1972 in the morning = dimineata
3/ to = la
spatial - dinamic
Ex.: / go to the theatre.
4/ into = n
spatial - strapungere, patrundere
Ex,: / go into the room. = Eu intru n camera
Come into the room. = Intra n camera e
5/ on = pe ^
spatial - atasarea
de o suprafata
On the table = pe masa
l Ex.: On that day - n ziua aceea On that morning - n dimineata aceea On such a night ntr-o noapte ca asta
,;j On Monday = luni 6/ through = prin
Ex.: Through the wall = prin perete 71 over = peste, cu si fara contact cu baza Ex.: The plane is flying over the town. =
Avionul zboara peste oras
Put the blanket over me. = Pune patura
peste mine.
8/ under = sub, dedesubt
spatial - cu si fara contact cu baza
Ex.: The dog is under the table. = C inele este sub masa
l am under the blanket. = Sunt sub patura
9/ above = deasupra
_^\ - spatial - pe verticala
j^( 10/ below = dedesubt ...,B
spatial - pe verticala
11/ in front of = n fata, naintea
spatial - ntre subiect si obiect nici un fel
de relatie.
Ex.: There is a tree in front ofthathouse. = Este un pom n fata casei.
121 before = n fata, naintea
spatial - ntre subiect si obiect exista o
Ex.: There is a tree before my window. = Este un pom (la care ma uit) n fata ferestrei mele.
Ex.: Before noon nainte de amiaza 13/ behind = dupa n spate, n dosul
(antonimul lui in front of)
Ex.: The wall is behind me. = Zidul e i
spatele meu. '
H/ after = dupa (antonimul luifcefore)
Ex.: Children run after butterflies. = alearga dupa fluturi.
Ex.: After midnight = dupa miezul nopjii
Afternoon = dupa-amiaza 15/atoouf = prin, n jurul, asupra
Ex.: Look aboutyou. = Priveste n jurul tau Ihave no money about me. = N-am bani la mine/ asupra mea. Sau: / have no money byl withf on me.
Ex.: About that time. = cam pe vremea aceea
alte sensuri:
despre: Ex.: We are speaking about prepositions. = Vorbim despre prepozitii.
cam, circa, pe la, aproximativ.
Ex.: About a mile's distance. = aproximativ distanta de o mila
At about three = cam pe la 3
W/by = la, l nga
Ex.: By the fire = l nga foc
Ex.: By car = cu masina
By train = cu trenul
By plane = cu avionul
By sea = pe mare
By tram = cu tramvaiul
By bus = cu autobuzul
By all means = cu orice pret/ mijloc
By no means = cu nici un pret s By the way = apropo
By means of = cu ajutorul '" 171 with = cu
IU 18/ within = n intervalul de; n timp de S1 Ex.: Within three days = n (timp de) 3 zile
19/without = fara
Ex.: / can live withoutyou. = Pot trai si ^ tine.
,",., 20/ out of =afara * -spatial
Ex.: Get out ofhere! = Iesi afara! Pleaca
21/ off = n afara de; n largul
Ex.: off the coast = n largul coastei/ Pe
re la mica distanta de coasta J Actiunea de:
mbracare cu to put on _ dezbracare cu to take off
ex.: Put y ur hat oni Put on y ur nat- ~
ti palaria.
Take your hat off/ Take off your hat. = scoate-ti palaria.
_ Actiunea de a deschide un aparat: to turn on/ to put on
Put/ Turn on the radio. = Deschide
Turn/ Put on the TV (telly). = Deschide
televizorul. -Actiunea de a nchide un aparat:
to turn off/ put off
Turn/ Put off the radio. = nchide
Turn/ Put off the TV. = nchide
televizorul. -Actiunea de a aprinde lumina:
to switch on/ to turn on/ to put on
Switch/ Turn/ Put on the light. = Aprinde
lumina. -Actiunea de a stinge lumina:
to switch off j to turn off/ to put out
Switch/ Turn off the light/ Put out the
light. = Stinge lumina. 22/ of = al; a; ai; ale; (prepozitie cu genitiv) = de
£x.; cup of tea
23/ because of/ on the account of = din cauza/ pricina + genitiv
24/ owing to/ thanks to/ due to = datorita 25/ unt/7// f/7/ = p na la
Tipuri de prepozitii (dupa L. Levitchi)
PRECEDEN A N SPA IU ahead of n fata, n fruntea, dinaintea
before naintea, dinaintea, n fata, n fruntea
in front of naintea, dinaintea, n fata, n 'runtea, (drept) n fata, chiar n fata
SUPRAPUNEREA above - deasupra, peste over - deasupra, peste; pe deasupra up, upon - pe below - sub, dedesubtul under - sub, dedesubtul; pe sub
at - la; n in- n; la on - pe; n; la
bef ore- nainte de, naintea, anterior; p na la, p na n
ahead of nainte de
prior to - anterior, nainte de, naintea
till, until, to - p na, p na la/ n j
by - p na, p na la/ n; pe |
DEPLASAREA SPRE UN LOC to-la, spre, catre towards - spre, catre, n directia up to - p na la at - la, pe la for - la, n in - n, la
into n, nauntrul on,upon - pe
at - la; n; pe etc.
in- n; n timpul; la etc.
on- n; pe etc.
by - la; pe la; spre, catre towards, to - spre, nspre, catre near upon - (foarte) aproape de; spre about - pe la, n jurul
after - dupa n urma
behind n spatele, n urma, napoia, ndaratul; dindar tul, din spatele (cu gen.) by, past - pe l nga
after - dupa f
from, since nca) de la, ( nca) din ]
for- (timp) de \
in- n; dupa
past - trecut de '
from - de la, din; dinspre off - de pe
out of - din, din interiorul, dinauntrul (cu gen.)
.st pi |
about- n jurul, l nga n preajma, pe la; la,
against - de, lipit de
alongside - de-a lungul; alaturi de, l nga beside, by - l nga, alaturi de, aproape de near (to) - l nga, alaturi de, aproape de, nu
departe de
next to, close to/ by - foarte aproape de,
chiar l nga n imediata apropiere a
all through - de-a lungul, c t tine during - n timpul/ vremea through(out) n tot timpul, de-a lungul for - pentru, timp de over - peste; n timpul
because of, on account of - datorita multumita
owing to; thanks to - datorita; multumita
by - de, de catre; din cauza
at - de; la
for - de; pentru
out of, through, with - din, de, din cauza/
pricina, datorita
from - de, din, din cauza
~s= across - peste, de-a curmezisul
through, by- prin at - prin; la
via - via
over - peste
up - n susul
down n josul
along - de-a lungul, pe
REFERIREA about, of - despre, n privinta, cu privire |8
etc. |
on - despre, asupra concerning - privitor/ referitor la, despre respecting - referitor la, cu referire la as for, as to - (c t) despre
between ntre; n mijlocul among(st) - printre; ntre; n mijlocul amid(st) - printre; ntre; n mijlocul in the middle of n mijlocul, la mijlocul
Echivalentele unor prepozitii locative
Statice |
Dinamice |
la |
at, in (cu verbe de stare pe loc) |
to (cu verbe de miscare, arata destinatia) |
towards (arata directia) |
de la |
at, in, of |
from (arata deplasarea) |
n |
in, at |
into (arata patrunderea) |
in |
din |
at, in, of |
from (arata deplasarea) _^ |
out of (arata extragerea) |
o/f (arata desprinderea) |
pe |
on |
on, upon |
de pe |
on |
from (arata deplasarea) |
off (arata desprinderea) |
NOT Retineti asemanarea dintre echivalentele prepozitiilor la", de la", n", din" c nd sunt statice, precum si redarea prin |
from a tuturor prepozitiilor care aratf deplasarea. |
C teva cuvinte grupate dupa prepozitiile care le nsotesc
cnaracteristic gloquent illustrative indicative representative syrnbolic(al) ical
particular peculiar proper specific
subst., adj., vb. sl participii din aria/
sfera' atitudine/ relatie" (fata dej
pricinuita de)
concern (ed)
* J |
AT |
Iove, hatred, liking "X, OF/ FOR
contempt, admiration J
to object
resistance f TO
to subject
to submit
. IN |
absorbed, engrossed to participate, participation perseverance, persevering persistence, persistent
AT |
/aawn/ daybeak/ sunrise/amer. sunup noon/ midday twilight/ sunset/ amer. sundown IN THE < dusk/ nightfall night/ midnight MESELE ZILEI.-breakfast/ lunch/ tea/ dinner/ supper |
orning afternoon evening |
(ON) Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday dar: 0 last/ this/ next week/ month/ year/ Sunday, April etc. |
ON THE (morning of the} twenty-third (23rd) 23 of December, nineteen-seventy-one/ 1971 |