Buna dimineata-Good morning
Buna ziua-Good afternoon
Buna seara-Good evening
Noapte buna-Good night
La revedere-Good bye
O zi buna-Good day-Have a nice day
Ne vedem mai tarziu-See you later
Ne vedem data viitoare-See you next time
Pana data viitoare-Until next time
Would(wud) you like to repeat theat-sunteti amabil sa repetati ce-ati spus?
Would you be so kind repeat?-Sunteti binevoitor sa repetati?
I beg your pardon?-Ce-ai spus?
What did you say?-Ce-ai spus?
Excuse me,could you repeat?-Ma scuzati puteti sa repetati?
Prezentarea persoanelor
This is..and this is.-acesta este
May I introduce...-Imi dati voie sa va prezint.?
Let me you-Lasati-ma sa vi-l prezint pe.voua
Glad to meet you-Sunt bucuros ca te cunosc
Pleas to meet you-Incantat sa te cunosc
Nice to meet you-Imi pare bine
How do you do-Imi pare bine.Buna ziua(ca raspuns)
Hello! How are you?-Buna! Ce mai faci?
Hi,how are things? - Salut,cum merg lucrurile ?
Hi,how are you doing? - Salut,ce mai faci?
Very well,thank you and how are you? -Foarte bine,multunesc,si tu ?
Not se well I'm afraid - Mi-e teama ca nu prea bine
Shall I.-sa fac eu?
Could I. -pot eu sa ?
Do you want me to.?-vrei tu ca eu sa fac.
Would you like me to..?-ti-ar placea tie ca eu sa fac.?
Thanks.That`s very kind of you. -Mersi e foarte dragut din partea ta.
That would be great(greit)! -Ar fi nemaipomenit(minunat)!
No,don`t bother! I can do it myself.-Nu,nu te deranja,pot sa fac si singur.
No,it`s all night.I can manage(menidj).-Nu,e-n regula.Ma descurc si singur.
A cere ajutorul
Will you. ,please? -Vrei tu sa.te rog.
Would you.,please? -Ati vrea dumneavoastra.
Do you think you could.? -Crezi ca ai putea.
Would you mind.?
Yes,of cours.
Sure -Desigur
I will be glad to -Asi fi bucuros sa te ajut.
I`m sorry,but -imi pare rau dar.
I`m a fraid I -ma tem ca.
I would like to,but.-Mi-ar place,dar.
Thank you! -multumesc!
Thanks (a lot)! -mersi!
I am grateful to you! -Imi pare bine sa fac asta!
That's all right! -E-n regula!
Never mind! -Nici nu mai pomeni!
You're welcome! -Cu placere!
Sit down please! -Luati loc!
Sit! -Stai jos!
Stand up please! -Ridicati-va!
Stand up! -Ridica-te!
I don't know -Nu stiu
I'm sorry,I don't know! -Imi pare rau nu stiu
Vehicule - Vehicles
Bicycle - bicicleta (baisikl) |
Ferry-boat - feribot (feribout) |
Scooter- scuter (sku:ta) |
(steam)ship - vapor ((sti:m)sip) |
Motor-cycle - motocicleta (moutasaikl) |
Yacht - iaht (yot) |
(motor-)car - automobil (moutaka:) |
Bus - autobuz (bas) |
Train - tren (trein) |
Trolley-bus - troleibuy (trolibas) |
(air)plane, aeroplane - avion (eaplein, earaplein) |
Tram - tramvai (traem) |
Helicopter - elicopter (helikopta) |
Lorry - camion (lori) |
Boat - barca (bout) |
Truck - camion (trak) |
(WH Questions)
When -cand?
Which -care,pe care?
Who -cine,pe cine?
What -ce,care,cum?
Why -de ce?
Where Where are you going? -Unde te duci?
Where is he(she) living? -Unde locuieste?
Where is the exit? -Unde este iesirea?
Where are zou working? =Where do you work?-Unde lucr.?
Where are zou from? -De unde este?
When When is he(she) coming? -Cand vine el sau ea?
When did it happen? -Cand s-a intamplat?
How How ould are you?=What is your age?-Cati ani ai ?
How are you?
How do you do!
How mony? -Cati,cate?
How much? -Cat,cate?
Which Which one? -Pe care?
Which hause? -Care casa? sau A cata casa?
Who Who is there? -Cine-i acolo?
Who is coming? -Cine vine?
Who are you? -Cine esti?
Who is he(she)? -Cine este el(ea)?
What What is your name? -Cum te numesti tu?
What do you do? -Ce ocupatie aveti?
What do you do for living? -Ce faci ca sa-ti castigi existenta
What time? -La ce ora?
Why Why are you coming? -De ce vii?
Why are you craying? -De ce plangi?
Why did you go there? -De ce te-ai dus acolo?
Ora familiara - Colloquial Time |
Ora oficiala - Standard Time |
12 -Twelve o'clock |
Twelve hours |
12.05 - Five(minutes)past twelve |
Twelve five |
3.10 - Ten(minutes) past three |
Three ten |
5.15 - (A)quarter past five |
Five fifteen |
7.20 - Twenty(minutes)past seven |
Seven twenty |
9.25 - Twenty-five(minutes)past nine |
Nine twenty-five |
13.30 - Half-past one |
Thirttn thirty |
18.35 - Twenty-five(min.)to seven |
Eighteen thirty-five |
20.40 - Twenty(minutes) to nine |
Twenty forty |
21.45 - (A)quarter to ten |
Twenty-one forty-five |
22.50 - Ten(minutes)to eleven |
Twenty-two fifty |
23.55 - Five(minutes) to twelve |
Twenty-three fifty-five |
24.00 - Twelve o'clock |
Twenty-four hours |
Daily life - viata de zi cu zi (deili laif)
Daily - zilnic, cotidian
Routines - rutina, obisnuinta
At noon - la pranz
Midnight - miezul noptii
Midday(noon) - mijlocul zilei Past - trecut, peste (pa:st)
Get up - trezeste-te To - fara (ta)
Wake up - a se trezi Quarter - sfert ('kwota)
Get dressed - imbracarea
Come home - a veni acasa Always - intotdeauna
Have breakfast - a lua micul dejun Usually - de obicei
To wear - a purta Often - adesea
Usually - de obicei (ijuali) Sometimes - cateodata
Never - niciodata
What time is it ? - Cat este ceasul ?
It's two o'clock. - Este ora 2.
What time do you get up? - La ce ora te trezesti?
Where do you work ? - Unde lucrezi?
What do you wear ? - Ce porti (cu ce esti imbracat)?
When(Where) do you eat ? - Cand(Unde) mananci ?
Haw do you travel ? - Cum calatoresti ?
What about you ? - Dar tie?
Not really - nu chiar
Spare time - timp liber
Boring - plictisitor
Exciting - deosebit, nemaipomenit
Good fun - distractiv
Habits - obiceiuri Slob - hraparet, maniac
Viewing - vizionare Soaps - telenovele
Hang-gliding-catarare Soap operas - telenovele f. lungi
Riding - calarie Socer - fotbal
Gardening - gradinarit Squash - tenis la perete
Climbing - alpinism Game shows - jocuri de noroc
Collecting stamps - timbre
Fishing - pescuit
Films - filme artistice
In the gym - in sala de gimnastica
In the swimming pool - in bazin
In the café - in cafenea
On a squash court - pe terenul de tenis la perete
On the ruming track - pe pista de alergari
On a tennis court - teren de sport
In the shop - la magazin
Out door - in afara
In door - in sala
Home sick - dor de casa
To ride - a calatori
Lifetime - in timpul vietii
Onli - numai
Waist - mijloc(corp uman)
Shopkeeper - patron
To wait - a astepta
I am (I'm) We are (We're)
You are (You're) You are (You're)
He is (He's) They are (They're)
She is (She's)
It is (It's)
You are not -You're not You are not-You're not-You aren't
-You aren't They are not-They're not-They aren't
He is not -He's not
-He isn't
She is not -Sh's not
It is not -It's not
OBS. Ain't (eint) -se foloseste la toate timpurile(incorect d.p.d.v.gramatical)
Are you Are you
Is He,She,It Are they
Sg. Yes I am /No I'm not
Yes you are /No you are not
Yes He(She,It) is /No it isn't
Pl. Yes we are / No we aren't
Yes you are /No you're not
Yes they are/No they are not
Are you not-Aren't you? Are you not-Aren't you?
Is he(she,it)not-Isn't he(she,it)? Are they not-Aren't they?
A. Verb auxiliar pentru formarea aspectului comun
Ex: I'am reading -eu citesc
B. Verb auxiliar pentru formarea diatezei pasive
Ex: I'am seen -eu sunt vazut
Verb modal
To be to -a urma sa,a trebui sa,a fi sa
Ex: I'am to read -trebuie(urmeaza)sa citesc
Verb principal -atunci cand este urmat de un adverb de loc
Ex: We are at home -noi suntem acasa
They are in the park -ei sunt in parc
Semnul exclamarii -Exclamation mark
Doua puncte -Colon
Punct si virgula -Semicolon
Virgula -Comma
Linia de despartire -Dash(deas)
Cratima -Hyphen(haifen)
Ghilimelele -Inverted commas
Si -And
Sfarsit -End
Apostrof -Apostroph
What can I do for you? -Cu ce te pot ajuta?
Wednesday -miercuri
Thursday -joi
Friday -vineri
Saturday -sambata
Sunday -duminica
January July(giulai)
February August (ogast)
March September
April (eipril) October
May (mei) November
June (giun) December(disember)
Spring -primavara
Summer -vara
Autumn -toamna
Weather - vreme
Lovely - placut
Terrible - groaznic
Awful - f.urat,mai mult decat groaznic
Raing - ploios
Wet - ud
Windy - vant(bate vantul)
Cold - rece
Sunny - insorit
Hot - arsita (fierbinte)
Degrees - grade
Temperature - temperatura (temprecion)
Yesterday and last week - ieri si saptamana trecuta
I really enjoyed - mi-a placut mult
Places to visit - locuri de vizitat
Best wishes - cele mai bune urari
With all my love - cu toata dragostea mea
The forest - padurea
Mountains - munte
Stream - rau
Rock - stanca
The seaside - mare
Harbour - port
Beach - plaja
Sea - mare
The desert - desertul
Size - marimi
Sand - nisip Small - mic
Dune - duna Huge - imens
Sky - cer High - inalt
Palmtrees - palmieri Tall - inalt
Dimension - dimensiuni
Crowded - aglomerat Shallow - intins
Empty - gol Depth - adanc
Quiet - liniste (acasa: shat up)
Noisy - galagie
Quuetness - tacere
Golden - auriu
Silver - argintiu
Blue - albastru
Pronume personal,persoana a treia sg.,gen neutru -folosit pentru obiecte si notiuni abstracte,nepersonificate,animale nepersonificate si carora nu li se cunosc sexul sau sunt luate in sens generic.
Ex: Here is a book. It is very interesting.
How ould is your baby? It is five months ould.
.Pronume personal-folosit pentru a indica:
a. Timpul dupa calendar sau ceas
It is six o'clock on the 4th of February.
b. Scurgerea timpului
It is getting lake -se face tarziu
c. Starea atmosferica
It is getting dark -se intunericeste
It's rather cloudy -mai degraba e inorat
d. Fenomene meteorologice si naturale
It is raining cats and dogs -ploua cu galeata(torential)
e. It thunders -tuna
It lightens -fulgera
It is ten degrees above zero -sunt +10º
f. Distantele
It'snearly ten kilometres to Albota-sunt aproape 10 km pana la Albota.
g. Starea lucrurilor in general
It's ok sau it's all right!
.Pronume demonstrativ (echivalent cu That sau Which rsferindu-se la ceva vazut sau mentionat inainte)
He expressed his sympathies -si-a prezentat condoleantele
It was nice of him (to do that) -dragut din partea lui (sa faca
4.Pronume introductiv
a.Introductiv anticipativ-are rolul de a introduce propoyitia printr-un subiect formal deoarece subiectul real este deplasat dupa numele predicativ pentru a-l scoate in evidenta.
Ex: It's nice to see /seeing such a garden -este o placere sa vezi o asmenea gradina.
Subiectul real se poate exprima prin:
1.Infinitivul lung -'to see'
2.Constructii gerumviale 818e43i
3.O propozitie subiectiva,de obicei introdusa prin conjunctia That.
b.Introductiv de intarire sau subliniere avand rolul de a sublinia foarte puternic sau de a scoate in evidenta oricare parte a propozitiei cu exceptia predicatului.
Ex: It's Peter who/that solved all the problems.-Peter este cel care a rezolvat toate problemele.
5.Pronume nesemnificativ -folosit ca, complement direct formal mai ales al unor verbe intranzitive.
Acest tip de pronume apare frecvent in engleza vorbita.
Ex:Shall we cab it to the station ? -Sa luam taxiul pana la statie.
No,I' would rather foot it. -Nu,prefer sa merg pe jos.
Legume,verdeturi - Vegetables, herbs |
Potato(es) - cartof(I) (pateitou(z)) |
Tomato(es) - rosie, rosii tama:tou(z) |
Beans - fasole (bi:nz) |
Peas - mazare (pi:z) |
Cabbage - varza (kaebidj) |
Carrot - morcov (kaerat) |
Cucumber - castravete (kyu:kamba) |
Egg-plant;auberginevanata (egpla:t;oubaji:n) |
Mushrooms - ciuperci (masrumz) |
Radish - ridiche (raedis) |
Spinach - spanac (spinidj) |
Lettuce - salata verde (letis) |
Onion - ceapa (anyan) |
Garlic - usturoi (ga:lik) |
Hot peper - ardei iute (hot pepa) |
Articolul (The article)
Este un instrument gramatical care individualizeaza sau determina un substantiv.
_Articol hotarat-the definite article
_Articol nehotarat -the indefinite article
_Articolul zero -the zero article
The definite article -se refera la unul sau mai multi oameni,locuri,lucruri sau idei specifice.Nu isi schimba forma chiar daca substantivul este la singular sau la plural.
THE đa -inaintea cuvintelor care incep cu o consoana.
The ball-mingea The balls-mingile
The windou-fereastra The windous-ferestrele
The hotel-hotelul The hotels
The cat-pisica The cats-pisicile
đi -inaintea cuvintelor care incep cu o consoana sau semiconsoana.
The appels-marul(merele)
The eyes-ochiul(ochii)
The ideas-ideea(ideile)
The oranges-portocala
The umbrellas-umbrela
The indefinite article-se foloseste inaintea substantivului atunci cand ne referim la ceva in general sau il mentionam pentru prima data.
Apple - mar (aepl) |
Raspberry - zmeura (ra:zbari) |
Pear - para (pea) |
Walnut - nuca (wo:lnat) |
Grape - strugure (greip) |
Nuts - alune (nats) |
(Sweet)cherry - cireasa (swi:t)tseri |
Orange - portocala (orindj) |
Morello - visina (marelou) |
Tangerine - mandarina (taendjarin) |
Peach - piersica (pi:ts) |
Lemon - lamaie (leman) |
Apricot - caisa (eprikot) |
Banana - banana (bana:na) |
Fig - smochina (fig) |
Quince - gutuie (kwins) |
Ananas - ananas (ana:nas) |
Strawberry -
capsuna (stro: |
Produse lactate
Milk - lapte (milk) |
Yog(h)urt - iaurt (youga:t) |
Butter - unt (bata) |
Cream - smantana (kri:m) |
Whipped cream - frisca (wipt kri:m) |
Cheese - cascaval, branza topita (tsi:z) |
Swiss cheese - svaiter (swis tsi:z) |
A A-inaintea cuvintelor care incep cu o consoana sau semiconsoana.
Ex: A mountain -un munte
A dog -un caine
A cat -o pisica
A wall -un perete
A university -o universitate
European Country -o
An-se fol. Inaintea cuvintelor care incep cu o vocala si a cuvintelor care incep cu litera 'h' dar care nu se pronunta.
An enemy -un dusman
An ideea -o idee
An orange -o portocala
An umbrella -o umbrela
An hour -o ora
An honorable man -un om de onoare
Articolul zero -substantivul se foloseste cateodata fara articol atunci cand se vorbeste in general.Aceste substantive sunt de obicei nenumarabile sau la plural.
Turists are welcome here -turistii sunt bineveniti aici.
Urmatoarele substantive sunt folosite de obicei fara articol atunci cand este vorba de :
_nume de tari sau orase
_nume de persoane: John,Jane,Mr.Smith,Mrs.Smith,Miss(Ms)Smith
They are having breakfast-ei iau micul dejun
Breakfast -mic dejun
Lunch -masa de pranz, gustare de pranz, dejun (oficial)
Dinner -cina,masa de seara, dineu
Brunch(bruanci)-masa de pranz luata mai devreme
_in anumite expresii:
by car-cu mesina
by bus-cu autobuzul
by plane-cu avionul
by train-cu trenul
at home-acasa
at school-la scoala
to school-spre scoala
to work-spre munca(slujba,serviciu)
to bed-la culcare
Familia - the family
Parents - parinti Aunt - matusa
Father - tata Cousin - verisor(oara)
Mother - mama Parents-in-law - socri
Brother - frate Father-in-law - socru
Sister - sora Mother-in-law - soacra
Son - fiu Son-in-law - ginere
Daughter - fiica Daughter-in-law - nora
Grandparents - bunici Brother-in-law - cumnat
Grandfather - bunic Sister-in-law - cumnata
Grandmother - bunica In-laws - cuscri
Uncle - unchi Step-father - tata vitreg
Half brother - frate vitreg Step mother - mama vitrega
Half sister - sora vitrega Niece - nepoata
Nephew - nepot
When's your birthday -Cand este ziua ta de nastere?
Place of birth - locul de nastere
Birth - nastere
Born - nascut
Awful - groaznic
Dirthy - murdar
Boring - plictisitoare
Lier - mincinos
Buquee flowers - buchet de flori
It's rudre to ask that! - Este nepoliticos sa intrebi asta!
Because - deoarece (bicoz)
This - acesta(aceasta)-fol. la sg. si arata apropierea
That - acela, aceia ...departarea
These - aceste (diiz) - apropierea
Those - acelea (dauz) - departarea
What does Marius look like ? - Cum arata Marius?
He's long black hair. - El are parul lung si negru.
Tall - inalt Big - mare
Short - scund Small - mic (smol)
Bald - chel(a)
Fat - gras(a) Biard - barba
Thin - slab(a) A moustache - mustata
Black - negru(a) Spectacles - ochelari de vedere
Whit - alb(a) Glases - ochelari
Shy - timid(a) (sai)
Brave - indraznet, curajos
Strong - puternic
Long - lung Dark headed - brunet(a)
Hair - par Brunette - (briunet)
Read headed - roscat Blond headed - blond
Fair hair - par blond
Girl - fata Teenager - tanar (tineiger)
Boy - baiat Youth - tinerete (iuth)
What's your name?
What's your surname?
What's your first name?
How do you spell it?(pe litere)
Where are you from?
What nationality are you? (nasanaliti)
What's your nationality?
Marital status - starea civila
Are you married or single?
What's your telephone number?
My phone number is...
What's your job? - I'm a ....
What's your mother's job? - She's a ....
They have their own business - au propria afacere
His sister is a bookkeeper - sora lui este contabila
He supplies the shop - el aprovizioneaza magazinul
Their aunt and cousin sell in the shop - matusa si varul lor vand in magazin.
Works during the day - lucreaza in timpul zilei
What's your address?
Scara - enterance (entrans)
Apartament (fleat) - Flat
Apartament - apartament
Etaj - floor
Then - apoi
Later - mai tarziu
Until - pana cand
Befor - dinainte
Majoritatea substantivelor formeaza pluralul regulat prin adaugarea literei 's' la sfarsitul cuvantului.Aceasta litera 's'are doua modalitati de a fi citita:
_Se citeste 's' cand este precedata de consoane surde sau nesonore
Ex: books
_Se citeste 'z' atunci cand este precedata de o consoana sonora
Mushrooms-ciuperci comestibile(masrumz)
Substantivele terminate in s,z,x,ch,sh formeaza pluralul prin adaugarea grupului de litere es care se citesc iz
Ex: buses-autobuze(basiz)
Substantivele terminare in 'y' il transforma pe acesta in 'I' dupa care se adauga terminatia '-es'
Ex: baby-babies-copilasi
Substantivele terminate in y formeaza pluralul prin simpla adaugare la sfarsitul lor a literei s daca in fata lor se afla o vocala.
Ex: boys
Substantivele care se termina in litera f sau ff formeaza pluralul prin adaugarea lui s .
Unele substantive terminate in f sau fe transforma aceasta terminatie in ve si adauga litera s la sfarsit.
Substantivele terminate in o au doua modalitati de a forma pluralul:
a.Unele adauga terminatia -es
b.Altele adauga doar litera s
Unele substantive la plural au forme neregulate
Child(copil)-children |
Louse(paduche)-lice(lais) |
Foot(picior)-feet(fiit) |
Die(dai)-dice(daiz)-zaruri |
Goose(gasca)-geese(ghis) |
Ox(bou)-oxen |
Tooth(dinte)-teeth |
Fungus-fungi(funghi) bact. |
Man-men |
Postman(postas)-postmen |
Woman-women |
Fireman(pompier)-firemen |
Person-people(pipal) |
Gentleman-gentlemen |
Mouse-mice(mais) |
Cuvinte grecesti Latina
Axis-axes(axa) alga(alga)-algae
(caracatita) -octupuses (octapus)
Plurale asimilate in limba engleza
Pluralul substantivelor compuse
Passer-by - passers-by(pietoni)
Mother-in-law - mothers-in-law
Son-in-law - sons-in-law
Unele substantive au aceleasi forme atat la singular cat si la plural
Substantive care sunt in permenenta la singular
Economics(icnamix)-economie ca stiinta
Chiar daca au terminatia '-s ' intotdeauna sunt folosite cu verb la singular si sunt inlocuite mereu de un pronume la singular.
Ex: Politics is vsry complicated.
I don't understand it !
Plurale permanente
Outskirts(autscarts)-periferie(a unui oras)
Shorts(sorts)-pantaloni scurti,sort
Aceste substantive nu au forma de singular,se folosesc numai cu verb la plural si pot fi inlocuite numai de pronume la plural.
Ex: Where are the shorts ?
I can't find them-nu pot sa-I gasesc
I'd I' would - se foloseste:
a. Cand vorbim despre o persoama care doreste sau vrea ceva.
Ex: She would like a cup of tea -Ea ar dori o cana cu ceai.
b. Cand se lanseaya o invitatie
Ex: Would you like to go with me? - Ai vrea sa mergi cu mine
I want a cup of tea. - Vreau o ceasca de ceai.
Would'd in engleya vorbita, in propoyitiile afirmative si se pune dupa pronume.
Ex: I'd like an apple
He'd like
Atunci cand punem intrebari: would trece inaintea subiectului.
Ex: Would they like to eat ? - Ar dori (vrea) ei sa manance?
Negativul se formeaza prin adaugarea particulei 'not' sau n't la sfarsit insa aceasta forma nu este uzuala in limba engleza.
Would not wouldn't
To like - a placea
Acest verb este urmat de un substantiv sau o structura verbala.Sunt trei variante in care se foloseste acest verb.
a. like + substantiv: I like chocolate
b. like + gerunziu: We all like swimming - Noua ne place sa inotam.
They like playing football.
c. like + infinitiv cu particula to
He likes to have a large lunch.
Lui ii place sa manance un pranz copios.
[æ] glad - bucuros grass - iarba
cat - pisica hang - a atarna
gas - benzina van - duba, dubita
fat - gras mat - pres, stergator
[e] bed - pat many - multi, multe
pet - animal favorit head - cap
deaf - surd vest - vesta
friend - prieten(a) zest - insufletire
[I] pin - ac cu gamalie sin - pacat
rich - bogat(a) lip - buza
big - mare script -scenariu
image - imagine(imigi) city - oras
hauses - case(hausis) pig - porc
bad - rau ≠bed - pat
man -barbat ≠men - barbati
pan - tigaie ≠pen - stilou, pix
sad - trist ≠send - ai spus
land - tara, tinut≠lend - a imprumuta
bag - geanta de voiaj≠beg - a implora
Substantive nenumarabile
Weather(ueder)-vreme,timp,starea vremii
Nu au forma de plural,verbul folosit este la singular.Se inlocuiesc cu un substantiv tot la sg.
Se pot folosi cu urmatoarele adjective:
-no-nici un,nici o
-any(eni)-ceva,niste,orice,unii,unele,nici un,nici o
-a lot of-o multime de
Aceste substantive nu se folosesc cu urmatoarele adjective:
-many(meni)-multi,multe,o multime de
-several(sevrol)-mai multi,mai mult,cativa,cateva
Corpul omenesc - The human body
Head - cap (hed) |
Tongue - limba (tang) |
Neck - gat,ceafa (nek) |
Tooth - dinte (tu:θ) |
Throat - gat, gatlej (θrout) |
Chin - barbie (tsin) |
Back - spate |
Cheek - obraz (tsi:k) |
Chest - piept (tsest) |
Ear - ureche (ia) |
Breast - san |
Hair - par (hea) |
Belly - pantece (beli) |
Beard - barba (biard) |
Limbs - membre (limz) |
Moustache - mustata (mastas) |
Arm - brat (a:m) |
Palm - palma (pa:m) |
Leg - picior (leg) |
Finger - deget (fingar) |
Heart - inima (ha:t) |
Stomach - stomac (stamak) |
Face - fata (feis) |
Brains - creier (breinz) |
Eye - ochi (ai) |
Lungs - plamani (langz) |
Nose - nas (nouz) |
Liver - ficat (liva) |
Mouth - gura (mauθ) |
Kidneys - rinichi (kidniz) |
Lips - buze |
Toes - degete de la picioaref |
Este partea de vorbire care uneste diferite unitati sintactice in cadrul unei propozitii realizand relatii de timp,loc,etc.
Prepozitiile se clasifica astfel:
Prepozitii simple
Above-deasupra about-despre
Under-dedesubt on-pe
Prepozitii compuse
Prepozitii complexe
Because of-deoarece,pentru ca,din cauza
Instead of-in loc sa
Locutiuni prepozitionale
In the middle of-in mijlocul
-Prepozitia of este cea cu care se formeaza genitivul prepozitional sau analitic.
-Prepozitia to este cea a dativului prepozitional.
In limba engleza prepozitia sta fie inaintea substantivului sau altui cuvant cu care este in relatie,fie la sfarsitul unei prepozitii.
Ex: About what is he talking?-Despre ce vorbeste el?
What is he talking about?
About whose friend are you talking?
Whose friend are you talking about?-Despre al cui prieten vorbesti tu?
In general prepozitiile apar la sfarsitul propozitiei in:
-intrebarile care incep cu cuvintele: who
-in unele exclamatii:
what trouble you hava got into?-in ce belea ai intrat?
-in propozitii sau fraze afirmative care incep cu who
Ex: What I am looking at is John's house?
La ce ma uit este casa lui John.
Doctor - doctor (dactar) |
Secretary - secretara (secretari) |
Recrut - recrut (ricrut) |
Assistant manager - secretara |
Soldier - soldat (solger) |
Teacher - profesor |
Sergent - sergent (sargent) |
Engineer - inginer (inginiar) |
Instructor - (instractar) |
Accountant - economist (ecauntant) |
Drill instructor -.pregatirea recrutilor |
Lawyer - avocat |
Military officer - (militari afiser) |
Actor - actor (eactar) |
Lieutenant - locotenent (lutenent) |
Carpenter - tamplar |
Captain - capitan (ceapten) |
Tailor - croitor |
Major - maior (meigeor) |
Priest - preot |
Colonel - (calnel) |
Nurse - asistenta (niurs) |
General - (general) |
Architect - arhitect |
Pharmacist - farmacist (farmasist) |
Designer - dizainer |
Cleaner - femeie de serviciu(clinar) |
A shop assistant - vanzatoare |
Painter - pictor, zugrav |
Builder - constructor(bildar) |
Singer - cantaret(a) |
Thatcher - cel care repara acoperisul |
Pupil - elev de generala |
Tour guide - ghid turistic |
Car mechanic |
Auto mechanic |
Manager - director (meanagear) |
Architecture - arhitectura |
About(abaut)-despre |
Inside-inauntru |
Above(abov)-deasupra |
Into(intu)-in,spre |
Across(acros)-de-a curmezisul |
Near(niar)-langa |
After-dupa |
Of-de |
Against-impotriva,contra |
Off-departe de(arata departarea) |
Along-de-a lungul |
On-pe |
Alongside-unul langa altul,alaturi |
Opposite(opasait)-vis a vis |
Among-intre |
Over-peste |
Apart(apart)-de-o parte,aparte |
Outside-in afara |
Around-imprejur |
Past(peast)-pe langa,dincolo de |
At-la |
Round-in jurul |
By fore-inainte |
Since(sins)-de,de la |
Behind(bihaind)-in spate |
Through(thru-prin |
Below(bilou)-sub,dedesubt |
Throughout-prin,peste,dupa |
Beneath(binith)-sub,mai jos de |
Till-pana,pana la |
Besides(bisaint)-in afara de |
To-la,catre |
Between(bituin)-intre |
Under-sub |
Beyond(biond)-dincolo de |
Underneath(anderniit)-dedesubt |
By(bai)-de,de catre,prin |
Up-in susul,catre |
For-pentru |
Until(antil)-pana la,pana in |
From-din,de la |
Whithin-in,inauntrul |
In-in |
Without-fara |
About the town-prin oras |
About six o'clock-in jurul orei sase |
A journey about the world-o calatorie prin lume |
About my head-deasupra capului meu |
About all-mai presus de orice,in primul rand |
Across (acros)-de-a curmezisul sau de-a latul
To walk across the street-a traversa strada |
Across the road-peste drum |
After dark-dupa lasarea intunericului |
After breakfast-dupa micul dejun |
After five o'clock-dupa ora cinci |
Day after day-zi de zi,zi dupa zi |
Time after time-deseori,foarte adesea |
After theat-dupa aceea |
The day after tomorrow-poimaine |
Against the laws-impotriva legilor |
A race against time-o cursa contra cronometru |
To lean against a wall-a se sprijini de un perete |
Along-de-a lungul
Along a valley-de.a lungul unei vai |
Along the sea shore-de-a lungul tarmului |
Among us-intre noi(cand este vorba de 3 sau mai multe persoane) |
Among his friends-printre(intre) prietenii lui |
Among the most important reasons-printre cele m.imp.cauze(motive) |
A trip around the contry-o calatorie prin |
To sit around the table-a sedea in jurul mesei |
I will come around ten-o sa vin pe la zece (in jur de ora zece) |
At -la
At noon-la pranz |
At day break-la revarsatul zorilor |
At sunset-la apusul soarelui,la asfintit |
At rondom-la intamplare |
At work-la lucru |
At the door-la |
At the beginning-la inceput |
At the end-la sfarsit |
At the same time-in acelasi timp |
At the age of-la varsta de |
At first-la inceput |
At last-la sfarsit,in cele din urma |
At full speed-la viteza maxima,cu toata viteza |
At first sight-la prima vedere |
At what time?-la ce ora? |
At once-imediat |
At least-cel putin |
At my disposal-la dispozitia mea |
Byfore my eyes-inaintea ochilor mei |
Byfore one a'clock-inainte de ora unu |
To sail byfore the wind-a naviga cu vantul in spate |
Behind(bihaind)-in spate
Behind the clouds-in spatele norilor |
To hide behind the door-a se ascunde in spatele usii |
To strike below the belt-a lovi sub centura |
Below sea level-sub nivelul marii |
Below the ground-sub pamant |
Below the average-sub nivelul mediu |
Beneath(binith)-sub,mai jos de
Beneath one's dignity-sub demnitatea cuiva |
Besides(bisaint)-in afara de
He has two cars besides this-el are doua masini in afara de aceasta |
Between the two world wars-intre cele doua razboaie mondiale |
An understanding between us-o intelegere intre noi |
Se foloseste cand este vorba de doua elemente sau doua persoane
Beyond(biond)-dincolo de
Beyond doubt(deaut)-fara indoiala |
Beyond the sea-dincolo de mare |
Beyond limits-peste limita |
By(bai)-de,de catre,prin
To open by force-a deschide cu forta |
To travel by train-a calatori cu trenul |
To go by car-a merge cu masina |
Day by day-zi de zi |
Step by step-pas cu pas |
Drop by drop-strop cu strop |
Piece by piece-bucata cu bucata |
One by one-unul cate unul |
Two by two-doi cate doi |
To learn by heart-a invata pe de rost |
To go by the post-office-a trece pe langa posta |
By force of circunstances-prin forta imprejurarilor |
To sleep side by side-a dormi unul langa altul |
Good for food-comestibil |
To leave for school-a pleca la scoala |
To look for help-a cauta ajutor |
To cry for help-a striga dupa ajutor |
For a time-un timp,pentru un timp |
To go for a walk-a merge la plimbare |
To read for pleasure-a citi de placere |
What is this good for?-la ce este bun asta? |
For all the world-pentru nimic in lume |
To have a taste for art-a avea gust artistic |
For this reason-pentru(din) acest motiv |
For the sake of peace-in numele pacii |
Enough(inagh) for the present-suficient deocamdata |
I'm sorry for you-imi pare rau de tine(pentru tine) |
From-din,de la
From first to last-de la primul la ultimul |
From heaven to earth-de la cer la pamant |
From bad(bead) to worse-din ce in ce mai rau |
From place to place-din cand in cand |
From morning to night-de dimineata pana seara |
Light from the sun-lumina de la soare |
A man free from care-un om liber de griji |
A man from the
country-un om de la |
To by for from home-a fi departe de casa |
From theat point of view-din punctul acela de vedere |
From my point of view-din punctul meu de vedere |
To be released (rilizd) from prisom-a fi eliberat din inchisoare |
Seen from above-vazut de sus |
Seen from below(bilou)-vazut de dedesubt |
On my way from |
To tell one thing from another(anader)-a deosebi un lucru de celalalt |
In the morning-dimineata |
In the shade(seid)-la umbra |
In the end-la final |
In the garden-in gradina In heaven-in cer In spring-primavara In summer-vara In fall-toamna In winter-iarna To be in danger(deinger)-a fi in pericol To lie(lai) in bed-a sta intins in pat To live in the country-a sta la tara In our centuri(auar senturi)- In all seasons-in toate anotimpurile In my youth-in tineretea mea In his memory-in memoria lui Early in the morning-dimineata devreme In the past-in trecut In the future(fiuciar)-in viitor In come just in time-a veni la timp To keep(kip)in mind(maind)-a tine minte Done in haste-facut in graba To put in mind-a-si pune in gand To put in order-a pune in ordine In general-in general To work in vain-a munci in zadar To be in pain-a fi indurerat To speak in public-a vorbi in public To take in hand-a lua in mana |
To lead into error-a duce in eroare |
To get into difficulties(dificultiz)-a da de greutati |
To fall into the river(lake)-a cadea in rau(lac) |
To burst into tears-a izbucni in lacrimi |
To get into trouble-a da de bucluc,belea,necaz |
To pour walter into a glass-a turna apa in pahar |
Inside the room-inauntrul camerei |
His is inside-el e inauntru |
Near the sea shore-langa tarm |
Near at hand-la indemana,aproape |
Near you-langa tine |
Of crown of gold-o coroana de aur |
A flock of sheep-o turma de oi |
Hard of hearing(hiring)-surd,tare de urechi |
A book of proverbs-o carte de proverbe |
The force of the wind-forta vantului |
A place of honour-in loc de onoare |
A man of mark-un om insemnat(important) |
A man of no importance-un om oarecare(fara importanta) |
To wear adress of silk-a purta o rochie de matase |
Love of a mother-iubire de mama |
Master of the house-stapanul casei |
A piece of paper-o bucata de hartie |
A friend of mine-un prieten de-al meu |
The events of late-evenimentele din ultimul timp |
In days of old-in zilele de mult apuse |
Of course-bineanteles,cu siguranta,sigur ca da |
Off-departe de
Keep off the grass-nu calcati pe iarba |
To be off duty-a fi liber,a nu fi la serviciu |
To fall off the horse-a cadea de pe cal |
To be on duty-a fi de serviciu |
To sit on the grass-a sta pe iarba |
Some goods(gudz)on sale-niste marfuri de vanzare |
Haus on fire-o casa in flacari |
To go on foot-a merge pe jos |
On a beautiful day-intr-o zi frumoasa |
On such a day-intr-o astfel de zi |
On this occasion(ocheijen)-cu aceasta ocazie |
On certain conditions-cu anumite conditii |
To stand on tip toe-a sta in varful picioarelor |
To be on land-a fi pe uscat |
On the whole-in ansamblu,in general,in mare |
On an average-in medie |
To be an holiday-a fi in vacanta |
To sit on a chair-a sta pe un scaun |
To pay(pei) on demand(dimand)-a plati la cerere |
To pay on the spot-a plati pe loc |
On the celing-pe tavan |
On a desert island(ailand)-pe o insula pustie |
On the point of-a fi pe punctul de a |
Over the rocks-peste stanci |
To be head over heels in love-a fi indragostit lulea |
To stay somewhere(samuer) over night-a sta undeva peste noapte |
To be famous all over the world-a fi celebru(cunoscut )in toata tara |
To cook over the fire-a gati la foc |
To tremble all over-a tremura din toate madularele,a tremura tot |
Past his comprehension(comprihensan)-peste puterea lui de a intelege,inacceptabil pentru el |
To be past work-a nu mai putea munci,a nu mai putea sa munceasca |
To be past danger(deinger)-a fi in afara pericolului |
Have past one-unu si jumatate |
It is past five o'clock-este trecut de ora cinci |
Round(reaund)-in jurul
A round table(teibal)-o masa rotunda |
A round peg in a square(scuer) hole-potrivit ca nuca in perete |
Round the world-in jurul lumii |
Since(sins)-de,de la
Since four o'clock-de la ora patru |
I haven't seen him since-nu l-am mai vazut de atunci |
To go through thick and thin-a trece prin foc si apa |
Through the wood-prin padure |
To at through fear-a actiona de frica |
All through the night-toata noaptea,tot timpul noptii |
To go through life-a trece prin viata |
Through whom?-prin cine |
Throughout this country-de-a lungul si de-a latul acestei tari |
Throughout our holidays-pe tot parcursul vacantei noastre,tot timpul vacantei noastre |
Till-pana,pana la
To be up lill late-a se culca tarziu,a nu se culca devreme |
Till death do us part-pana ce moartea ne va desparti |
To go to bed-a merge la culcare |
To take to wife-a lua de sotie(nevasta) |
From end to end-de la cap la cap |
From hand to mouth-de la mana pana la gura |
To come to an end-a lua sfarsit |
To finish-a termina,a se termina |
To be wet to the skin-a fi ud pana la piele |
To count up to ten-a numara pana la zece |
From time to time-din cand in cand,din timp in timp |
To dance to the musics-a dansa dupa muzica |
I don't want to!-nu vreau |
Under lock and key-sub cheie,sub paza |
Under the tree-sub copac |
To swim under water-a inota sub apa |
To be under arms-a fi sub arme |
To be under a vow(veau)-a fi sub un juramant,a fi legat prin juramant |
To be under sentence of death-a fi condamnat la moarte |
Under what conditions?-in ce conditii |
Under these conditions-in aceste conditii |
In under ten minutes-in mai putin de 10 minute |
To be under age-a fi minor |
To be under full age-a fi minor |
To be under treatement(tritment)-a fi sub ingrijire medicala a fi in tratament |
Under my feet-sub talpile(picioarele) mele |
The ball rolled underneath a table-mingea s-a rostogolit sub o masa |
Up(ap)-in susul,catre
The ups and downs of life-urcusurile si coborasurile vietii,geutatile vietii |
To run up the hill-a alerga pe deal in sus |
To walk up a hill-a urca un deal |
Wake up!-trezeste-te,scoala-te |
Until(antil)-pana la,pana in
Until the end of life-pana la sfarsitul vietii |
To refuse upon the principle-a refuza din principiu |
Upon the top of the hill-in varful dealului |
Upon our word-pe cuvantul nostru |
Within(uidin)-in,inauntrul,nu mai tarziu de
To keep within doors-a tine in casa |
Within the law-in limita legii |
Within a week-in mai putin de o saptamana |
Within our room-in interiorul camerei noastre |
To be without help-a fi fara de ajutor |
To come without delay-a veni fara intarzaiere |
To escape without damage-a scapa nevatamat |
To come without fail-a veni sigur(negresit) |
To come without doubt-a veni fara indoiala |
It goes withaut sayng(seing)-se intelege de la sine |
I will leave withaut him-o sa plec fara el |
Imbracaminte - Clothing
Shoes - pantofi (suz) |
Cap - sapca (kaep) |
Boots - ghete (buts) |
Scarf - fular (ska:f) |
Sandals - sandale (seandaly) |
Gloves- manusi (glavz) |
Socks - sosete (soks) Tissues - sosete(tisuz) |
Handkerchief - batista (heangkatsif) |
Trousers - pantaloni (trauzars) |
Sport coat - canadiana (spootkout) |
Pants,drawers - chiloti b.(drooz) |
Pullover - pulover (pulouva) |
Slips - slip (slips) |
Skirt - fusta (skat) |
Shorts - sort (soots) |
Dress - rochie (dres) |
Belt - curea,cordon (belt) |
Tailor suit - taior (teilasyut) |
Shirt - camasa (saat) |
Blouse - bluza (blauz) |
Undershirt, vest - maiou |
Dressing gown - capot,halat (dresinggaun) |
Waistcoat - vesta (weistkout) |
Night gown - camasa de noapte |
Jacket - haina (djeakit)sacou |
Bra(ssiere) - sutien (bra:,breasiea) |
(neck)tie - cravata ((nek)tai) |
Panties - chiloti scurti de d. (peantiz) Under weare - chiloti |
Bow-tie - papion (boutai) |
T-shirtes - tricouri |
Long coat - pardesiu |
Sweater - pulovar |
Tights - streci (taigs) |
Coat - geaca |
Pyjamas - pijama (pigiamas) |
Suit - costum |
Este partea de vorbire care exprima o actiune,o activitate sau un proces si are urmatoarele categori gramaticale:
-timp -persoana
-aspect -diateza
-numar -mod
Timpul vb.-este categoria gramaticala prin care se precizeaza momentul desfasurarii actiunii.
Exista 3 tipuri de baza -prezent
Aspectul -exprima gradul de indeplinire al actiunii.In limba engleza exista doua aspecte:
1-Aspectul comun-prin care se exprima o actiune generala,o actiune terminata sau o actiune de scurta durata.
Ex: I play tennis-eu joc tenis
2-Aspectul continuu-prin care se exprima o actiune in desfasurare,o actiune neterminata.
Ex: I am playing tennis-eu joc tenis acum
Diateza-este categoria gramaticala a vb. Prin care se realizeaza raportul dintre subiect si vb.Exista 3 diateze:
-Diateza activa
-Diateza pasiva
-Diateza reflexiva-actiunea se resfrange asupra sub.
Modul-este categoria gramaticala a verbului prin care se vede felul actiunii daca actiunea este reala sigura,ireala,probabila,posibila sau imposibila.
Clasificarea verbelor
1.Auxiliarele-ajuta celelalte verbe sa-si formeze aspectul continuu,diateza pasiva,timpurile compuse si unele moduri
Infinitiv |
Trecut |
Participiu trecut |
Gerunziu -ing |
Traducere |
To be |
Was were |
Been (bin) |
Being (biing) |
A fi |
To have |
Had (head) |
Had |
Having (heaving) |
A avea |
To do |
did |
done |
doing |
A face |
Shal |
Should |
Trebuie sa |
Will |
Would |
A vrea |
To let |
Let |
Let |
Letting |
A lasa |
Infinitiv |
Trecut |
Participiu trecut |
Gerunziu |
Traducere |
Can To be able to |
Could |
A sti,a putea A fi in stare |
May To be allowed to |
Might (mait) |
A avea voie sa A-i fi permis sa |
Must(mast) To have to To be obliged to |
must |
Trebuie A rebui sa A fi obligat sa |
Shall |
should |
A trebui sa A se cuveni sa |
will |
would |
A dori,a vrea |
Dare |
A indrazni |
need |
need |
A fi nevoie |
Used to |
Obisnuia sa |
Ought to |
Ought to |
Ar trebui sa |
To accuse(achiuz) of-a acuza de |
To agree(agrii) with-a fi de acord cu |
To agree on-a fi de acord asupra |
To apologize(apologiaiz) cere iertare pentru |
To approve(apruv) of something(somting)-a aproba ceva |
To arrive(araiv) at-a ajunge la |
To ask(easc) for something-a cere ceva |
To be accustomed(acastamd) to something-a fi familiar cu ceva |
To be acquainted(acointed) with-a cunoaste,a fi obisnuit cu |
To be afreid(afreid) of something-a se teme de ceva |
To be afreid of somebody(sambadi)-a se teme de cineva |
To be angry with somebody-a fi suparat pe cineva |
To be anxious(ancsiz) about something-a fi ingrijorat de ceva |
To be astonished(astonisd) at-a fi uimut(uluit) de |
To be aware(auer) of - a-si da seama de,a fi constient de |
To be characteristic(caracteristic) of-a fi caracteristic pentru |
To be close(clous) to-a fi aproape de,a fi alaturi de |
To be confident(canfident) of-a fi increzator in |
To be crauy(creizi) about-a fi nebun dupa |
To be cruel(crul) to-a fi crud cu,a fi rau fata de,a fi crud fata de |
To be dependent(dipendent) on / upon(apon)-a fi dependent de |
To be deprived(dipraiv) of-a fi lipsit de,a fi deposedat de |
To be different(difrent)from-a fi diferit de |
To be fond of-a fi legat de |
To be good at-a fi bun la,a se pricepe la |
To be good(kind)to-a fi amabil cu |
To be grateful(greifol)to-a fi recunoscator fata de |
To be indignant(indignad) at(eat)-a fi indignat de |
To be of opiniaon that-a fi de parere ca |
To be bent on /upon(apon)-a fi hotarat sa |
To be on the move-a fi in miscare |
To be impressed(impresd) by-a fi impresionat de |
To be independent(independan) of-a fi independent de |
To be indifferent(indifrand) to-a fi indiferent fata de |
To be intent on-a fi absolvit de |
To be interested in-a fi interesat de |
Tu be jealous(gelas)of-a fi gelos pe |
To be patient(peisan) with-a fi rabdator cu |
To be polite(polait) to-a fi politicos(civilizat)cu |
To be preocuppied(prioqupaid)by-a fi preocupat de |
To be proud(preaud) of-a fi mandru(a) de |
To be satisfied(satisfaid) with-a fi multumit cu(de) |
To be sated(seitad)with-a fi satul(dezgustat)de |
To be seized(saizad)with-a fi prins de |
To be similar(similar) to-a fi asmanator cu |
To be sorry for-a-I parea rau pentru,a-si cere scuze |
To be superior(supiriar) to-a fi superior |
To be surprised(sarpaizd) at-a fi surprins de |
To be typical(tipical) of-a fi caracteristic pentru |
To beg for-a cersi,a implora |
To begin by-a incepe prin |
To belong(bilong) to-a apartine |
To beware(biuer) of-a se feri de,a se pazi |
To boast of-a se lauda cu,a se fali cu |
To borrow(barou) from-a imprumuta de la |
To call(coll) for-a cere,a necesita |
To call on somebody(sambadi)-a vizita pe cineva |
To call at a place(pleis)-a trece printr-un loc |
To care(cher) for-a tine la,a-I placea |
To compare(camper) with(to)-a compara cu |
To complain(camplein) of-a se plange(vaita)de |
To conceal(cansil)from-a se ascunde de |
To congratulate(congratuleit)on-a felicita pentru |
To contribute(cantribut)to-a contribui la |
To count /rely(rilai)on upon-a se bizui /baza pe |
To cure(qiuor)of-a vindeca de |
To deal with-a se ocupa de (cu) |
To defend(difend) from-a apara de |
To depend(dipend) on(upond)-a depinde de |
To die(dai) of-a muri de |
To differ(difar) from-a diferi de |
To do withaut-a face fara,a se lipsi de |
To doubt(deaut) of -a se indoi de |
To embark(imbarc) on -a participa la,a o porni intr-o directie |
To escape(ischeip) from-a scapa de |
To feed(fiid)on-a hrani cu |
To fill with-a umple cu |
To forgive(farghiv)for-a ierta pentru |
To glance(gleans)at-a arunca o privire la |
To go to-a merge la,a se duce la |
To go in for-a se prezenta la |
To hope for-a spera la |
To indulge(indalgi)in-a se deda la,a se complace in,a indemna sa |
To insist on-a insista asupra |
To interfere(interfier) in -a interveni(amesteca) in |
To intrude(intriud)on-a deranja,atulbura |
To knock at-a bate la |
To laugh at-a rade de |
To laugh(leauf)with joy-a rade de bucurie |
To leave(liiv)for-a pleca la |
To lend to somebody-a da imprumut cuiva |
To live on-a trai din,a trai cu |
To long for-a tanji dupa |
To look(luk)at-a privi la |
To look after-a avea grija de,a ingriji de |
To look for-a cauta |
To look into(intu)-a examina |
To look like-a semana cu |
To look on(upon)-a considera |
To look to-a se ingriji de |
To meet(mit) with-a intampina |
To mistake(misteic) for-a confunda cu,a lua drept |
To move se muta |
To object(abject) to-a obiecta asupra(impotriva) |
To part with-a se desparti de |
To participate(partisipeit)in-a participa la |
To pass(peas) for-a trece drept |
To peep(pip) at-a privi pe furis la |
To pine(pain) for-a tanji dupa |
To play(plei) at-a se juca de-a |
To prevent(privent) from-a impiedica sa,a opri sa |
To profit by something-a profita de ceva |
To protect from-a proteja de,a apara de |
To provide(provaid)with-a inzestra cu |
To pull at-a trage la |
To put in(into)practice(practis)-a pune in practica |
To recover(ricaver) from - a-si reveni dupa,a se face bine dupa |
To refer(refar) to-a se referi la |
To refrain(rifrein) from-a se abtine de la |
To remind(rimaind) somebody(sambadi) of something-a aminti cuiva de ceva |
To resort(riyood) to somebody(sambadi)-a se adresa cuiva,a apela la cineva |
To retire(ritaiar) from-a se retrage din |
To reproach(reprouci) somebody of something-a reprosa cuiva ceva |
To rush(rosh) at something-a se repezi la ceva |
To see to-a se ingriji de,a se ocupa de |
To send for-a trimite dupa |
To separate(separeit) from-a separa de |
To smell of-a mirosi a |
To stand(stend) for - a reprezenta,a lua apararea |
To stare(stear) at-a se uita fix la,a privi fix la |
To start for-a porni catre(spre) |
To substract from-a scadea din |
To succeed in(sacsid) in-a reusi sa |
To supply(saplai) with-a aproviziona cu |
To take(teic) into account(acheaun)-a lua in seama To take into consideration(considereisen)-a lua in consideratie |
To taste(teist) of-a avea gust de |
To tell from-a deosebi de |
To think about(of)-a se gandi la |
To transform(change) into-a transforma(schimba)in |
To threaten(thretan) with-a ameninta cu |
To translate from.into.-a traduce din |
To wait(ueit) for somebody-a astepta pe cineva |
To worry about - a-si face griji in privinta |
Casa si apartamentul - The house and the flat
Block of flats - bloc de locuinte |
Bathroom - camera de baie |
Apartment - apartament(apa:tmant) |
Kitchen - bucatarie (kitsin) |
Lift - lift (lift) |
Pantry - camara(paentri) |
Stairs - scari (steaz) |
Balcony - balcon (baelkani) |
Passage - culoar (paesidj) |
Terrace - terasa (teras) |
Living-room - camera de zi |
Door - |
Bedroom - dormitor |
Window - fereastra (windou) |
Sleeping-room - dormitor |
Floor - podea (floJ |
Drawing-room- salon(dro:ing rum) |
Wall - perete (wo:l) |
Dining-room - sufragerie |
Ceiling - tavan |
Library - biblioteca(laibrari) |
Coffee table - masuta de cafea |
Where would he like to live ? - Unde ti-ar placea sa locuiesti?
What would he like in this flat? - Ce ti-ar placea sa ai in apartament?
Rooms around the world - Camere in jurul lumii.
Student hostel - camin studentesc .
Walk - mers pe jos
Near - langa newspapers - ziare
Between - intre magazin's - revista (meagazins)
Next - in continuarea boat - barca
Ground floor - parter long - lungime
Floors - etaj width - latime
Napkin - batista water-tank - rezervorul de apa
Leisure - confort, timp liber ward robe - dulap de haine
Shampoo - sampon (sampu)
Soap - sapun
Engine room - camera motorului
Own homes - case private
Council houses - casa sociala
Private rented houses - case inchiriate
Down town - jos in oras(centru)
Turn - a intoarce, a coti
Market - piata
TO DO-a face
Functiile verbului:
1.Verb auxiliar-ajuta la formarea altui verb.
Ex: -Do you understand?-intelegi(eti)?
-He does not understand.-el nu intelege
Obs. -Cand este verb auxiliar nu se traduce,doar ajuta
-Se foloseste numai cand este vorba de o intebare.
2.Verb de intarire
Ex: -I do understand-eu chiar nu inteleg
-I do like math-imi place matematica foarte mult
3.Verb principal
Ex: -I do the homework(houmorc)-eu fac tema
-She does all the shopping-ea face toate cumparaturile
Conjugarea la afirmativ
I do |
We do |
You do (du) |
You do |
He,she,it does (daz) |
They do |
I do not do-eu nu facI don't do |
We do not do We don't do |
You do not do You don't do |
You do not do You don't do |
He,she it does not do He,she it doesn't do |
They do not do They don't do |
Do I do? - fac eu,eu fac? |
Do we do? - facem noi? |
Do you do? - faci tu?,tu faci? |
Do you do? - faceti voi? |
Does he,she ,it do? - face el,ea? |
Do they do? - fac ei,ele? |
Do I not do? - nu fac eu?Don't I do? |
Do we not do? - nu facem noi? Don't we do? |
Do you not do? - nu faci tu? Don't you do? |
Do you not do? - nu faceti voi? Don't you do? |
Does he,she,it not do? Doesn't he,she,it do? |
Do they not do? - nu fac ei,ele? Don't they do? |
To have si have got - a avea
1.Verb auxiliar - pentru formarea timpurilor prezent perfect si trecut perfect.
Ex: I have come for two hours - am venit de doua ore.
I had come for two hours - venisem de doua ore
2.Verb modal
to have to = must (mast) = trebuie
I have to sing - eu trebuie sa cant (must)
eu am de cantat
3.Verb principal
to have = to posses (pases) =a avea, a poseda
we have a haus - noi avem o casa
posses a haus - noi posedam o casa
Forma to have - este folosita in engleza
Ex: I have two sisters
Aceasta forma este folosita atat in
Ex: They have breakfast early - ei iau micul dejun devreme.
Forma have got - se foloseste in engleza britanica neoficiala si de obicei exprima posesia.
Aceasta forma se foloseste numai la timpul prezent.Pentru celelalte tipuri si pentru infinitiv se foloseste forma to have.
Ex: I have got a car
I have = I've I have got = I've got |
We have = we've We have got = we're got |
You have = you've You have got = you've got |
You have = you've You have got = you've got |
He,she,it has(heaz) = he's He,she,it has got = he's got |
They have = they've They have got = they've got |
I have not =I haven't I have not got = I haven't got I do not have =I don't have |
We have not =we haven't We have not got =we haven't got We do not have = we don't have |
You have not =you haven't You have not got = you haven't got You do not have = you don't have |
You have not = you haven't You have not got = you haven't got You do not have = you don't have |
He,she,it has not = he hasen't He has not got = he hasn't got He does not have = he doesn't have |
They have not = they haven't They have not got=they haven't got They do not have=they don't have |
Si interogativul se poate forma cu ajutorul auxiliarului to do.
Interogativ afirmativ
Have I?=have I got?=do I have? |
Have we?=have we got? Do we have? |
Have you?=have you got? Do you have? |
Have you?=have you got? Do you have? |
Has he,she,it?=has he got? Does he,she,it have? |
Have they?=have they got? Do they have? |
Interogativ negativ
Have I not?=have I not got? Haven't I got?=eu nu am? Do I not have?=don't I have |
Have we not?=have we not got? Haven't we got?=do we not have? Don't have?=noi nu avem? |
Have you not?=have you not got? Haven't you got?=nu ai tu? Do you not have?=don't you have? |
Have you not?=have you not got? Haven't you got?=nu ai tu? Do you not have?=don't you have? |
Has he(she,it)not?=hasn't he? Has he not got?=hasn't he got? Doesn't he have?=does he not have? |
Have they not?=have they not got? Haven't they got?=n-au ei,ele? Do they not have?=don't they have |
Verbe principale
A. Regulate -care la vb.2 si vb.3 primesc terminatia '-ed '
Infinitiv |
Trecut |
Participiu trecut |
Gerunziu |
Traducere |
To ask |
Asked |
Asked |
Asking |
A intreba |
To answer |
Answered (anserd) |
Answered |
Answering (ansering) |
A raspunde |
To like |
Liked |
Liked |
Liking |
A placea |
To play |
Played |
Played |
Playing |
A juca |
To use |
Used (iuzd) |
used |
Using-iuzing |
A folosi |
B. Neregulate
Infinitiv |
Trecut |
Part.trecut |
Gerunziu |
Traducere |
To arise (arais) |
Arose (arous) |
Arisen (arizan) |
Arising (araizing) |
A aparea |
To be |
Was / where |
Been |
Being(biing) |
A fi |
To beat (bit) |
Beat |
Beat |
Beating |
A bate |
Infinitiv |
Trecut |
Part. Trecut |
Gerunziu |
Traducere |
To become (bicom) |
Became (bicheim) |
Become |
Becoming (bicoming) |
A deveni |
To begin |
Began |
Begun |
Beginning |
A incepe |
To bend |
Bent |
Bent |
Bending |
A indoi |
To bet |
Bet |
Bet |
Beting |
A paria |
To bite |
Bit |
Bitten |
Biting |
A musca |
To blow |
Blew (blu) |
Blown(blou) |
Blowing |
A sufla |
To break |
Broke (brouc) |
Broken (brocan) |
Broking (breiking) |
A sparge |
To bring |
Brought |
Brought |
Bringing |
A aduce |
To build |
Built |
Built |
Building |
A construi |
To burst |
Burst |
Burst |
Bursting |
A isbucni |
To buy (bai) |
Bought (bot) |
Bought |
Buying |
A cumpara |
To catch (cats) |
Caught (cot) |
Caught |
Catching |
A prinde |
To choose (ciuz) |
Chose (ciouz) |
Chosen (ciouzan) |
Choosing (ciuzing) |
A alege |
To come |
Came |
Come |
Coming |
A veni |
To cost |
Cost |
Cost |
Costing |
A costa |
To cut |
Cut |
Cut |
Cutting |
A taia |
To dig |
Dug (dag) |
Dug |
Diging |
A sapa |
To do |
Did |
Done |
Doing |
A face |
To draw (dro) |
Drew (dru) |
Drawn (drou) |
Drawing |
A desena |
To drink |
Drank (drenk) |
Drunk (dronk) |
Drinking (dinking) |
A bea |
To drive |
Drove (drov) |
Driven (drivan) |
Driving (draiving) |
A conduce (masina) |
To eat |
Ate (eit) |
Eaten (itan) |
Eating(iting) |
A manca |
To fall (fol) |
Fell (fel) |
Fallen |
Falling (foling) |
A cadea |
To feed (fid) |
Fed (fed) |
Fed |
Feeding |
A hrani |
To feel (fil) |
Felt |
Felt |
Feeling |
A simti |
To fight |
Fought (fot) |
Fought |
Fighting |
A lupta, A se lupta |
To find |
Found (feaud) |
Found |
Finding |
A gasi |
To fly (flai) |
Flew (flu) |
Flown (flou) |
Flying |
A zbura |
To forbid |
Forbade (forbeid) |
Forbidden (forbidan) |
Forbidding |
A interzice |
To forget (forghet) |
Forgot (forgat) |
Forgatten (forgatan) |
Forgetting |
A uita |
To forgive (forghiv( |
Forgave (forgheiv) |
Forgiven (forghivan) |
Forgiving |
A ierta |
To freeze (friiz) |
Froze (frouz) |
Frozen (frouzan) |
Freezing |
A ingheta |
To get (ghet) |
Got (got) |
Got |
Getting |
A primi, obtine,ajung |
To give (ghiv) |
Gave (gheiv) |
Given (ghivan) |
Giving |
A da |
To grow |
Grew (gru) |
Grown (graun) |
Growing (gruing) |
A creste |
To hang (heng) |
Hung (hang) |
Hung |
Hanging |
A atarna, A agata |
To have |
Had |
Dad |
Having |
A avea |
To hear (hir) |
Heard (herd) |
Heard |
Hearing (hiring) |
A auzi) |
To hide (haid) |
Hid |
Hidden |
Hiding |
A ascunde |
To hit |
Hit |
Hit |
Hiting |
A lovi |
To hold |
Held |
Held |
Holding |
A tine(in mana) |
To hurt |
Hurt |
Hurt |
Hurting |
A rani, a se rani, a durea |
To keep(chip |
Kept |
Kept |
Keeping |
A tine |
To know (nou) |
Knew (niu) |
Known (noun) |
Knowing |
A sti, a cunoaste |
To lay (lei) |
Laid |
Laid |
Laying |
A pune, a aseza |
To lead (lid) |
Led |
Led |
Leading |
A conduce |
To learn |
Learnt |
Learnt |
Learning |
A invata |
To leave (liv) |
Left |
Left |
Leaving |
A pleca |
To lend |
Lent |
Lent |
Lending |
A da cu imprumut |
To let |
Let |
Let |
Letting |
A lasa, a permite |
To lie (lai) |
Lay (lei) |
Lay |
Lying |
A minti,a sta intins,a fi situat |
To light |
Lit |
Lit |
Lighting (laiting) |
A aprinde |
To lose (luz) |
Lost (lost) |
Lost |
Losing |
A pierde |
To make (meic) |
Made (meid) |
Made |
Making |
A face |
To mean (min) |
Meant |
Meant |
Meaning |
A insemna |
To meet (mit) |
Met |
Met |
Meeting |
A intalni |
To pay (pei) |
Paid |
Paid |
Paying |
A plati |
To put |
Put |
Put |
Putting |
A pune |
To read (rid) |
Read |
Read |
Reading |
A citi |
To ride (raid) |
Rode (rod) |
Ridden (ridan) |
Riding |
A calari,a merge cu un vehicol |
To rise (rais) |
Rose (rouz) |
Risen (rizan) |
Rising |
A rasari(soare) |
To ring |
Rang (reng) |
Rung (rong) |
Ringing |
A suna |
To run |
Ran |
Run |
Running |
A fugi, a curge |
To say (sei) |
Said (sed) |
Said |
Saying |
A spune, a zice |
To see (si) |
Saw (so) |
Seen (sin) |
Seeing |
A vedea |
To seel |
Sold (sold) |
Sold |
Selling |
A vinde |
To send |
Sent |
sent |
Sending |
A trimite |
To set |
Set |
Set |
Setting |
A pune,a aseza |
To sew (so) |
Sewed (soud) |
Sewed |
Sewing |
A coase |
To shake (seic) |
Shook (suc) |
Shaken (seican) |
Shaking |
A da mana,a scutura |
To shine (sain) |
Shone (soun) |
Shone |
Shining |
A straluci |
To shoot (sut) |
Shot (sot) |
Shot |
Shooting |
A trage (cu o arma) |
To show (sou) |
Showed (soud) |
Shown (soun) |
Showing |
A arata |
To shrink (srinc) |
Shrank (srenc) |
Shrunk (sronc) |
Shrinking |
A intra la apa |
To shut (sot) |
Shut |
Shut |
Shuting |
A inchide |
To sing |
Sang (seng) |
Sung (song) |
Singing |
A canta |
To sink |
Sank (senc) |
Sunk (sanc) |
Sinking |
A se scufunda |
To sit |
Sat (seat) |
Sat |
Sitting |
A sta, a sedea |
To sleep (slip) |
Slept |
Slept |
Sleeping |
A adormi |
To speak (spic) |
Spoke (spouc) |
Spoken (spoucan) |
Speaking |
A vorbi |
To spend |
Spent |
Spent |
Spending |
A cheltui, a petrece (timp |
To split |
Split |
Split |
Splitting |
A despica |
To spread (spred) |
Spread |
Spread |
Spreading |
A intinde,a tmparti |
To stand (stend) |
Stood (stud) |
Stood |
Standing |
A sta(in picioare) |
To steal (stil) |
Stole (stol) |
Stolen (stolen) |
Stealing |
A fura |
To stick (stic) |
Stuck (stac) |
Stuck |
Stiking |
A lipi, a intepa |
To sting |
Stung (stang) |
Stung |
Stinging |
A pisca,a intepa |
To strike (straic) |
Struck (stroc) |
Struck (stroc) |
Striking |
A lovi, a izbi |
To swear (suer) |
Swore (suor) |
Sworn (suorn) |
Swearing |
A jura,a declara solemn |
To sweep (suip) |
Swept (suept) |
Swept |
Sweeping |
A matura |
To swim (suim) |
Swam (suam) |
Swum (suam) |
Swimming |
A inota |
To take (teic) |
Took (tuc) |
Taken (teican) |
Taking |
A lua |
To teach (tici) |
Taught (tout) |
Taught |
Teaching |
A preda,a invata pe altul |
To tear (tiir) |
Tore (tor) |
Torn (torn) |
Tearing |
A rupe,a sfasia |
To tell |
Told |
Told |
Telling |
A spune,a povesti |
To think |
Thought (đot) |
Thought |
Thinking |
A gandi,a se gandi |
To throw (đrou) |
Threw (đru) |
Thrown (đroun) |
Throwing |
A arunca |
To understande (andarstend) |
Understood (andarstud) |
Understood |
Understanding |
A intelege |
To wake (ueic) |
Woke (uouc) |
Woken (uoucan) |
Waking |
A trezi |
To wear (uer) |
Wore (uor) |
Worn (uorn) |
Wearing |
A purta |
To weave (ueiv) |
Wove (uouv) |
Woven (uovan) |
Weaving |
A tese |
To win (uin) |
Won (uan) |
Won |
Winning |
A castiga |
To write (rait) |
Wrote (rout) |
Written (ritan) |
Writing |
A scrie |
Mobilier - Furniture
Sofa - canapea (soufa) |
Bookcase - biblioteca (bukkeis) |
Bed - pat (bed) |
Mirror - oglinda (mira) |
Chair -scaun (tsea) |
Desk - birou (desk) |
Armchair - fotoliu (a:mtsea) |
Curtain - perdea (ka:tn) |
Table - masa (teibl) |
Carpet - covor (ka:pit) |
Lamp - lampa (laemp) |
Shelf - raft (self) |
Picture - tablou (piktsa) |
Vase(of flowers) - vaza(cu flori) |
Pillow -perna |
Clock - ceas de perete |
Fireplace - semineu |
Watch - ceas de mana |
Plant - planta |
Flower - floare |
Light - lumina |
Window - fereastra |
Mat - presul din fata usii |
Dining table - masa pe care se man. |
Washbasin - chiuveta |
Sink - chiuveta |
Shower - dus |
Microwave -cuptor cu microunde |
Toilet - toaleta |
Oven - cuptor |
Vacuum cleaner - aspirator |
Fridge - frigider |
Crystal - cristal |
Freezer - congelator |
Bath - cada |
Dust - praf |
Cupboard - dulap (kabad) |
Cooker - aragaz |
Basketball - baschet
Voleyball - volei
Handball - handbal
Ski - schi
Pool - biliard
Athletism - atletism
Ice sketing - patinaj
Hockey - hochei
Gymnastic - gimnastica
Este partea de vorbire care clarifica sau determina un substantiv sau un echivalent al unui substantiv.
In limba engleza adjectivele stau inaintea substantivelor sau dupa verbul to be.Totodata ele nu se acorda in gen,nr. Sau caz cu substantivul.
5.Cantitative si nehotarate
Adjectivele posesive
Your- tau, ta, tai, tale
His- lui, sau, sa, sai, sale, dansului
Her - ei, sa, sai, sale, dansei
Its - lui, ei, sau, sa, sai, sale
La plural: our (auer) - nostru, noastra, nostri, noastre
Your - vostru, voastra, vostrii, dumneavoastra
Their (deier) - lor, dansilor, danselor, dumnealor
My friend - my friends our friend -s
Your friend - your friends your friend -s
His - / - their friend -s
Its - / -
Her - / -
It's our business - este treaba voastra
It's not your business - nu este treaba voastra
It's my book
It's your book
His shirt is new - camasa lui este noua
Her cat is blak - pisica ei este neagra
Cazul genitiv - este cazul atributului si raspunde la urmatoarele intrebari:
Whose (huz) ? - al, a, ale cui ? Which of ? - care dintre?
Which ? - care ? What ? - ce, care ?
Genitivul se recunoaste dupa terminatiile 's si ' care sunt folosite ca adjective posesive pentru a arata legatura dintre o persoana sau un lucru cu o alta persoana sau un alt lucru.
'S - se adauga substantivelor care sunt si la singular si la plural dar nu se termina in litera s .
Ex: James is Rosie's brother.
' - se adauga substantivelor la plural care se termina in litera s .
Ex: She is at a girls' school - ea este la o scoala de fete.
This are the cat's bowls.- acestea sunt castroanele pisicilor.
Cand numele unei persoane se termina in litera s se poate adauga 's sau '
Ex: The baker's - bautura
The chemist's - farmacia
The greengroser's - aprozarul
The groser's - bacania
The barber's - frizeria
The hairdresser's - coaforul
The jeweller's - magazinul de bijuterii
Jewellery(giulari) - bijuterii
Genitivul se mai formeaza cu prepozitia of ai se foloseste cu substantive de toate genurile.
Ex: Rosie is the sister of James.
James is the brother of Rosie.
He is John's father.
He is the father of John.
Substantive numarabile si nenumarabile
Substantivul este partea de vorbire care denumeste fiinte,obiecte,stari, notiuni, insusiri, etc.
Substantive numarabile se refera la persoane si lucruri care pot fi numarate.Au forme de singular si de plural.
A computer two computer
Daca substantivul este subiect verbul poate fi la singular sau la plural dupa caz.
Ex: The book is red - The books are red
Pot fi inlocuite de un pronume la singular sau la plural.
Ex: Whereis the book? Where is it? It's there
Where are the books? They are there.
Pot fi insotite de numerale, de articolul nehotarat 'a' sau 'an'si de adjective nehotarate.
2.Substantive nenumarabile - se refera la lucruri sau idei care nu pot fi numarate.Intotdeauna au forma de singular, niciodata nu au forma de plural.Nu se folosesc nici macar cu articolul nehotarat 'a' sau'an'.
3.Exista substantive care sunt numarabile si nenumarabile in acelasi timp, tnsa acestea isi schimba mereu intelesul.
Toast - nenumarabil - paine prajita - se mananca
A toast - numarabil - toast - se vorbeste
Gossip - barfa(informatie) -a gossip - persoana care barfeste
Glass - sticla (material) -a glass - recipient
Cricket - sportul criket -a cricket - greiere
Wood - lemn ca mat.prima -a wood - padure
Work - munca -a work - o lucr. Creata de un artist
Heat(hit)- topeste gheata - a heat - o proba eliminatorie
fierbe apa
ii oboseste pe sportivi
cloth - material, tesatura - a cloth - carpa(pt.sters vasele)
Junk - gunoi, rebut -a junk - vas chinezesc(pt.navig)
Capital - bani - a capital - capitala
Ex: Two teas please! - numarabil
Woud you like some tea? Doresti niste ceai?Vrei ceai?-nen.
Adjectivul nehotarat si cantitativ
Some - unii, unele, niste, vreun, vreo
-Se foloseste in propozitii afirmetive
Ex: There are some visitors in the school.
Sunt niste oaspeti in scoala.
-Apare in propozitii interogative,cereri si oferte atunci cand se spera ca raspunsul este afirmativ.
Ex: Can I have some orange juice, please ?
Mi-ati putea aduce un suc de portocale?
-In propozitiile afirmative se traduce: orice sau fiece
Ex: You can come any time. -Poti veni oricand.
-Inpropozitiile negative se traduce: nici un, nici o
Ex: I can't find any excuse.Nu pot gasi nici o scuza.
I haven't got any money.Nu am nici un ban.
-In propozitiile interogat. Se traduce:orice,fiece,vreun,vreo.
Ex: Do you see any ship? - Vezi vreun vapor?
Have you got any friends? Ai vreun prieten?
Ai ceva prieteni?
Some si Any se folosesc cu subst. Plurale si subst. Numarabile, se refera la un numar de lucruri sau la o cantitate din ceva care nu este specificat.
Ex: Some pens - niste stilouri
Any pens -orice stilou, oricare din stilouri
Diferenta de baza dintre Some si Any este ca:
1.Some - este folosit cu formule pozitive sau afirmative ale verbului.
Ex: I ate some fruit - am mancat niste fructe
They bought some clothes - ei au cumparat niste haine.
Any - este folosit cu formule negative ale verbului.
Ex: I didn'teat any fruit. - N-am mancat nici o fructa.
They didn't by any clothes. - Ei nu au cumparat nici o haina
2.Majoritatea intrebarilor se formeaza cu any
Ex: - Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Ai vreun frate sau sora?
Can you speak any foreign languages?
Poti sa vorbesti vreo limba straina?
Dar intrebarile pot folosi si pe some:
-You look hungry - Arati infometat
-Shall I cook you some food? - Sa-ti gatesc ceva(niste)mancare
-I'm very hungry - Imi este foarte foame.
-Would you cook me some food? - Ai vrea sa-mi pregatesti(gatesti)ceva mancare?
Culori - Colours
White - alb (wait) |
Blue - albastru (bluJ |
Black - negru (blaek) |
Green - verde (gri:n) |
Brown - cafeniu, maro (braun) |
Orange - portocaliu (orindj) |
Gray - gri, cenusiu (grei) |
Violet - violet (vaialit) |
Red - rosu (red) |
Mauve - mov (mouv) |
Yellow - galben (yelou) |
Rosy - roz (rouzi) |
Verbul. Timpul prezent simplu
La afirmativ Formula: subiect+verb('es' sau 's'pers.III)
Verbul are forma infinitivului insa fara particula 'to'cand este vorba de pronumele:I, you, we, they.
Verbul are forma infinitivului fara particula to' dar primeste terminatia's' sau'es' cand este vorba de pronumele:I, you, we, they.
In romaneste timpul prezent se traduce cu indicativul prezent.Timpul prezent este folosit pentru:
A descrie lucruri care se intampla zilnic
Ex: I work in a bank
A descrie lucruri care au loc intr-un mod regulat
Ex: She al wayas comes late-ea vine tarziu intotdeauna
I play tennis three times week - joc tenis de 3 ori pe saptamana
I bruch my teath twice a day - ma spal pe dinti de 2 ori (once-o data) pe zi.
3.Pentru a descrie lucruri general valabile
Ex: Dogs bark - cainii latra
Water freezes at 0°C - Apa ingheata la 0° C
4.Pentru a descrie lucruri programate sau fixate.
Ex:The train leaves at 7.a.m.
5.Pentru a descrie sentimente generale fata de lucruri.
Ex:He look a bit unhappy - pare un pic trist.
Prezentul simplu foloseste adesea cuvinte sau expresii care ne indica de cate ori se petrece ceva.
Ex: always - intotdeauna
Usualy - de obicei
Never - niciodata
Sometimes - cateodata
Generally - in general
All the times - tot timpul, mereu
Four hours a day - 4 ore pe zi
Three times a weck - de 3 ori pe saptamana
Every day - in fiecare zi
Every week - in fiecare saptamana
Every month - in fiecare luna
Every year - in ficare an
Often - adesea, uneori
Seldom - rareori(sometimes)
Forma negativa la timpul prezent
La timpul prezent o propozitie negativa se formeaza prin adaugarea lui:do not, don't sau does not, doesn't + infinitiv( fara to ).
He doesn't eat - El nu mananca
I don't swim - Eu nu inot
I don't like him - Nu-mi place de el
Sg. I don't Pl. We don't
You don't You don't + verb
He doesn't + verb They don't
She doesn't
It doesn't
Forma interogativa
La timpul prezent intrebarile se formeaza cu do sau does + infinitiv(fara particula to)
Do you have any questions? - Mai aveti vreo intrebare?
Do you live there? - Stai tu acolo?
Does she live there? - Sta ea acolo?
Interogatin negativul
Don't you live there? - Nu locuiesti tu acolo?
Doesn't she live there? - Nu locuieste ea acolo?
Flori - Flowers
Rose - trandafir (rouz) |
Peony - bujor (piani) |
Pink - garoafa (pingk) |
Daisy - margareta (deizi) |
Tulip - lalea (tju:lip) |
Dahlia - dalie,gherghina(deilia) |
Hyacinth - zambila (haiasinθ) |
Chrysanthemum - crizantema(krisaenθamam) |
Snowdrop - ghiocel (snoudrop) |
Geranium - muscata (djireinyam) |
Lilac - liliac (lailak) |
Sunflower - fl. Soarelui (sanflaua) |
Lily - crin (lili) |
Water lily - nufar (wo:talili) |
Expresiile: There is si there are
Aceste expresii se folosesc numai cu verbul'to be'pentru a indica existenta concreta a unor lucruri, fenomene, persoane, etc, pe cand expresia it is se foloseste pentru elemente care se masoara.
Ex: timp, distanta, temperatura
There is - exista, se afla, se gaseste
There are - exista, se afla, se gasesc
This -acesta, aceasta - fol. la sg. si arata apropierea apropierea
That - acela, aceia - departarea
These (diiz) - aceste - apropierea
Those (dauz) - acelea - departarea
Vesela |
Carne - Meat |
Plate -farfurie (pleit) |
Beef - vaca (bi:f) |
Saucer - farfurioara (so:sa) |
Veal - vitel (vi:l) |
Fork - furculita (fo:k) |
Pork - porc (po:k) |
Knife - cutit (naif) |
Mutton - oaie,berbec(matn) |
Spoon - lingura (spu:n) |
Lamb - miel (laem) |
Tea-spoon - lingurita(ti:spu:n) |
Ckicken - pui (tsikin) |
Cup - ceasca (kap) |
Fowl - pasare (faul) |
Tea-pot ceainic (ti:pot) |
Turkey - curcan (ta:ki) |
Coffee-pot - ibric pt. Cafea |
Goose - gasca (gu:s) |
Bread-basket - cos de paine(breadba:skit) |
Duck - rata(dak) |
Bowl - castron |
Rabbit - iepure (raebit) |
Jar - borcan |
Game - vanat (geim) |
Tin - conserva |
Venison - caprioara(venyn) |
Glass - pahar |
Prawn - rac |
Small plate - farfuriuta |
Fish - peste (fis) |
Excuse me.Can I have the menu, please?
Can I have the bill, please? Mi-aduceti nota de plata va rog.
Would you bring me the bill, please?
What would you like to eat(drink)?
I'd like..., please. Near - aproape
Anything else - altceva? Far - departe
Your change - restul dumneavoastra Far away - f. departe
To serve - a se servi
Take away - a lua la pachet Hot - cald
Homemada - mancare facuta acasa Cold - rece
A piece of cake - o felie de prajitura
A packet of sugar - un pachet de zahar
A bottle of oil - o sticla de ulei
A tin of peas - o conserva de mazare
A tube of.. - un tub de...
A box of.. - o cutie de...
A sack of... - o punga de...
A bar of soap - o bucata de sapun
A pound of cheese - 450 grame de branza
Five pound of potatoes - 2,25 kg cartofi
A loaf of bread - o franzela
A slice of bread - o felie de paine
To slice - a taia in feli
A bunch of grapes - un ciorchine de struguri
Hold something - a tine ceva in mana.
Use a knife and fork - sa folosim cutitul si furculuita
Drink from a cup - a bea din ceasca
Writing paper - coli de scris
Stamps - timbre
Envelopes - plicuri
Letter - scrisoare
Postcards - carte postala
Phone cards - cartele telefonice
Diary - jurnal
Expensive - scump Cigarettes - tigari
Cheap - ieftin Lighter - bricheta
Shops - magazine
Packing list - lista cu lucruri de impachetat
Sweets - dulciuri
Pasteries - produse de patiserie(peistris)
Birthday cake - tort
Soap - sapun
Towel - prosop Every where - peste tot
Shampoo - sampon Which ones - care dintre ele
Tooth paste - pasta de dinti That one - aceea
Toothbrush - periuta de dinti Over there - de acolo
Lipstik - ruj Each - fiecare
Make up - farduri Altogether - laolalta
Magazines - reviste
Camera - aparat de fotografiat
Batteries - baterii
Films - rolfilm
Ordinea adjectivelor
De obicei adjectivele se pun dupa verbul to be sau inaintea substantivului
Ex: It's a red dress
1.Se trec adjectivele care exprima parerea sau opinia
2.Adjectivele care exprima altele (marimea, varsta )
3.Adjectivele care descriu culoarea
4.Adjectivele care descriu materialul
Ex: It's a beautiful, long, black, leather coat.
Piele pardesiu
Adjectivele se despart de obicei prin virgula, dar cand sunt numai doua adjective virgula nu mai este necesara.
Ex: A big blue coat.
Insa daca ambele adjective descriu culori sau material, se pune intre ele conjunctia 'si'.
Ex: A red and green carpet.
Cand un verb este urmat de doua sau mai multe adjective care la randul lor nu sunt urmate deun substantiv, atunci intre ultimele doua adjective se pune conjunctia 'si'.
Ex: His beard is long, thick and black.
Meniu -Menu (menyn
Hors d'oeuvres - antreuri, aperitive (o:davz) |
Water - apa (wo:ta) |
Fried eggs - ochiuri (fraid egz) |
Mineral water - apa minerala |
Omlet(te) - omleta (omlit) |
Soda-water- sifon(souda wota) |
Fried potatoes - cartofi prajiti (fraid pateitouz) |
Tonic-water - tonic(tonik wota) |
Chips - cartofi pai (tsips) |
Tea - ceai (tiJ |
Mashed potatoes - cartofi piureu (maest pateitouz) |
Coffee - cafea (kofi) |
Soup - supa (su:p) |
Cocoa - cacao (koukou) |
Roastmeat(beef,chicken) - carne fripta (de vaca, pui) |
Lemonade-limonada (lemaneid) |
Grilled meat - carne le gratar (grild mi:t) |
Juice - suc(de fructe) (dju:s) |
Salad - salata (sealad) |
Tomato juice - suc de rosii |
Escalope - snitel (eskaloup) |
Beer - bere (bia) |
Meat balls - chiftele (mi:t bo:lz) |
Ale - bere(slaba) (eil) |
Ham - sunca (heam) |
Wine - vin (wain) |
Roll - chifla, corn (roul) |
Port - vin de Porto (po:t) |
Pie - pateu, placinta, tarta (pai) |
Champagne-sampanie(saempein |
Cake - prajitura, tort (keik) |
Brandy - coniac,rachiu(braendi) |
Pudding - budinca (puding) |
Cherry brabdy - visinata |
Ice-cream - inghetata (ais kri:m) |
Cognac - coniac (kounyaek) |
Jam - dulceata, gem (djaem) |
Liqueur - lichior (likyua) |
Honei - miere (hani) |
Gin - gin (djin) |
Seaweed - fructe de mare (siuid) |
Rum - rom (ram) |
Sausage - carnat (sosigi) |
Compote - compot (kompout) |
Glass of wather - pahar cu apa Mineral water - apa minerala Plain water - apa plata
Steak - friptira (steic) Fruit juice - suc de fructe
Fried chicken - pui prajit bottle - sticla
Roast lamb - miel la gratar Waiter - ospatar, chelner
Fish of the day - peste proaspat Waiteress - ospatarita
Mixed salad - salata asortata Bread - paine
Plain salad - salata dintr-o sg.leguma Egg - ou
Desserts - desert (dizart) Rice - orez (rais)
Pancakes - clatite (pancheips) Couscous - un fel de orez
Crep - clatite Noodles - taitei (nudals)
Strawberry cake - prajitura cu capsuni Olive oil - ulei de mazline
(stroberi) Butter - unt (batar)
Chese and biscuits - branza si biscuiti sugar - zahar (sugar)
Cupboard - bufet
Fridge - frigider (britanicii)
Refrigerator - frigider (englezii)
Chop - a toca
Mix - a amesteca
Crumble - a framanta
Stir - a mesteca
Peel - a decoji
On the left - la stanga
On the right - la dreapta
At the top - inaintea
At the bottom - dupa
Straigh ahead - drept inainte
On the corner - pe colt
Across the bridge - peste pod
Across the road - peste strada
Allong the road - de-a lungul drumului
Past the bank - dincolo de banca
1 - one 9 - nine 17 - seventeen 60 - sixty
2 - two 10 - ten 18 - eighteen 70 - seventy
3 - three 11 - eleven 20 - twenty 80 - eighty
4 - four 12 - twelve 21 - twenty-one 90 - ninety
5 - five 13 - thirteen 22 - twenty-two 100 - one(a) hundred
6 - six 14 - fourteen 30 - thirty 200 - two hundred
7 - seven 15 - fifteen 40 - forty 1000 - one thousand
8 - eight 16 - sixteen 50 - fifty 2000 - two thousand
Numerale ordinale
1st -the first - primul, intaiul 9th -the neineth
2nd - the second - al doilea 10th - the tenth
3rd - the third - al treilea 11th - the eleventh
4th - the fourth 12th - the twelfth
5th - the fifth 13th - the thirteenth
6th - the sixth 14th - the fourteenth
7th - the seventh 15th - the fifteenth
8th - the eighth 16th - the sixteenth
17th - the seventeenth 30th - the thirtieth
18th - the eighhteenth 40th - the fourtieth
19th - the nineteenth 50th - the fiftieth
20th - the twentieth 60th - the sixtieth
21th - the twenty - first 70th - the seventieth
22th - the twenty - second 80th - the eightieth
23th - the twenty - third 90th - the neintieth
100th - the one hundredth
101th - the one hundred and first
1000th - the one thousandth
1000000th - the one millionth
Numeral colectiv
Contine o multime exprimata printr-un singular
-couple (capal) - cuplu, doua
-pair (peer) - pereche
-score (scor) - 20, pol
-team (tiim) - echipa
-dazem - duzina, 12
-gross - 12 duzini
Ex: A couple of cherries - doua cirese
A pair of shoes - o pereche de pantofi
A pair of trousers - o pereche de pantaloni
To walk in pairs - a se plimba perechi (cate doi)
Half a score years - 40 de ani
Numeralul multiplicativ
Double - dublu
Triple -triplu
Once -o data
Twice -de doua ori
Three times - de trei ori
Four times - de 4 ori
Five times - de 5 ori
A hundred times - de 100 de ori
Numeral distributiv
One at a time - cate unul odata
Two at a time - cate doi odata
Three at a time - cate trei odata
One by one - unul cate unul
Two by two - doi cate doi
Three by three - 3 cate 3
By the dozen - la duzina
Ten at time - cate 10, 10 odata
Every other minute - din 2 in 2 minute, din clipa in clipa
Every other hour - din 2 in 2 ore, la fiecare doua ore
Numeral adverbial
Firstly - in primul rand
Secondly - in al doilea rand
Thirdly - in al treilea rand
Fourthly - in al 4-lea rand
Numeral nehotarat
A number of - un numar de
A lot of - o multime de, o gramada de
Lots of ≡ many - multi, multe
Tens of - zeci de
Hundreds of - sute de
Data -The date
1st January 1971 - The first of January, nineteen seventy-one
23rd August 1944 - The twenty-third of August, nineteen forty-four
30th December 1947 - The thirtieth of December, nineteen forty-seven.
Semnele matematice
'+' and, plus
'-' minus (mainas)
'x' multiplied (multiplaid)
':' divided by (divaidid) - impartit la
'=' equal to (ecualtu) - egal cu
'%' per cent
radical - scuare root (scuer rut)
Prepozitii pentru exprimarea timpului
1.At - se foloseste la:
a. Perioade ale zilei
Ex: At five o'clock
At night - seara, serile
At the moment - momentan, pe moment
At midnight - in mijlocul noptii
b.Festivaluri religioase
At Christmas - la craciun, de craciun
At Easter, de (la) paste
2.In - se foloseste la:
a. Luni Ex: in February
in Octomber
b.Anotimpuri in spring
in summer
c.Ani in 1944
in 2000
d.Secole In the twentieth century (sentari)
3.On - se foloseste la:
a. Zile ale saptamanii On Friday
On Monday
b. La date: On forth July
On 17th March
Timpul prezent progresiv (continuu)
Exprimarea unei actiuni in curs de desfasurare in momentul vorbirii sau scrierii.
Ex: Susan is working at home today.-Susan lucreaza acasa astazi.
It is getting dark.- Se intuneca.
The bus is coming. - Autobuzul vine.
He is speaking on the phone. - El vorbeste la telefon.
Exprimarea unei actiuni (eventual de mai lunga durata) care reflecta un proces, o dezvoltare, o evolutie.
Ex: The baby is growing up. - Copilul creste.
Exprimarea planurilor viitoare folosind adesea timpul viitor al adverbului.
Ex: When are you going on holiday? - Cand pleci an concediu(vacanta)
I am leaving next Tuestday. - Plec martea viitoare.
La afirmativ avem verbul 'to be' + participiul prezent(terminatia-ing)
I am playing in the garden.
You are playng in the garden.
He, she, it is playing in the garden.
We are playing in the garden.
You are playing in the garden.
They are playing in the garden.
Forma interogativa - afirmativ
Verbul auxiliar'to be' + negatie + verb cu terminatia-ing
Am I playing in the garden?
Are you playing in the garden?
Is he, she, it playing in the garden?
Are we playing in the garden?
Are you playing in the garden?
Are they playing in the garden?
Interogativ negativ
Auxiliarul'to be' + subiect + negatie + verb terminat in -ing
Am I not coming tomorrow?
Are you not coming tomorrow?
Is he, she, it not coming tomorrow?
Are we not coming tomorrow?
Are you not coming tomorrow?
Are they not coming tomorrow?
Regulile pentru creare a participiului
1.Verb la infinitiv + ing
Ex: walk - walking
paint - painting
2.Verbele la infinitiv terminate in -e taie aceasta litera si adauga -ing.
Ex: dance - dancing
Make - making
3.Un infinitiv care se termina intr-o silaba (compusa dintr-o vocala si o consoana) dar pe care se pune accent dubleaza consoana si adauga -ing.
Ex: stop - stopping
Put - putting
4.Un infinitiv care se termina intr-o silaba (compusa dintr-o vocala si o consoana) dar pe care se pune accent dubleaza consoana si adauga -ing
Ex: begin - beginning
Refer - referring
5.Un infinitiv terminat intr-o silaba (compus dintr-o vocala si litera l) dubleaza litera l si adauga -ing.
Ex: travel - travelling
To can - a putea - se foloseste in urmatoarele cazuri:
Cand este vorba de abilitatea unei persoane.
Ex: I can drive a car. - Pot sa conduc o masina.
Pentru a cere ceva.
Ex: Can I have a sandwich, please.- Puteti sa-mi aduceti un sandwich va rog.
Poate fi folosit cu un verb la infinitiv (fara particula to )
Ex: I can dance. - Eu pot sa dansez.
He can dance.
Negativul se formeaza prin adaugarea lui not sau n't la acest verb.
Ex: I can't dance.
Icannot dance. - intotdeauna se scrie legat in engleza britanica.
Interogatia afirmativa - se formeaza prin punerea verbului can inaintea verbului.
Ex: Can I dance? - Pot eu sa dansez?
Negatia interogativa - Can't I dance?
Can't you dance?
Timpul trecut
Was - pers. a 3 a sg. si persoana I sg.
Were - restul (II sg. + I,II,III pl. )
Timpul trecut se foloseste atunci cand vorbim despre o actiune, un eveniment sau o stare, la un anume timp din trecut.
Ex: My brothers arrived in Pitesti yesterday.
Fratii mei au sosit in Pitesti ieri.
Formele timpului trecut
a. infinitiv + terminatia -ed (fara particula to )
b. infinitivele terminate in - e adauga litera d
Ex: like - liked
c. infinitivele terminate in y schimba aceasta litera in I romanesc si adauga litera ed.
Ex: hurry - hurried
d. alte vebe terminate intr-o consoana, repeta ultima consoana dupa care adauga ed.
Ex: stop - stopped (stopd)
e. intrebarile se formeaza dupa formula:
did + subiect + vb. la infinitiv
Ex: Did you like your pizza?
f. Forma negativa se formeaza prin folosirea lui:
did not (didn't) dupa care se pune verbul la infinitiv.
Ex: I didn't go there - Eu nu am fost acolo.