_ 424k1020e _ 424k1020e _ 424k1020e _ 424k1020e
I) Translate into English:
a) În numele mandantului, sus-numitul mandatar este autorizat prin prezenta: sa cesioneze, sa transfere, sa amaneteze, sa ipotecheze, sa vânda, sa cumpere si sa dispuna, în orice fel va gasi de cuviinta, de bunurile, marfurile, certifcatele de actionar si orice alte proprietati (ale mandantului) aflate în posesie efectiva sau în curs de revendicare, si sa încheie orice tranzactie, de orice natura, cu aceleasi puteri depline cu care mandantul însusi ar face-o daca ar fi prezent în persoana. (10 points)
b) Notar public poate fi cel care îndeplineste urmatoarele conditii:
nu are antecedente penale,
a îndeplinit timp de doi ani functia de notar stagiar si a promovat examenul de notar public,
se bucura de o buna reputatie. (10 points)
c) Oscar-ul din 1995 a fost o mare surpriza pentru Nicolas Cage, desi apucase deja sa faca trecerea catre marile succese de casa cu filmele The Rock (pentru rolul secundar jucat alaturi de Sean Connery) si Con Air (unde a avut un rol principal atât de spectaculos, încât producatorii de la Disney s-au aratat de-a dreptul îngrijorati). De altfel, reputatia sa de ciudat i se trage de la filmul Moonstruck, unde a avut-o partenera pe nimeni alta decât Cher. Aceasta i-a comparat performata cu un "accident de masina" (se pare ca a fost un compliment). (10 points)
d) Actul îndeplinit de notarul public, purtând sigiliul si semnatura acestuia, este autoritate publica si are forta probanta prevazuta de lege. Notarul public îndeplineste urmatoarele acte notariale:
darea de data certa înscrisurilor prezentate de parti,
autentificarea înscrisurilor redactate de notarul public, de parti personal sau de avocatii lor,
legalizarea còpiilor de pe înscrisuri. (10 points
II) Translate into Romanian:
Bread, made in the home almost
everywhere in the country was obtained by townspeople from quite early times,
at any rate in the south, from the bakers. In eleventh century
Bread was indeed the stuff of life in those days and it is understandable that its quality and sale were the concern of the governing authorities. There is a long list of changes and modifications of the regulations governing the weight and sale of bread. The original 1266 Act fixed the weight of various types of loaves and authorized the punishment of the pillory for false weight.
Prosecutions were frequent and not only the pillory but the punishment of being drawn upon a hurdle from the Guildhall to his own house, through the great streets, where there may be most people assembled, and through the great streets that are most dirty, with the faulty loaf hanging from his neck was enforced in the case of a dishonest or careless baker. (10 points)
III) Decide whether the tense & aspect of the verbal construction written in capitals is suitable or not in the context given. If you decide it is unsuitable, write a correction:
Inspector Gorse (1) WAS in touch with Thames Valley Police six months before Professor Dowson (2) WAS DISAPPEARING, because the Professor's wife Jean (3) WOULD WRITE to him, accusing her husband of plotting to murder her. And now it was the Professor who (4) DISAPPEARS. Gorse (5) CONSIDERED what his next step should be when the phone rang. (5 x 2 points)
4 .................
5 .................
IV) Find the suitable tense & aspect for the short infinitives written in capitals in the dialogues below:
a) Here (1) BE the plot of my story. Two burglars (2) CREEP stealthily towards the house at midnight. They (3) CLIMB a wall, (4) FORCE open a window and (5) ENTER the room. The clock (6) STRIKE one. - Which one?
(6 x 1 points)
b) What time (7) THE CONCERT BEGIN? - I (8) NOT REMEMBER exactly. - Why (9) YOU NOT TELEPHONE the theatre? - Well, you see, the telephone (10) NOT WORK at the moment. (4 x 1 points)
6 .................
7 .................
8 .................
9 .................
10 ...................
V) Translate into English, paying attention to the modal implications: of aspects, of modal auxiliaries WILL & SHALL and of Present Tense with a Future value:
1. Nu stiu ce sa fac, sa iau pantalonii gri sau fusta verde? Ei bine, am sa iau fusta verde.
2. Unchiul John iese la pensie luna viitoare. (N.B.: decizie personala)
3. Nu ma astepta deseara, voi întârzia.
4. Anul viitor Craciunul cade într-o zi de marti.
4. Biblia spune sa nu ucizi.
5. Parlamentul va fi format din doua camere.
6. Vrei sa-ti mai torn putin suc de mere?
7. Nu vreau sa iau medicamentul acesta. - Ba da, ai sa-l iei, fie ca-ti place sau nu!
8. Saptamâna viitoare plec la
9. Saptamâna asta ma las de fumat în mod categoric.
10. Nu mai vreau sa aud nici un comentariu. Ai sa mergi la culcare imediat!
11. Sunteti amabil sa-mi spuneti daca veti folosi computerul astazi ?
12. Ia mai taci din gura!
13. Cineva bate la usa. Trebuie sa fie Mike.
14. Nu as vrea sa îi deranjez. Vor fi fiind la masa acuma.
15. Esti asa de bun sa-mi pui scrisoarea aceasta la posta?
16. Inculpatul va fi executat saptamâna viitoare. (N.B.: decizie judecatoreasca) (20 x 1 points)
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N.B.: ANSWER KEY for the above (variant 1):
I) Translate into English:
a) In principal's name, said attorney is authorized hereby: to assign, transfer, mortgage, hypothecate, sell, buy, and in any manner deal with goods, merchandise, share certificates and any other property in possession or in action, and to transact all and every kind of business of whatever nature, as fully to all intents and purposes as principal might /could do if personally present.
b) The person who meets the following requirements can be a notary public:
does not have a criminal record,
has conducted a 2-year training (period) and passed the notary public examination,
has a good reputation
c) The
1995 Oscar was a big surprise to Nicolas Cage, though he had already made the
transition to studio blockbusters in The Rock (for playing the everyman
sidekick to Sean Connery) and in Con Air (where he had graduated to such
a spectacular action lead that the Disney executives expressed concern). As a
matter of fact, his offbeat reputation dates back to Moonstruck where his
partner was no one else than
d) The deed drawn up (/executed, /drafted) by the notary public, bearing his seal and signature, is public authority and has the probatory force provided by law. The notary public performs the following notarial functions:
providing the documents submitted by the parties with a certain date,
authenticating documents drafted by the notary public, by the party themselves or by their lawyer,
legalising copies of deeds and documents
III) Decide whether the tense & aspect of the verbal construction written in capitals is suitable or not in the context given. If you decide it is unsuitable, write a correction:
1. had been
2. disappeared (/had disappeared is possible but not necessary
3. had written
4. had disappeared
5. was considering
IV) Find the suitable tense & aspect for the short infinitives written in capitals in the dialogues below:
1. is
2. creep
3. climb
4. force
5. enter
6. strikes
7. does the concert begin
8. don't remember
9. don't you telephone
10. isn't working
V) Translate into English, paying attention to the modal implications: of aspects, of modal auxiliaries WILL & SHALL and of Present Tense with a Future value:
1. I don't know what to do. (1) SHALL I take the grey pants or the green skirt? Well, I (2) WILL take the green skirt.
2. Uncle John (3) IS RETIRING next month. (N.B.: decizie personala)
3. Don't wait for me tonight, I (4) WILL be late.
4. Next year Christmas (5) IS on a Tuseday.
5. The Bible says you (6) SHALL not kill.
6. Parliament (7) SHALL consist of two Houses.
7. (8) SHALL I pour you some more apple juice?
8. I (9) WILL not take this medicine. - Oh, yes, you (10) WILL, whether you like it or not!
9. Next week I (11) FLY /LEAVE FOR Los Angeles for the Lockheed & Martin business. (N.B.: decizia sefului meu)
10. I (12) SHALL give up smoking this week.
11. I (13) WILL not hear another comment. You (14) SHALL go to bed immediately!
12. (15) WILL YOU BE USING the computer today?
13. Shut up, (16) WILL you?!
14. Someone is knocking at the door. It (17) WILL be.
15. I wouldn't like to bother them. They (18) WILL BE HAVING dinner right now.
16. (19) WILL you post this letter for me, please?
17. The accused (20) SHALL BE EXECUTED next week. (N.B.: decizie judecatoreasca)