Cititi si traduceti urmatorul text. Notati utilizare 646s186g a verbelor la timpul « prezent simplu » în contextul dat .
Alex :
Paul, let's practise the Present Tense Simple now. What do you do every morning, as a general rule ?
Paul :
Well, I usually get up/wake up at seven o'clock every day, except on Saturday and Sunday, I go to the bathroom, I always or nearly always have / take a shower. Then I shave and get dressed. I usually have breakfast at a quarter past seven. This generally consists of toast and marmalade, bread and butter, a cup of tea, and sometimes ham and eggs too.
I rarely have more than that for breakfast. Occasionally, it's black coffee instead of tea.
I always leave home at 45 as it seldom takes me more than 15 minutes to get to my office.
I am never late for work. In fact, I am often early, and I work hard.
Diana :
How many hours do yon work on week-days?
I work eight hours a day, that is 40 hours a week.
And what do you generally do in the afternoon?
Well, I always leave the office at 15 p.m. I take a bus or a tram and I get home at about 4:30. I eat something and then I sometimes take a nap. This is hardly ever more than an hour. Then I read the day's newspapers and watch T.V. Before going to bed I read a book . Sometimes instead of reading I listen to English cassettes. That is a good practice in order to improve my English Knowledge, isn't it?
Oh , yes ! I do often this thing, too.
Let's practice - Sa practicam
as a general rule - Ca regula generala
I usually wake up at - De obicei ma trezesc la
He works hard - He hardly works - Munceste cu sârguinta - abia daca munceste ceva.
I get home at... - Ajung acasa la ora
I take a nap - Trag un pui de somn
I have/take a shower - Fac un dus
Cititi întelegeti si traduceti :
Mark : Thank you, Mrs. Nelson, bye.
So, for his birthday, Dennis wants..Ah, Ah! What does Dennis want for his birthday ? Guess!
Sandra :Oh, Mark. You 're such a pain.! He wants a pair of trousers "!
Sandra : Er. I think he likes Eric Clapton. An Eric Clapton 's CD !
Mark :You're freezing ! He hates Clapton; he prefers U2.
Peter : Does he want a console ?
Mark : A console ! Too expensive!
Sandra : He wants a video game.
Mark : No, you're cold !
Peter : Well, he doesn't want a video game ! What does he want ?
Does he want a video cassette ?
6)Julie : No, he wants a camera ! I'm sure he wants a camera !
7) Peter :Yes, he wants to take photos of his neighbors.
He thinks they're gangsters !
8) Mark : well, my friends ! That means our old dear Dennis is CRAZY!
Raspundeti la urmatoarele întrebari :
II. A Prezentul simplu; Propozitii afirmative, interogative si negative.
The Simple Present Tense; Affirmative, Interrogative and Negative Forms.
The Simple Present Tense / Timpul prezent simplu
Definitie: Prezentul simplu desemneaza actiuni obisnuite, repetate regulat în anumite momente ale zilei, saptamânii lunii, anului etc.
Se foloseste cu every day, week , year etc
once, twice a week a month'
usually often always.
(de obicei, adesea, mereu/ întotdeauna)
a./ Afirmativ:* Sb + Vb (la infinitivul scurt)
(Affirmative) Exemple: I go to my office every day
We watch TV every evening.
La persoana a III-a singular masculin si feminin, verbului i se adauga terminatia "s", pronuntata [ s ] sau [ z ].
Exemple: My friend always helps me.
She plays tennis on Saturday.
Când verbul se termina în vocala "o" sau în consoanele suieratoare (ch, sh, th, x) la persoana a III-a singular se adauga grupul "es", pronuntat [ z ] sau [ iz ].
Exemple: She goes to school in the morning.
He washes his uniform once a week.
John does all the things well.
Ortografierea, la persoana a III-a singular, a verbelor terminate în y:
- verbele terminate în "y" precedat de o vocala, pastreaza "y" si adauga "s".
Exemplu: I play - he / she plays.
- verbele terminate în "y" precedat de o conosoana, schimba "y" în "I" si adauga - "es".
Exemple: We try - he / she tries.
They cry - he / she cries.
Interogativ : Do + Sb + Vb + a.p. ?
Exemple: Do you live in a big town ?
Do they go to the seaside every summer ?
La persoana a III-a singular / masculin si feminin, auxiliarul "do" este înlocuit cu "does".
Exemple: Does she live in a big town ?
Does he play football well ?
Does John work for the Police ?
În cazul întrebarilor ce contin pronumele interrogative "What "Where" , "When", "How" acestea se aseaza înaintea auxiliarului "do".
Exemple: How do you get along with your new colleagues?
Traduceti în engleza, dupa modelul dat, urmatoarele propozitii.
a) Ce faceti voi de obicei în weekend ?
b) Unde merg ei vara ?
c) La ce ora plecati la serviciu ?
d) Cînd plecati în concediu ?
e) Cum ajungeti la locul vostru de munca ?
f) Unde locuieste prietenul tau Sam?
Aceste propozitii se formeaza prin intermediul negatiei "not" pusa imediat dupa "do" / "does":
Sb + do + not+ Vb.p. la infinitivul scurt |
Ex: They do not work at the Criminal Investigations Department.
We do not spend our holidays in the mountains.
Forma contrasa : do not - don't [doun't]
We don't put on ties on trips.
La persoana a treia singular (masculin si feminine "do" este înlocuit de "does" ce si în propozitiile interrogative. Forma contrasa : doesn't.
Ex : He doesn't go to work on Sundays. Jane doesn't work for the Traffic Police Department.
Treceti urmatoarele propozitii la forma de negativ.
a) I buy a new car every year.
b) John watches TV every afternoon.
c) We visit our relatives twice a month.
d) Watson and Jack investigate crimes.