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ÎN TIMP sI SPAŢIU 818m123i

Cititi si traduceti urmatorul text:

Read and translate the following text:

Yesterday, The Midland Bank in the centre of London was robbed by two masked gangsters.The only witness in the bank was Mr. Gordon.

Policeman: Could you describe the robbers?

Mr. Gordon: I couldn't see their faces.Anyway one of them was wearing a black stocking over his face.The other one had a white stocking over his face.

Policeman: I see. Did they say anything?

Mr. Gordon: Only one of them did. He had an Irish accent. He menaced me and the office workers of the bank.

Policeman: Did they have any weapons?

Mr. Gordon: Yes, the tall one had a gun in his hand.

Policeman: How long did they stay in the bank?

Mr. Gordon: About 8 or 10 minutes, no more. Then they got away, in a blue

Landrover.I guess someone was waiting for them behind

the wheel.

Policeman: What time did that happened?

Mr. Gordon: I looked at my watch after the thieves had left the bank.

I can tell you that this robbery took place at 20 minutes past 6 on

Tuesday evening.The robbers left the bank at 6:28 (twenty-eight

past six ) or at 6:30 (half past six).

It was the 27 th of May.

Cuvinte si expresii / Words and Phrases

Witness - Martor

Eyewitness - Martor ocular

Robber - Tâlhar

Robbery - Tâlharie

They got away in a blue Landrover - Au plecat într-un Landrover albastru

I guess someone was waiting for them behind the wheel - Cred ca cineva îi astepta la volan.



Numeralele cardinale - exprima un numar întreg abstract ,un numar de obiecte sau persoane.

Cititi si retineti modul de scriere a urmatoarelor numerare cardinale :

- ten 60 - sixty

- twenty 70 - seventy

- thirty 80 - eighty

- forty 90 - ninety

- fifty 100 - one hundred

Situatii de utilizare :

În exprimarea timpului, cu pronumele impersonal « it »


It is five o clock.

It is three o clock sharp.

It is half past nine.

It is 20 past eleven.

2. În exprimarea numerelor de telefon - care se citesc pronuntandu-se fiecare cifra.



În indicarea numarului unei strazi, case, autobuze, etc.


Number nine Park Road

Flat 42;

Bus No. 36;

Lesson 4;

Chapter 10.

NOTA : În citire, dupa sute sau mii, înaintea zecilor, se foloseste conjunctia "and" ("si").


116 - one hundred and sixteen.

1009 - one thousand and nine.

Numeralele ordinale - exprima locul pe care-l ocupa într-o însusire sau serie diferite obiecte sau persoane .

Se formeaza astfel: the + numeral cardinal + th

Exemple: 7 seven - the seventh - the 7th

10 ten -the tenth - the 10th

16 sixteen-the sixteenth-the 16th

94 ninety-four-the ninety-fourth - the 94th

NOTĂ: Grupul de litere "ve" din five si twelve devine "f" în numeralele ordinale corespunzatoare :

Five - the fifth ; twelve - the twelfth

Numeralul "eight" primeste doar un "h":

Eight - eighth;

Vocala "y" de la sfarsitul zecilor devine "ie":

Twenty - the twentieth , sixty - the sixtieth.

Exceptie de la regula generala de formare a numeralelor ordinale fac primele trei:

one - the first - the 1st ;

two - the second - the 2 nd

three - the third - the 3 rd

Deci: al 21-lea:the 21 st.

al 32-lea:the 32 nd.

al 43-lea:the 43 rd.

Cu numeralele ordinale se exprima si repetarea unei actiuni la intervale regulate:

- fiecare a treia persoana -every third person ;

- o data la doua saptamani / din doua în doua saptamani - every second week.

Utilizarea numeralelor ordinale în exprimarea datei

Exista doua modalitati de exprimare a datei:

Numeral ordinal + of + luna + anul


8 Martie 1993 - The 8 th of March 1993 ;

2 Ianuarie 1997 - The 2 nd of January 1997.

NOTĂ:La ani, cifrele se citesc doua cate doua, de la stanga la dreapta.

1997- nineteen ninety-seven.

Luna + numeral cardinal + anul


8 Martie 1993 - March the 8 th 1993

3 Decembrie 1996 - December the 3 rd 1996

La citire însa , ele se citesc ca si cum ar fi numerale ordinale.

March the eight.

December the third.

Scrieti si cititi / Write and read: 9 Aug. 1979, 30 Ian.1962

2 Dec. 1949, 23 Sept. 1996

31 Iulie 1997.

Cuvinte si expresii suplimentare

Cand si unde sunteti nascut? When and where were you born?

Sunt nascut la - I was born in..on...

Ce data este astazi? - What date is it today?

La începutul lui (iulie) - At the beginning of (July)

Catre sfarsitul lui (aug) - Towards the end of ( August )

Azi dimineata - This morning

Asta seara / în aceasta seara - This evening / Tonight

În cursul diminetii - In the morning

Noaptea - At night

Pe înserat - At dusk

În fiecare zi - Every day

Chiar în ziua aceea - On the very day

În noaptea de sambata spre duminica - The night from Saturday to Sunday

De la 3 la 5 dupa-amiaza - from 3 to 5 in the afternoon / from 3 to 5 p.m.

Dupa 2 zile / saptamani - After 2 days / weeks

2 days / weeks later

Din 2 în 2 zile - Every other day


Cititi si traduceti urmatorul text în limba engleza.Gasiti sinonime pentru cuvintele subliniate.


What can governments do in order to fight crime? These things do happen in many countries. Police carry guns although some people still think this is not a good idea.

Police are allowed to stop anyone suspect in the street and question the people involved.

The courts no give tougher punishments for crimes/offences committed than in the past (eg. bigger fines or longer sentences than in the past).

There is capital punishment, by electric chair or lethal injection for some serious crimes, in some countries.

What can individuals do to prevent a crime from happening?

Here are the things to do in order protect yourself and your property:

-Don t walk along dark streets late at night alone.

-Lock carefully all your doors and windows whwn you go out.

-Don t wear expensive jewellery in the street.

-Leave light on at home when you go out.

-Fit a burglar alarm in your house.

-Make sure your money is safe while going down the street.Wear a money belt.

-Carry a mace spray.

-On conditions imposed by the law keep a gun in your home for self-defence.

-Leave lights on at home when you go out .

-Never keep a large amount of money in the house . Put it in a bank or building society.

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