Indirect Speech
Vorbirea directa e reprezentata īn limba engleza prin ghilimele sus" "sau initiala persoanei care vorbeste urmata de doua puncte A:, Mrs S: , Mr B:
Vorbirea indirecta e de regula introdusa prin verbe ca : say , tell, ask, answer , inform , order, .claim , suggest , advice etc .
Regula 1
Daca verbul care introduce vorbirea indirecta e la un timp prezent ( prezent simplu , prezent perfect ), atunci īn vorbirea indirecta se pastreaza timpul verbului din vorbirea directa , schimbāndu-se doar persoana .
"I am tired ."
She says that she is tired .
"I will come . "
She has said that she will come .
Regula 2
Daca verbul care introduce vorbirea indirecta e la un timp trecut ( trecut simplu , past perfect ) atunci potrivit regulilor de corespondenta toate timpurile din vorbirea indirecta vor fi la timpul trecut , timpurile schimbāndu-se astfel :
Regula 3
Īntrebarile īn vorbirea indirecta sunt introduce cu ajutorul conjunctiei if (daca) cu exceptia īntrebarilor care īncep cu un cuvānt cu WH (what , when, where , why , who , which, etc )
" What is your name.?"
He asked me what was my mane .
" Have you read the book ?"
He asked me if I had read the book .
Regula 4
Indiferent cāte verbe are propozitia la vorbirea directa , toate se transforma īn vorbirea indirecta .
Regula 5
Imperativul din vorbirea directa se transforma īn vorbirea indirecta īn infinitive lung indifferent de timpul verbului care introduce vorbirea indirecta .
" Shut the door !"
He told me to shut the door .
" Go home !"
He suggested me to go home .
" Let'us go !"
He said us to go .
" Don't open the book !"
He told me not to open the book .
Regula 6
Pronumele , adjectivele posesive si adverbele de timp (si unele de loc ) sufera transformari īn vorbirea indirecta īn functie de īnteles . -exact ca īn limba romāna .
I→he /she
We →they
This →that
These →those
Here →there
Today →that day
Yesterday →the day before
Tomorrow →the next day
Ago →before
Next day →the next day