Numeralul (The Numeral)
Numerale cardinale sl ordinale
r Numeral Cardinal nought, naught zero sau cipher |
Pronuntare |
Cifra araba |
Cifra romana |
Numeral ordinal |
Pronuntare |
Cifra |
[no:t] ['ziarau] sau C'saifa] |
one |
[w/vn] |
l |
(the) first |
[f3:st] |
1st |
two |
[tu:] |
II |
second |
seknd] |
2nd sau 2d |
three |
[Ori:] |
third |
[Gard] |
3rd sau 3d |
four |
[fo:] |
IV |
fourth |
[fo:8] |
4th |
five |
[faiv] |
V |
fifth |
[fif9] |
5th |
six |
[siks] |
VI |
sixth |
[siksB] |
6th |
seven |
['sevn] |
seventh |
['sevnG] |
7th |
eight |
[eit] |
eighth |
[eitG] |
8th |
nme |
[nain] |
IX |
ninth |
[nainS] |
9th |
ten |
[ten] |
X |
tenth |
[tenG] |
10th |
eleyen |
[i'levn] |
XI |
eleventh |
[i'levn |
11th |
twelye |
[twelv] |
twelfth |
[twelfG] |
12th |
['e3:'ti:nl |
thirteenth |
['e3:'ti:n9] |
13th |
['fD:'ti:n] |
fourteenth |
['fo:'ti:ne] |
14th |
[Tifti:nl |
XV |
fifteenth |
[Tiftirne] |
15th |
sixteen__^ seventeen__ eiahteen___^ |
['siks'tirnl |
sixteenth |
['siks'ti:n9] |
16th |
['sevn'ti:nl |
seventeenth |
['sevn'ti:n6] |
17th |
['ei'ti.-nl |
eighteenth |
['ei'ti:ne] |
18th |
5!Qeteen____ |
['nain'tirnl |
nineteenth |
['nain'ti:n6] |
19th |
]wenty___^ |
['twentil |
XX |
twenlieth |
f'twentiiG] |
20th |
^nty^one__ |
J'twenti:wAn] |
twenty-first |
['twenti'farst] |
21th |
^enty-two |
['twenti'tu:] |
twenty-second |
['twenti ^m |
22nd sau |
Numeral cardinal |
Pronuntare |
Cifra araba |
Cifra romana |
Numeral ordinal |
Pronuntare |
Cifra |
twenty-three |
['twenti'Gri:] |
twenty-third |
['twenti'Qs-.d] |
23rd "^ |
twenty-four |
f'twenti'fo:] |
twenty-fourth |
f'twenti'fo:81 |
24th ^~~^ |
twenty-five |
['twenti'faiv] |
twenty-fifth |
['twenti'fifB] |
25th ~^ |
twenty-six |
f'twenti'siks] |
twenty-sixth |
['twenti'siksG] |
26th ^~~^ |
twenty-seven |
['twenty'sevn] |
twenty-seventh |
f'twenti'sevnS] |
27th "" |
twenty-eight |
['twenti'eit] |
twenty-eighth |
['twenti'eitG] |
28th ~~~" |
twenty-nine |
f'twenti-'nain] |
twenty-ninth |
['twenti'nainG] |
29th |
thirty |
['63:ti] |
thirtieth |
['Ga.-tiiG] |
30th |
thirty-one |
['Ga-.ti'wAn] |
thirty-first |
['63:ti'f3:st] |
31 st |
thirty-two |
f'ea.-ti'tu:] |
thirty-second |
f'Garti'seknd] |
32nd sau 32d |
forty |
rfo:tn |
XL |
fortieth |
['fo.-tiiG] |
40th |
forty-one |
f'fbrti'wAn] |
forty-first |
['fo:ti'f3:st] |
41 st |
forty-two |
f'farti'tu:] |
forty-second |
['fo.-ti'seknd] |
42nd sau 426 |
fifty |
f'fifti] |
L |
fiftieth |
['fiftiiG] |
50th |
sixty |
f'siksti] |
LX |
sixtieth |
f'sikstiiG] |
60th |
seventy |
['sevnti] |
seventieth |
f'sevntiiG] |
70th |
eighty |
feiti] |
eightieth |
['eitiiO] |
80th |
ninety |
f'nainti] |
XC |
ninetieth |
f'naintiiG] |
90th |
one hundred |
['wAn'hAndrid] |
C |
(one) hundredth |
[(wAn)'hAndridG |
100th |
one hundred and one |
['wAn'hAndrid snd'wAn] |
CI |
(one) hundred and first |
[(wAn)'hAndrid an 'fast] |
101 st |
one hundred and two |
['wad 'hAndridan'tu:] |
Cil |
(one) hundred and second |
[(wAn)'hAndrid an'seknd] |
102nd sau 102d |
two hundred |
f'tu:'hAndrid] |
CC |
two hundredth |
['tu:'hAndrid0] |
200th |
three hundred |
['6ri:'hAndrid] |
three hundredth |
['Grir'hAndridG] |
SOOth |
four hundred |
['frx'hAndrid] |
CD |
four hundredth |
['fo'hAndridG] |
400th |
five hundred |
['faiv'hAndrid] |
D |
five hundredth |
['faiv'hAndridO] |
SOOth . |
six hundred |
r.siks'hAndrid] |
DC |
six hundredth |
f'siks'hAndridG] |
600th _ |
seven hundred |
['sevn'hAndrid] |
seven hundredth |
>evn'hAndrid6] |
700th |
eight hundred |
['eit:'hAndrid] |
eight hundredth |
''eit'hAndridG] |
aooth |
nine hundred |
''nain'hAndrid] |
CM |
nine hundredth |
['nain'hundridG] |
900th ^ |
one thousand |
VAti'Gauznd] |
M |
(one) housandth |
^(wAn)'8auznd6] |
1,000th |
two thousand |
'tu:'6auznd] |
MM |
wo thousandth |
f'tu:'6auznd6] |
2,OOOth_^J |
Numeral ordinal |
Pronuntare |
Cifra araba |
Cifra romana |
Numeral ordinal |
Pronuntare |
Cifra |
five )hnusanu |
['faiv'9auznd] |
V |
five thousandth |
['faiv'eauznd6] |
5,000th |
ttluu^^L: n thousand |
f'ten'Gauznd] |
X |
ten thousandth |
['ten'6auznd6] |
10,000th |
one hundred thousand___ |
['wAn'hAndrid 0auznd] |
C |
(one) hundred thousandth |
[(wAn)'hAndrid '6auznd9] |
100,000th |
one million |
[VAn'miljan] |
M |
(one) millionth |
[(wAn)'miijan6] |
th |
NOT : Datele se exprima n engleza cu numeralul ordinal:
£x.: The fi'rsf (dayj of January sau January the (irst
1/r of January 1992
Z1 1 January 1992
Indiferent cum se scrie, se citeste:
The f irst of January 1992
3/ January 1 ' 1992
4/ January 1, 1992
Am ndoua se citesc January the f irst, iar n engleza americana uneori January one.
august 1992 se poate scrie n engleza 2.8.1992, iar n americana nt i luna).
Numeralul multiplicativ
1/ once [wads] = o data
2/ twice [twais] = de doua ori
two times = de doua ori (forma americana ocazionala
NOT De la trei n sus, numeralul multiplicativ se formeaza din cel cardinal + cimes (ori)
three times = de trei ori
four times = de patru ori
7 a hundred times = de o suta de ori nmultirile se exprima astfel:
1 x 1
= (1) = once one s one
~ 2 x 2 = (4) = twice two is four
10 x 10 = (100) = ten times ten is one
Numeralul iterativ sau repetitiv
(for) the first time = (pentru) prima data (for) the second time = (pentru) a doua
(for) the third time = (pentru) a treia oara (for) the fourth time = (pentru) a patra oara (for) the fifth time (etc.) = (pentru) a cincea
oara etc.
Numeralul adverbial
first(ly) = n primul r nd
second(ly) n al doilea r nd *
third(ly) n al treilea r nd >
fourth(ly) = n al patrulea r nd fifth(ly) = n al cincilea r nd etc.
Numeralul nehotar t-distributiv (adjectival, fractional)
much [mAtfl = mult, multa
how much ['hau 'mAt]"] = c t, c ta (mult, multa
so much ['sau 'mAtJ] = at t, at ta (mult, multa
not so much ['not sau 'mAtJ] = nu at t(a) (mult, multa
foo much ['tu: 'mAtJ] = prea mult, multa
many ['meni] = multi, multe
how many [hau 'meni] = cāti, c te (multi, multe)
so many [sau 'meni] = atāti, at tea (de multi, multe)
nof so many [not sau 'meni] = nu at t(ea) (de multi, multe)
(oo many [tu: 'meni] = prea multi, multe
severa/ ['sevrl] = mai multi, mai multe (necomparat, nedefinit)
severa/ days = mai multe zile
tens of books = zeci de carti
hundreds of people = sute de oameni
millions ofstars = milioane de stele
Numerale distributive
one by one = unul c te unul (sau una c te
two by two = doi c te doi (sau doua c te
three by three = trei c te trei
one after another = unul dupa altul
one atatime = (c te) unul o data
two at a time = (c te) doi (doua) deodata
three at a time = (c te) trei deodata
every dayl second = n fiecare zi/ moment
every moment/ minute/ night/ = n fiecare
moment / minut / noapte
every week/ month/ year = n fiecare
saptam na / luna / an
every century = n fiecare secol
every two days - every other/ second day
la fiecare doua zile, din doua n doua zile
every other Thursday = din doua n joi, joia din doua n doua saptam ni
Numerale fractionale
one whole [wAn'hsul] = un ntreg one half [wAn'ha:f] = o jumatate one quarter [wAn'kworts] = un sfert one third [wAn'Gsrd] = 1/3 two thirds [tu:'63:dz] = 2/3 one fifth [wArTfit three fifths [eri'fifBs] = 3/5 onesixth [wAn'siksS] = 1/6 three sixths [9ri:'sik6s] = 3/6 onetenth [wAn'tenO] =1/10 two tenths [tu:'ten6s] =2/10
NOT Virgula de la zecimalele rom nesti e punct la cele englezesti si invers:
rom na
1.5 (one point five, one and a half]
100,000 (one hundred thousand)
(La ani nu se pune virgula