Cititi si traduceti urmatorul dialog.
A.: What's your job?
B.: I have a part-time job as a nurse in a big hospital. And I'm still studying to become a doctor. I want to cure sick people, you know.
A.: What about your parents? What is your mother's job?
She is a French teacher. She also took her degree in English at
My father is a physician. He has been practising medicine for more than 20 years.
May I ask what are your qualifications?
A.: Well, I do office work. I'm a civil servant.
B.: Do you have to work overtime?
A.: From time to time I go off duty late in the evening.
B.: What are your office hour?
A.: My office hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Cuvinte si expresii / Words and Phrases
- What's your job - Care este slujba ta ?
- A part - time job - O slujba cu o jumatate de norma.
- A full - time job - O slujba cu norma întreaga
- Physician - Doctor
- I work overtime - Lucrez peste program
- I go off duty - Termin programul
- She took her degree - si-a luat licenta
- What are your qualifications ? - Ce specializari ai?
- Office / Work hours - Program de lucru
- I am on duty - Sunt de serviciu
NOTĂ: Substantivele care exprima profesiile la singular vor fi precedate de articolul nehotarât.
John is a Police Officer.
Mary is an engineer.
TEXT ÎN LIMBA engleza cu termeni specifici utilizati în desfasurarea activitatii lucratorilor de politie.
Cititi si traduceti urmatorul dialog.
A.: Where do you work ?
B.: I am a Law Enforcement Official.
A.: So you work with the Police. Can you tell me anything about the Romanian Police ?
B.: The Romanian Police work throughout the country. A main responsibility is safety insurance. This duty is, fulfilled in compliance with our country's Constitutional provisions and the European Convention of Human Rights. The efforts made by the Romanian Police are directed towards a higher efficiency, towards making the crime prevention and counteraction activities more diverse and numerous.
A.: What exactly does your work include?
B.: It include, responding to calls from the population, maintaing the public order , food and car patrols , investigating different crimes.
A.: Thank you for your detailed information.
B.: You're welcome.
Law Enforcement Official.
To enforce - a aplica
To fulfil - a îndeplini
In compliance with - în concordanta cu
Prevention - prevenire
Counteraction activities- activitate de cotracarare
To counteract - a contracara
Provisions - prevederi, clause
genul si numarul substantivelor.
Genul substantivelor
A. Genul masculin / The Masculine Gender
Au genul masculin substantivele care desemneaza fiintele de sex masculine ; aceste substantive se pot înlocui prin pronumele personal "he" .
Exemple: boy, man, policeman, father,brather, he-wolf.
Tot de genul masculine sunt si : sun, thunder, wind, anger.
B. Genul feminin / The Feminine Gender
Desemneaza fiintele de gen feminin, întruchipând femeia ca fiinta, (stare), nationalitate, profesie.
Exemple: mother, sister, policewoman, she-wolf, lioness.
Tot feminine sunt si: ship, love, kindness, pride, night, car, rain, country (prin personificare)..
C. Genul neutru / The Neuter Gender
Desemneaza lucrurile ,tot ceea ce este neînsufletit si nu implica ideea de sex.
Exemple: room, door, table, window, house,chalk, peace, picture, the river, the storm.
Tot de genul neutru sunt si animalele inferioare (sau cele mici/si copii mici.
Exemple : mosquito, mouse, worm, baby, etc.
D. Genul comun / The Common Gender
Cuprinde substantivele care, în afara unui contex pot fi de ambele sexe/genul masculin sau feminin.
Într-un context oarecare ele devin fie feminine, fie masculine.
Exemple: The teacher gave a few more examples, as she/he wanted the pupils to understand the rule.
Alte substantive de genul comun : doctor, cousin, friend, engineer.
S-a observat din exemplificarile date, deosebirile fata de limba româna în ceea ce priveste genul substantivelor care desemneaza lucruri în limba engleza, tot ceea ce nu este însufletit este de genul neutru, pe câta vreme în limba româna substantivul poate fi masculine, feminine sau neutru.
An oak (neutru) un stejar (masculin)
A table(neutru) o masa (feminine)
A chair (neutru) un scaun (neutru)
Diferenta de forma între substantivele masculine si cele feminine.
Substantivele feminine se deosebesc de cele masculine se poate face prin forme / cuvinte diferite.
Boy - girl
Brother - sister
Uncle - aunt
Bull - cow
Policeman - policewoman
Mother - father
Son - daughter
Formarea pluralului substantivelor simple.
Pluralul regulat, se formeaza prin adaugarea consoanei - S la forma de singular. Consoana respectiva se poate pronunta :
- [S], dupa sunetele [p], [t], [f], [k], [O] :
Cup cups
Boot boots
Boat boats
Book books
cliff cliffs
chief chiefs
faith faiths
month months
lenghth lenghths
[Z], dupa sunetele vocalice si dupa sunetele consonatice sonore [b], [d], [g], [l],[m], [n], [v] :
door doors
spas spas
dog dogs
job jobs
bag bags
song songs
car cars
thing things
Substantivele terminate la singular în consoanele suieratoare (s, ss, ch, sh, x) formeaza pluralul prin adaugarea terminatiei - es pronuntata [iz]:
bus buses
class classes
church churches
watch watches
clash clashes
box boxes
3. Substantivele terminate în - f si - fe transforma consoana f în v, dupa care se adauga - es, respectiv - s, cu pronuntia [vz] :
Wolf wolves
Wife wives
Half halves
Life lives
4. Substantivele terminate în vocala - o: Sb + es [i z]
Ex :
potato potatoes
tomato tomatoes
hero heroes
echo echoes
Exceptie fac substantivele mai nou intrate în limbaj (neologismele), carora li se adauga doar - S :
Ex :
piano pianos
photo photos
radio radios
video videos
Forme de plural neregulate :
La aceste substantive forma de plural difera de cea de singular prin una sau mai multe litere ; aceste forme sunt, în general, pastrate din engleza veche :
Ex :
man men
woman women
tooth teeth
foot feet
goose geese
child children