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Perfectul Prezent Continuu ( Present Perfect Continuous)


Perfectul Prezent Continuu ( Present Perfect Continuous)

In lectia aceasta vom vedea cum se formeaza si cand se intrebuinteaza Perfectul Prezent Continuu al unui verb.


Perfectul Prezent Continuu se formeaza cu auxiliarul to have( have, has ) urmat de aspectul continuu al participiului trecut al verbului de conjugat.
(participiul trecut simplu: worked, cleaned; participiul trecut continuu: been working, been cleaning.)

1. Forma afirmativa:

I have been walking
You have been walking
He has been walking
We have been walking
You have been walking
They have been walking

2. Forma interogativa :

Have I been walking ?
Have you been walking ?
Has he been walking ?
Has she been walking ?
Have we been walking ?
Have you been walking ?
Have they been walking ?

3. Forma negativa :

I have not been walking
You have not been walking
He has not been walking
She has not been walking
We have not been walking
You have not been walking
They have not been walking

4. Forma interogativ-negativa

Have I not been walking ?
Have you not been walking ?
Has he not been walking ?
Has she not been walking ?
Have we not been walking ?
Have you not been walking ?
Have they not been walking ?

B. INTREBUINTARE (cand folosim acest aspect al Prezentului in vorbire)

Perfectul Prezent continuu se foloseste aproximativ in aceleasi situatii ca si Prezentul Perfect simplu.
Totusi, accentueaza ideea de continuare in prezent a actiunii descrise:

He has read that book. A citit acea carte. ( Deja cunoaste continutul)
He has been reading that book for three hours. Citeste cartea aceea de trei ore. (si inca n-a terminat-o)

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