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Present Perfect Tense


Present Perfect Tense

Simple: to have + III form indefinite action performed in the past

Eg: I have seen him. We have met. action performed in the past with results and 11211b11l authors in the present

Eg: He has lost his umbrella and he will get wet to the skin.

I have not studied this rule and I don't know how to do this exercise. action performed in an unfinished period of time: lately, recently, this week, this month, today.

Eg: I have been very busy today.

Tom has studied a lot this month.

4.a repeated action from the past to the present

Eg: He has always helped me in difficult moments.

They have usually met at school. action started in the past and continued in the present: for, since

Eg: He has studied in this school for five years.

We have been mates since I moved in this class.

Continous: to be (present perfect)+vb inf

1.a continous action from the past in the present: for, since

Eg: He has been studying for two hours.

We have been waiting for you since morning.

2.a repeated action from the past to the present with instantaneous verbs

Eg: My neighbour has been hammering since five o'clock and I have a terrible headache.

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