Pluralul substantivelor:
in general se adauga "s"
Ex: boy - boys
subst. terminate in: s, ss, sh, ch, tch, x si z adauga "es"
Ex: bus - buses
dress - dresses
bush - bushes
church - churches
match - matches
box - boxes
buzz - buzzes
subst. terminate in "o" precedate de consoana adauda "es" cu exceptia subst. provenite din limbi straine si a celor din prescurtari
Ex: tomato - tomatoes
studio - studios
fresco - frescos (din italiana)
piano - pianos
disco - discos (prescurtare)
forme duble: "os" si "oes": cargo, buffalo, banjo, motto, volcano, zero
subst terminate in "y" precedat de consoana transforma y in "i+es"
Ex: family - families / key - keys
Exceptii: - subst proprii nume de familie la plural (the Kennedys)
- subst compuse (passer-by - passers-by)
subst terminate in "f" si "fe" transforma f in "v" si adauga "s"
Ex: life - lives
leaf - leaves
Exceptii: cliff - cliffs (stanca de mare)
grief (durere psihica)
cuff (manseta)
gulf (golf)
forme duble: "fs" si "ves": scarf, handkerchief, dwarf, hoof (copita), wharf (debarcader)
cateva subst modifica vocala interioara:
man - men
woman - women
goose - geese
tooth - teeth
foot - feet
mouse - mice
louse - lice (paduche)
die -dice (zaruri)
trei subst adauga "en":
ox - oxen
child - children
brother - brothers
brethren (frati de credinta, comuniune, etc.)
subst nationalitati terminate in s, ss, sh, ch, tch si ese au aceeasi forma la sg si la pl:
French (la plural sunt la fel)
cateva subst au aceeasi forma la sg si la pl:
a) se termina in "s": species, series, means, headquarters, barracks (baraca/baraci)
b) animale salbatice/pasari/pesti:
game (doar cand inseamna vanat/vanaturi)
duck (doar cand este rata salbatica)
carp (crap)
trout (pastrav/pastravi)
pike (stiuca/stiuci)
subst compuse care au in alcatuire man sau woman ca ultim element il modifica pe acesta la plural:
Ex: policeman - policemen
subst compuse care au in alcatuire man, gentleman, lady sau woman ca prim element modifica ambele elemente la plural:
Ex: lady-doctor - ladies-doctors
man-singer - men-singers
subst compuse care au prepozitie in alcatuire adauga "s" primului element
Ex: lily of the valley - lilies of the valley
subst compuse care nu au in alcatuire prepozitie adauga "s" ultimului element
Ex: forget-me-not - forget-me-nots
Plurale straine:
I. din limba latina:
a) subst terminate in "us" fac plural in "i"
cactus - cacti
b) subst terminate in "a" fac plural in "ae"
alga - algae
c) subst terminate in "um" fac plural in "a"
datum - data
d) subst terminate in "ix" sau "ex" fac plural in "ices"
index - indices
II. din limba greaca:
a) subst terminate in "on" fac plural in "a"
phenomenon - phenomena
b) subst terminate in "is" fac plural in "es"
basis - bases
III. din limba franceza:
plateau - plateaux
Substantive care au doua forme de plural cu doua intelesuri diferite:
die - dice (zaruri)
- dies (matrite)
genius - geniuses (f. destepti)
- genii (spirite ale raului)
formula - formulas (forme de cuvinte)
- formulae (formule matem.)
index - indexes (cuprinsuri)
- indices (indici matem.)
medium - mediums (mediu paranormal)
- media (mass-media)
penny - pennies (mai multe monede de 1 penny)
- pence (o moneda de mai multi penny)
cloth - cloths (carpe, metraje)
- clothes (imbracaminte)
staff - staffs (personalul firmei)
- staves (portative muzicale)
Substantive care au o forma de plural cu mai multe intelesuri:
ash = scrum (fara pl)
ashes = cenusa
air = aer (fara pl)
airs = fite, talente
age = varsta (fara pl)
ages = secole; mult timp
advice = sfat
advices = dispozitie de plata
color = culoare
colors = culori; steag
content = continut
contents = continuturi; tabla de materii
compass = busola
compasses = busole; compas
cost = cost
costs = costuri, cheltuieli
custom = obicei
customs = obiceiuri; vama
drawer = sertar
drawers = sertare; izmene
drought = curent de aer
droughts = curente de aer; joc de dame
damage = stricaciune
damages = stricaciuni; despagubiri
effect = efect
effects = efecte; imbracaminte
ground = pamant (fara pl); motiv
grounds = motive; zat de cafea; loc de joaca pt copii
glass = sticla (fara pl); pahar
glasses = pahare; ochelari
letter = litera; scrisoare
letters = litere; scrisori; literatura
minute = minut
minutes = minute; proces verbal
manner = mod
manners = moduri; comportament
megrim = migrena
megrims = migrene; melancolie
number = numar
numbers = numere; versuri; strofa
quarter = sfert
quarters = sferturi; cazarma; cantonament
point = punct
points = puncte, macaz
part = parte
parts = parti, meleaguri
pain = durere
pains = dureri; efort
paper = hartie (fara pl)
papers = documente, acte, lucrari
premise = premiza
premises = locuinta (sg)
preserve = dulceata
preserves = dulceturi; ochelari de protectie
sand = nisip
sands = plaja
spectacle = spectacol
spectacles = spectacole; ochelari
scale = taler; solz de peste; gama muzicala; scara sociala
scales = talere; solzi de peste; game muzicale; scari sociale; balanta
spirit = duh; D-zeu (abstract)
spirits = spirite; bauturi spirtoase; stare de spirit; spirt medicinal
term = trimestru; termen
terms = trimestre; termene; relatii
water = apa (fara pl)
waters = apa minerala
wood = lemn (fara pl)
woods = padure
work = munca
works = opere (realizari deosebite); fabrica, mecanism
1. aspect de sg, inteles de pl, acord in sg:
produce (produs natural (rasina de brad) / spre deosebire de product = produs industrial)
news (are forma de pl !!)
toate abstractiunile (power, love, hate, thunder, literature)
alimente (butter, milk, meat)
substante, materiale (silk, cotton, tobacco)
nu au plural si fac acord la singular
la substituirea cu pronume primesc "it"
Ex: Where is the money? Give it to me.
nu pot fi determinate de: a, few, a few, many, every, each, either, neither, other, another, the other, etc. (pentru ca nu pot fi numarate !)
cand vreau sa sugerez singularul folosesc: a bit of, a piece of, an item of, etc.
Ex: a flash of lightning
a crash of thunder
aspect de pl, inteles de sg, acord in sg:
- 2 boli: measles = pojar
mumps = oreion
- jocurile terminate in "s":
darts (aruncarea la tinta)
nine pins (popice)
- stiinte si obiecte de studiu (se scriu cu majuscula):
daca nu se refera la obiecte de studiu (materii), fac acordul la plural si nu se scriu cu majuscula
Ex: What are your politics about it?
The statistics for Romania are bad.
3. aspect de pl, inteles de pl (in romaneste de sg !!!), acord de pl:
Aceste substantive nu au forma de sg.
a) substantive imbracaminte formate din doua parti identice:
pants (pantaloni)
panties (chiloti)
overalls (salopeta)
shorts (pant scurti)
b) instrumente si unelte formate din doua structuri identice:
compasses (compas)
scissors (foarfeca)
tweezers (penseta)
tongs (cleste)
pliers (patent)
c) o boala si o stare de spirit:
hysterics (isterie)
blues (melancolie)
d) denumiri geografice, tari formate din mai multe state:
the United States of America
the Carpatians
e) subst provenite din verbe + "ings":
nu au forma de sg, ele fac acordul in pl
la substituirea cu pronume primesc "they"
Ex: Where are the tongs? Give them to me.
nu pot fi determinate de: a, few, a few, many, every, each, either, neither, other, another, the other, etc. (pentru ca nu pot fi numarate !)
daca vreau sa sugerez sg, folosesc "a pair of "
aspect de sg, inteles de pl, acord la pl:
cattle (vite)
youth (tineret)
clergy (cler = mai multi membri ai bisericii)
horse (cand are sensul de cavalerie)
acordul este la plural
Ex: The police are searching for the thief.
Sunt subst care au 2 forme de acord cu verbul:
in sg cand se refera la subst ca la un intreg
in pl cand se refera la elementele componente luate una cate una
Ex: 1) My family is at home (if you go there you find someone)
2) My family are at home (each member of the family is present)
class crew herd (cireada)
group audience flock (turma)
team party (partid) swarm (roi)
family press flight (stol)
committee government shoal (banc)
council board
jury cabinet
army mob (multime)
navy band
2 sau mai multe subst legate prin inteles care formeaza o entitate fac acordul cu verbul in singular
Ex: 1) My neighbor and friend is here (este vorba despre aceeasi persoana)
2) Ten days is enough for a holiday (este vorba de perioada)
substantivul number si alte subst care definesc o multime (cantitate) fac acord in sg daca sunt precedate de "the" si in pl daca sunt precedate de "a"
Ex: 1) A number of cars are in the street.
2) The number of cars is sufficient.
dupa each, every, either, neither, urmeaza subst numarabil la sg, iar in constructiile either...or (atat. cat si.)
neither...nor (nici...nici..), acordul cu verbul se face dupa ultimul element
Ex: 1) Either the boy or the girl is here.
2) Neither you nor I am right.
substantivele life, soul, mind, heart vor apare in forma de plural cand determina un subst ca "people"
Ex: in romaneste: Soldatii si-au dat viata (la sg) pentru tara.
in engleza: The soldiers have given their lives (la pl) for the country.
Este de 2 feluri: 1) sintetic (saxon)
2) analitic (prepozitional)
Genitivul sintetic: posesor + 's + obiect posedat
posesorul este subst propriu:
Carmen's car
posesorul este subst comun fiinta:
the girl's car
denumiri geografice:
Romania's economy
animale (animale mari):
the dog's house
substantiv colectiv:
the company's success
liberty's defense
corpuri celeste:
the sun's rays
the wind's voice
pronume nehotarat:
somebody's wish
diviziuni (de timp de ex.):
yesterday's newspaper
expresii consacrate:
the God's sake
daca subst proprii se termina in "s", punem doar apostroful:
Ex: Dickens' novels - dar se citeste ca si cum ar fi adaugat "es": (dichensiz)
daca avem 2 sau mai multi posesori ai aceluiasi obiect intre care exista o relatie de rudenie, punem 's doar ultimului:
Ex: 1) the girl and the boy's father (sunt frati, au acelasi tata)
2) the girl's and the boy's fathers (nu sunt frati)
nu se mai pune obiectul posedat
- daca a mai fost mentionat anterior
Ex: My mother's car is blue and my father's is white.
- sau daca e unul din substantivele:
house (lista nu este limitativa)
Ex: Let's go to the butcher's (in loc de butcher's shop)
daca posesorul este la plural, punem doar apostrof fara s:
boys' toys
Exceptie fac subst care nu fac plural in "s":
people's respect
children's toys
Genitivul analitic: obiect posedat + of + posesor
pt lucruri
the door of the room
anumite denumiri geografice:
the city of London
susbt provenite din adjective:
the needs of the poor
Tom, a friend of my manager
insecte, pasari mici:
the wings of the fly
cand vrem sa subliniem un subst propriu:
Let's talk about the wars of Napoleon
cand subst e precedat de un determinant:
this book of my friend
nu poate sa lipseasca nici un element, iar la plural are aceeasi forma
a) combinatie din 3: analitic + sintetic
Ex: masina prietenului fratelui meu - the car of my brother's friend
b) combinatie din 4: sintetic + analitic + sintetic
Ex: masina prietenului fratelui varului tau - the friend's car of your cousin's brother
In general, substantivele in limba engleza nu au gen.
Totusi, avem:
man - woman
Ex: policeman - policewoman
male - female
Ex: male student - female student
girl - boy
Ex: girlfriend - boyfriend
forme distincte
Ex: mother - father
wife - husband (generic = spouse)
grandmother - grandfather
son - daughter
sister - brother
uncle - aunt
nephew - niece
bachelor - spinster (celibatara)
munk - nun (calugar/calugarita)
lad - lass (fecior/fetiscana)
wizard - witch (vrajitor/vrajitoare)
tutor - governess
tailor - seamstress (cusator/cusatoreasa)
earl - countess (conte/contesa)
king - queen
gentleman - lady
se formeaza niste feminine si prin adaugarea sufixului "ess":
Ex: actor - actress
master - mistress
waiter - waitress (chelner/chelnerita)
Exceptie: hero - heroine
doua substantive fac masculinul din feminin:
Ex: widow - widower (vaduva/vaduv)
bride - bridegroom (mireasa/mire)
subst provenite din limbi straine isi fac genul cf limbii din care provin:
signor - signora
don - donna
protégé - protegee
fiancé - fiancée
pt animale:
a) he - she:
he-elephant - she-elephant
b) male - female:
male-frog - female-frog
c) prin adaugare de sufix "ess":
lion - lioness; tiger - tigress
d) cu forme distincte pt animale:
fox (vulpoi) - vixen (vulpe)
mare (iapa) - stallion (armasar) generic = horse
Jack-ass (magar) - Jenny-ass (magarita)
cow (vaca) - ox (bou) sau bull (bou de prasila)
she-goat (capra) - he-goat (tap)
ram (berbec) - ewe (oaie) generic = sheep
rabbit (iepure de casa) - doe-rabbit (iepuroaica)
bee (albina) - drone (albin)
saw (scroafa) - swine (porc) sau boar (vier; porc mistret)
tom cat (pisoi) - tib cat (pisica)
dog (caine) - bitch (catea)
hen (gaina) - cock (cocos)
Turkey-hen (curca) - Turkey-cock (curcan)
goose (gasca) - gander (gascan)
duck (rata) - drake (ratoi)
deer (caprioara) - stag (cerb)
hart (ciuta) - roe (ciutan)
daca subst are categorie de gen, primeste pronumele corespunzator genului
Ex: My brother has a mare. She is black.