The Present Tense Continuous
Este folosit cu:
John is taking a bath (right now). It is raining.
She is reading a novel by Henry James. I am teaching geometry this year.
I am living in
He is jumping. Somebody is knocking at the door.
They are leaving tomorrow. She is
meeting Tom at the station at
At 8 we are having breakfast. (We have breakfast at 8 =we start breakfast at 8).
When they get there and unlock the door they see a girl sitting at the desk in the dark room. She seems very preoccupied and does not see the two men entering the room.
Nota 1: Singurul adverb de frecventa care poate fi folosit cu Present Tense Continuous este always, dar numai in urmatoarele cazuri:
My husband is always going to footbal matches on Sunday. (=ceea ce inseamna ca sotul nu se duce neaparat in fiecare duminica la meci, dar aceasta actiune se intampla prea des in opinia sotiei si acest lucru o deranjaza)
That girl is always reading.
Nota 2: Exista anumite verbe care nu pot fi folosite la Present Tense Continuous:
Verbe ale simturilor (numai cand exprima actiuni involuntare): feel, hear, see, smell, notice, observe (=notice), si feel, look, taste folosite ca verbe de legatura ( - The water feels cold)
Verbe care exprima sentimente sau emotii: admire, adore, appreciate, care for (=like), desire, detest, dislike, fear, hate, like, loathe, love, mind, respect, value, want, wish etc. (Totusi, unele dintre aceste verbe pot fi folosite cu aspectul continuu atunci cand au un alt inteles: admire=look at with admiration, appreciate=to increase in value, care for=look after etc.)
Verbe care exprima o activitate mentala: agree, appreciate(=understand), assume, belive, expect, feel(=think), feel sure/certain, forget, know, mean, perceive, realize, recall, recognize, recollect, remember, see(=understand), suppose, think(=have an opinion), trust(=belive/have confidence), understand.
Verbe de posesie: belong, owe, own, possess.
Auxilialele, cu exceptia lui be si have (in anumite situatii).
Cu: appear(=seem), concern, consist, contain, hold(=contain), keep(=continue), matter, seem, signify, sound(seem/appear).
*** Verbul feel nu se foloseste la Present Tense Continuous cand are sensul de "try to find something by touching" sau cand e urmat de adverbe precum "angry/pleased, happy/sad, hot/cold, tense/relaxed, nervous/confident etc.