Cititi si traduceti urmatoarele dialoguri ce contin expresii tipice utilizate in convorbirile telef 222x237c onice:
Mr. Smith lifts the receiver and dials 420809
Johnson :
Mr. S. : May/Can I speak to Mr. Johnson, please?
Mr. J. : Speaking
Mr. S. : Good morning. This is Peter Smith speaking, I've rung
you up to ask if we could meet tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
J. :
Is it about the business with the steel from
Mr. S. : Yes, this is what I would like to talk about.
Mr. J. : Well, you see, we could meet and discuss at 9 am tomorrow. Do you agree with my proposal?
Mr. S. : Yes, of course. See you tomorrow, then. Good-bye, Mr. J.
Mr. J. : Good-bye, Mr. S.
Voice : Hello. John Derek is speaking.
Can I speak to Mr. Nelson, please?
Secretary : Hello. Nelson? There is no Nelson here.
I'm afraid you've got the wrong number.
Voice : Oh, I'm so sorry.
Secretary : That's all right
If you want to have a phone conversation with a friend of yours who lives in another town, you've got to make a long distance (phone call).
You either ask the operator to connect you, or, if your friend lives in a bigger town, you may dial the number yourself.
First you must dial the town's code number where you are calling and then the subscriber's number.
If you want to make a local phone call, you first go into the telephone box and lift the receiver. After you hear the dialing tone, that indicates that nothing is wrong on the order, you may dial the number you want.
Vocabular specific
To dial a number - a forma un numar
To speak on the phone - a vorbi la telefon
Mr. John is speaking - dl John la telefon
To ring somebody up - a sun ape cineva
To make a long distance phone call - a avea o convorbire internationala
I'll put you through - va voi da legatura
The line is free / clear - linia este libera
The number is engaged - numarul este ocupat
Your phone is out of order - telefonul dvs. este defect
You've got the wrong number - ati format un numar gresit
Telephone directory - carte de telefon
Pick up the phone, please! - raspunde la telefon, te rog
Hold the line! - ramâneti pe fir
Don't hang up - nu închideti
Extension - (numar) interior
Completati spatiile libere cu verbe la trecutul continuu:
Fill in the blanks with verbs in the Past Continuous Tense:
a./ Grandfather ..... a newspaper at 12.30 yesterday.
b./ I .... TV at 8 o'clock yesterday evening.
Rezolvare si explicatii.
a) Grandfather was reading a newspaper..
b) I was watching TV.
A. Trecutul continuu a fost utilizat în exemplele de mai sus pentru a desemna o actiune în curs de desfasurare într-un moment din trecut (precizat).
Completati cu verbe la trecutul continuu
a./ We (translate) a text when the bell rang.
b./ Mr.John(live) in the country when he met Mary.
We were translating a text when the bell rang.
B. În aceste exemple trecutul continuu a fost utilizat în contrast cu trecutul simplu pentru a evidentia o actiune cu o durata mai mare de desfasurare în timp, fata de o actiune de durata scurta (momentana), pentru care verbul se pune la trecutul simplu.
C. Trecutul continuu se utilizeaza împreuna cu trecutul simplu pentru a arata ca ceva s-a întâmplat în cursul desfasurari unei alte actiuni.
Tom burnt his hand when he was cooking dinner.