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Markerii tumorali


Markerii tumorali


Antigenul tumoral CA 27-29


Carcinom hepatocelular, cancer pulmonar,

Alfa-fetoproteina (AFP) (


Mielom si limfom

B2M (Beta-2 microglobulina)


Canver ovarian, mamar, pulmonar

Antigenul tumoral CA-15-3


Cancer pancreatic

Antigenul tumoral CA 15-3


Cancer ovarian

Antigenul tumoral CA-72-4

Antigenul tumoral CA-125


Cancer tiroidian

Tiroglobulina, hormonului paratiroidian calcitonina


Cancer pancreatic, tiroidian, cervix, de vezica, colorectal, pulmonar,

Antigen carcinoembrionic (ACE)


Neuroblastoma, cancer pulmonar (celule mici)

Enolaza neuro specifica (ENS)



Antigen specific prostatic (ASP)

Antigenul specific prostatic membranar










Cancer tiroidian



Cancer testicular

Gonadotropina chorionica

Ser, urina


Imunoglobuline monoclonale

Ser, urina


Alterari citogenice numeroase

Ser, urina

Cancer de vezica



Cancer de vezica

Antigen tumoral vezicular BTA (Bladder tumor antigen)


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