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Introduction and objectives

The stress urinary incontinence is a disease interesting 10 - 40% of the female population and affects their quality of life. 121d33b Most of these female patients present also a genital prolaps.

The aim of this study is to establish the efficiency of TVT and TOT in treatment of female stress urinary incontinence, with autologus fascia lata.

Materials and methods

Between 2004 - 2007, the author operated 83 female patients for stress urinary incontinence (average age was 58 years). In 53 cases was used TOT technique and in 30 cases fascia lata was used. The diagnose was made after a responsible clinical examination (Boney, Valsalva, uroflow tests).

Complications: perforation of vagina wall (1 - TOT technique, need to restart the procedure); bladder perforation (1 - Retropubic technique), urinary retention (5 - 2 replacement of the catheter, 1 - sectioning of the bandelete, 2 - Benique dilation), perforation of urethra (delayed uretroplastie).

Results and conclusions

T.O.T. out-in technique is quicker, easier, less complicated and better accepted and tolerated by patients. It is a good option for patients with retropubic adhesions after previous surgery, radiation and obese patients.

The use of fascia lata is cost effective, easy to use, well tolerated by the organism and accepted even by young female patients.

Urogenital prolapse repair is relatively simple in the same time for a well trained surgeon (urologist, gynaecologist or team of both).

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Accesari: 1831
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