Arthur Miller
In 1944
Miller a scris The Man Who Had All the Luck, care
a fost produs intr-un spectacol in New
York si a castigat Theater Guild's National
Award. In pofida succesului in fata criticii, spectacolul a avut numai sase
reprezentatii. Urmatorii cativa ani au fost destul de grei pentru Miller. A
publicat prima nuvela - Focus -
primita bine ca nuvela si a adaptat pentru televiziune piesa scrisa de George
Abbott's and John C. Holm's Three Men on a Horse.
In 1947 Miller scrie All My Sons a fost produs la Coronet Theatre Spectacolul a fost regizat de catre Elia Kazan,
alaturi de care, Miller avea sa-si continue o relatie profesionala si de
prietenie, mult timp de aici inainte, colaborand la multe spectacole impreuna. Spectacolul
All My Sons a rulat 328 de reprezentatii si a castigat New York Drama Critics Circle
Award si doua Tony Awards in 1947, in pofida faptului ca
Miller incepuse sa fie acuzat ca este comunist.
Miller isi construieste un mic studio in Roxbury, Connecticut,
intr-un mic orasel, ce avea sa-i fie multa vreme, de aici inainte, casa lui. Aici, intr-o perioada de numai sase
saptamani, a terminat de scris Death of a Salesman,(Moartea uni comis voiajor), opera care este cea mai cunoscuta din
creatia sa si care s-a jucat de atunci si pana in prezent, pe toate meridianele
lumii. Moartea unui comis voiajor a avut premiera pe Broadway pe 10 Februarie
1949, regizat de Elia Kazan si avandu-l ca personaj principal pe Lee J. Cobb in
rolul lui Willy Loman. Piesa a primit un Tony Award pentru cea mai buna piesa
si un Premiu Pulitzer si a inregistrat 742 de reprezentatii.
1952, Elia Kazan a fost chemat in fata House Un-American Activities Committee
(HUAC)(Comitetul de cercetare al Activitatilor Anti-Americane) si fara nici un
fel de teama de a fi pus pe lista neagra de la Hollywood, a numit opt membri ai
Group Theater - cel infiintat in 1932 de catre Lee Strasberg - care au fost in
anii recenti membri ai Partidului Comunist.
Miller si Monroe la o conferinta de presa,
imediat dupa nunta.
conditia de a nu i se pune intrebari
decat in ceea ce-l priveste pe el. Desi initial acceptata si aprobata aceasta
derogare, de catre Presedintele comisiei, in desfasurarea procesului, ceialalti
membri ai comisiei nu au pregetat sa-l intrebe de relatiile colegilor sai cu
partidul comunist. Miller a
refuzat motivand simplu: 'I could not use the name of another person and
bring trouble on him.'
1957, Miller a fost gasit vinovat de activitati anti-americane si condamnat la
plata a 500$, 30 de zile de inchisoare si cedarea pasaportului American catre
autoritati. Miller a
facut cerere si procesul a fost rejudecat. Peste un an, curtea de apel a
hotarat nevinovatia lui Miller si retragerea tuturor acuzatiilor. Dupa ce acuzatiile au fost retrase, Miller
a inceput filmarea la The Misfits cu Monroe in rolul principal. Cu care nu s-a inteles de nici un fel
in timpul filmarilor si putin timpdupa terminarea lor, au divortat. La un an dupa, Marilyn Monroe a fost gasita moarta, aparent datorita unei
17 Februarie 1962, Miller se casatoreste pentru a treia si ultima oara cu Inge
Morath, o foarte apreciata fotografa. Rebecca, primul lor copil, s-a nascut in acelasi an in Septembrie. Fiul lor Daniel, s-a nascut bolnav
de Syndrom Down si a fost internat si i s-au dat toate ingrijirile, dar a fost
indepartat din viata personala a lui Miller, la insistentele lui. Cuplul a
ramas impreuna pana in 2002, la moartea sotiei Inge Finul lui Arthur Miller,
actorul de origine britanica, Daniel Day-Lewis, a insitat extrem de mult pentru
reunirea dintre Miler si fiulsau bolnav, deja ajuns la maturitate.
Final de Cariera
- No Villain (play, 1936)
- They Too Arise (play, 1937, based on No Villain)
- Honors at Dawn (play, 1938, based on They Too
- The Grass Still Grows (play, 1938, based on They Too
- The Great Disobedience (play, 1938)
- Listen My Children (play, with Norman Rosten, 1939)
- The Golden Years (play, 1940)
- The Man Who Had All the Luck (play, 1940)[1]
- The Pussycat and the Plumber Who Was
a Man (radio play,
- William Ireland's Confession (radio play, 1941)
- Jed Chandler Harris (radio play, 1941)
- Captain Paul (radio play, 1941)
- The Battle of the Ovens (radio play, 1942)
- Thunder from the Mountains (radio play, 1942)
- I Was Married in Bataan (radio play, 1942)
- Toward a Farther Star (radio play, 1942)
- The Eagle's Nest (radio play, 1942)
- The Four Freedoms (radio play, 1942)
- The Half-Bridge (play, 1943)
- That They May Win (radio play, 1943)
- Listen for the Sound of Wings (radio play, 1943)
- Bernardine (radio play, 1944)
- I Love You (radio play, 1944)
- Grandpa and the Statue (radio play, 1944)
- The Philippines Never Surrendered (radio play, 1944)
- The Guardsman (radio play, 1944, based on Ferenc
Molnár's play)
- Pride and Prejudice (radio play, 1944, based on Jane
Austen's novel)
- The Story of G.I. Joe (film, 1943)
- Focus (novel, 1945)
- Three Men on a Horse (radio play, 1946, based on George
Abbott and John C Holm play)
- All My Sons (play, 1947)
- The Story of Gus (radio play, 1947)
- The Hook (film, 1947)
- Death of a Salesman (play, 1949)
- An Enemy of the People (play, 1950, based on Henrik Ibsen
play An Enemy of the People)
- The Crucible (play, 1953)
- A View from the Bridge (play, 1955)
- A Memory of Two Mondays (play, 1955)
- The Misfits (short story, 1957)
- The Misfits (screenplay, 1961)
- After the Fall (play, 1964)
- Incident at Vichy (play, 1964)
- I Don't Need You Anymore (short stories, 1967)
- The Price (play, 1968)
- Fame (television play, 1970)
- The Reason Why (radio play, 1970)
- The Creation of the World and Other
Business (play,
- The Archbishop's Ceiling (play, 1977)
- The American Clock (play, 1980)
- Playing for Time (television play, 1980)
- Elegy for a Lady (short play, 1982, first part of Two
Way Mirror)
- Some Kind of Love Story (short play, 1982, second part of Two
Way Mirror)
- Everybody Wins (screenplay, 1984)
- Playing for Time (stage version, 1985)
- I Think About You a Great Deal (play, 1986)
- I Can't Remember Anything (play, 1987, also known as Danger:
- Clara (play, 1987, also known as Danger: Memory)
- The Last Yankee (play, 1991)
- The Ride Down Mt. Morgan (play, 1991)
- Homely Girl (short story, 1992, published UK
as Plain Girl: A Life 1995)
- Broken Glass (play, 1994)
- The Crucible (screenplay, 1995)
- Mr Peter's Connections (play, 1998)
- Resurrection Blues (play, 2002)
- Finishing the Picture (play, 2004)
Opere Biografice
- Situation Normal (1944) bazatr pe experientele
de razboi si corespondenta de razboi a reporterei Ernie Pyle.
- In Russia (1969), prima dintre cele trei
carti de fotografie realizate impreuna cu sotia sa Inge Morath.
- In the Country (1977), cu fotografii de Inge Morath
si texte de Arthur Miller cartea evoca viata obisnuita a locuitorilor din
- Chinese Encounters (1979) Carte de fotografii si
texte despre China lui Mao-Tze Dung.
- Salesman in Beijing (1984) este epopeea lui Miller in Beijing, in perioada
in care a fost invitat sa monteze acolo "Moartea unui comis voiajor".