Program of Section 3 "NUMERICAL PHYSICS"
Section 3A: Local Interaction
Simulation Approach (LISA) Method
Saturday October 9, 2004, 15-1715 hrs, BN-108
Chairmen: Prof. Miroslav
Dolozilek (Technical University from Brno, Czech Republic), Prof. Veturia Chiroiu (Inst. of Solid Mechanics, Romanian Sciences
Academy), Prof. Liviu Ixaru (National
Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest)
1500-1520: Na1. P.P. Delsanto
(Politecnico di Torino, Italy), D. Iordache (University "Politehnica" Bucharest),
M. Scalerandi (Politecnico di Torino) "LISA Simulation of the Wave Propagation
in 1-D Zener's Attenuative Media"
Na2. M. Sinor, Vera Sumova (Czech Technical University
in Prague, Czech Republic) "Computer Algebra 151g616b
Supported Numerical Modeling of Elastic Wave Propagation in Complex Media"
1540-1600: Na3. Rodica Ioan (University "Spiru Haret", Bucharest), Veturia Chiroiu, M. Soare (Institute of
Solid Mechanics, Romanian Sciences
Academy) "The LISA simulation of the longitudinal
acousto-elastic waves in pre-stressed and pre-polarized piezoelectric crystals"
Na4. N. Cretu (University "Transilvania" of Brasov),
G. Nita (Phys. Dept., New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ,
"Semiinfinite and finite harmonic media: computer simulations and experimental
1620-1640: Na5. stefania
Donescu (Technical University of Civil Enginering, Bucharest),
Petru stiuca (University
"stefan cel Mare" Suceava), Calin Chiroiu (UniTeam, Italy)
"The eigen-values and LISA approaches in modeling the propagation of waves in a
nonlinear viscoelastic medium"
Na6. C. Condat (Argentine), D. Iordache (University "Politehnica" Bucharest),
E. Ruffino, M. Scalerandi (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) "Random Walk
Simulation of Absorption and Contamination Processes"
Coffee Break (1700-1715)
Section 3B: Modeling
in Physics
October 9, 2004, 1730-1830, BN-108
Chairmen: Prof. Mihai
Popescu (National Institute for Physics of Materials, Bucharest),
Prof. Milan Sinor (Czech Technical University
from Prague), Prof. Doina Gavrila
(University "Politehnica" Bucharest)
1700-1715: Nb1. V. Petrehus (Technical Civil Engineering
University, Bucharest), Anda Ionescu (Université Paris XII, France), Dimitris
Kravvaritis (Technical University of Athens, Greece) "Mathematical Model of
indirect Measurement of
Emission at Source"
Nb2 M.V. Rusu (Physics Faculty, University of Bucharest)
"Dihotomic model for describing the
solar granulation dynamics"
1745-1800: Nb2. V.P. Paun, E. Smeu "Computer models
for the correct operation of the optical systems using the Fourier transform of
1800-1815: Nb3. S. Ion (ISMMA,
Bucharest), D. Popescu (Faculty of Biology, University of Bucharest), V.P.
Paun (UPB), L. Movileanu (Texas A&M University System Health Science
Center, College Station, Texas, USA) "A model for the determination of the
energetic conditions of the stochastic pores formation through planar lipid
1815-1830: Nb4. E.Smeu, V.P. Paun (University
"Politehnica" Bucharest)
"Models for the Determination of the Speed for Fast Photoconductors"
Section 3C: Different Applications of the Numerical
Saturday October 9, 2004, 15-1715 hrs, BN-134
Chairmen: Prof. Cristian
Florea (ESIEE, Noisy le Grand - Paris, France), Prof. Dimitris Kravvaritis
(National Technical University of Athens, Greece), Prof. Laurentiu Fara
(University "Politehnica" Bucharest)
1500-1530: Nc1. C. Florea
(ESIEE, Noisy le Grand - Paris), D. Iordache (University "Politehnica" Bucharest), s. Georgescu (Quantum Electronics
Laboratory of the Institute for Atomic Physics, Bucharest) "Traitement numérique des signaux
de résonance électronique de spin dans les échantillons cristaux contenant nano
structures induites par irradiation"
Nc2. A. Calboreanu (National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest), , E. Dimitriu
(REGO COM SRL, Bucharest),
R. Ramer (School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication, Sydney,
Australia) "Statistics of Size Distribution of Rare Earth Agglomerations in
Ceramic Matrix"
1545-1600: Nc3. V.N.
Chizhnevsky ("B.I. Stepanov" Institute of Physics, Minsk, Belarus), E. Smeu
(UPB), G. Giacomelli (Istituto Nazionale di Ottica Applicata, Firenze, Italy)
"Experimental evidence of "Vibrational Resonance" in Semiconductor Lasers"
Nc4. N.A. Harabor, M. Cristea (UPB), G. Zissis (Université Paul
Sabatier, Toulouse, France) "Solving the time-dependent
axial-symmetrical problem for the heat transfer and Poisson coupled equations
in High Pressure Mercury Lamp"
1615-1630: Nc5. D. Gavrila (University "Politehnica" Bucharest) "Simulation and
Experimental Data concerning the Parameters of Insulators used in Cables of
Medium Voltage"
1630-1645: Nc6. I. Luminosu
(University "Politehnica" Timisoara), L.
Fara (University "Politehnica" Bucharest)
"Numerical Simulation of the Operation of Solar Thermal Installation by
Exergetic Analysis"
Nc7. Fl. Pop (University "Politehnica" of Bucharest)
"The numerical approach of some problems of physics"
COFFEE BREAK (1700-1715)
Chairmen: Prof. A. Calboreanu (Romanian Physics Society & Atomic Physics
Institute, Bucharest), Prof. Dan Iordache
(University "Politehnica" Bucharest), Prof.
Vasile Popescu (University "Politehnica" of Bucharest)
1715-1730: Nd1. P. Sterian, R.E. Nistor (University
"Politehnica" of Bucharest)
"Quantum Aspects of Guided Propagation: Circular Slit"
Nd2. Ileana Toma (Technical University of Civil Enginering, Bucharest) "A transport matrix for REBs, by
using LEM integral formulae"
1745-1800: Nd3. A.
Petrescu (National College "Gheorghe Lazar", Bucharest), A.R. Sterian "Numerical
Applications in Optoelectronics"
1800-1815: Nd4 E.R.
Nistor (University "Politehnica" of Bucharest)
"The sub-quantum medium and the fundamental particles"
1815-1830: Nd5. V.P. Paun
(UPB), C. Ciucu (University of Bucharest), L. Petrescu (University "Politehnica" of Bucharest) "A
numerical model of Feigenbaum bifurcation"
Saturday October 9, 2004, 1830-1900, room BN-134
Chairman: Prof. M.V. Rusu (Physics Faculty, University of Bucharest),
Prof. Vasile Popescu (University "Politehnica" of Bucharest)
NP1: P.M.
Vlamos (National Technical University of Athens, Greece) "Behavior of
Reaction-Diffusion Problems with Critical Values out of the Spectrum"
NP2: Andrei B. Bernevig, Shou-Chen Zhang (Physics
Department, Stanford University,
California, USA)
"Spin Manipulation in Low-Power Spintronic Devices"
NP3: M. Rizea (National Institute for Physics and
Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest), N. Carjan
(Institut de Physique Nucléaire, Bordeaux,
"Transparent Boundary Conditions for the time-dependent Schrödinger Equation"
NP4: M.V. Rusu (Physics Faculty, University
of Bucharest), G. Dobrescu (Institute of Chemical
Physics, Bucharest)
"Strategies for image analysis for
fractal dimension determination"
NP5: V. Popescu (University "Politehnica" Bucharest) "Variational
Analysis of Normalized Propagation Constant for Optical Waveguides"
NP6: Irina Radinschi, Iulia Brândusa Ciobanu (Technical University
"Gh. Asachi" Iasi)
"The Landau and Lifschitz Energy-Momentum Complex of a Regular Black Hole"
NP7. Razvan Raducanu
(University "A.I. Cuza" Iasi)
"A priori error bounds in linear elasticity"
NP8: Elena Stroia, Alina Damian, M. Gîrtu
(University "Ovidius" Constanta)
"Computer Simulation of the Energy Spectra of some Organic Planar Molecules"
NP9: N.A. Harabor, M. Cristea (University
"Politehnica" of Bucharest)
"Numerical solution of thermal and electrical conduction coupled equations in
HID cathode bulk"
NP10: Daniela Sopu, Mihai Gîrtu (Universitatea "Ovidius", Constanta "Molecular Dynamics simulation for the determination of the phase
diagram of noble gas systems",
NP11: D. Iordache (University "Politehnica" of Bucharest), E. Ruffino-Onorato (Politecnico di Torino), V.
Iordache (University "Politehnica" of Bucharest)
"Study of the FD simulation possibilities of the sound propagation through
hysteretical media"
NP12: D. Iordache (University "Politehnica" Bucharest), C. Rugina (Institute
of Solid Mechanics, Romanian Sciences
Academy), M. Scalerandi
(Politecnico di Torino) "Convergence analysis in the simulation of the
ultrasounds propagation in attenuative media"
NP13: Alina Damian, M. Gîrtu, (University
"Ovidius" Constanta)
"Computer Simulation of the Energy Spectra of some Conjugated Polymers"
NP14: St. Pusca (University "Politehnica" Bucharest),
M. Simeonidis (representant of the Greek Physical Society in Romania and
Hungary) "Group Theory in Physics Teaching at the University "Politehnica" of
Bucharest - The Key to a Better Understanding of Mathematical Applications in