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Planificare calendaristica - Anul scolar 2008-2009 engleza way ahead

profesor scoala

Disciplina: limba englez 717p1517h 9;

Profesor: Cioac 717p1517h 9; Alina-Elena

Clasa a III-a - 2 ore/s 717p1517h 9;pt.

Manualul: Way ahead

Planificare calendaristic 717p1517h 9; - Anul # 717p1517h 1;colar 2008-2009

Semestrul I







Preliminary unit Lessons 1-4

Hello! I am Sally. Letter sounds a - f

What is it? What colour?

Letter sounds g - l

How many? Is it a ball?

Letter sounds t - z

5 717p1517h

Unit 1 Hello! My name is Meg.

Greetings - Hello! My name is Meg.


Naming letters.

Spelling skills.

Reading for pleasure - Toys.

5 717p1517h

Unit 2 What is this?

What is this? Identifying.

' a / an '


Reading skills

Reading for pleasure - A box.

5 717p1517h

Unit 3 How many dinosaurs?

How many dinosaurs?

Numbers 1 - 6

How many?


Reading skills

Reading for pleasure - What is this?

5 717p1517h

Unit 4 How old are you?

Numbers 1 - 10. How old are you?

Talking about age

Identifying people

Reading skills

Reading for pleasure - My baby brother

5 717p1517h

Unit 5 717p1517h It is big! They are little.

It is big! They are little!

Colours, adjectives

Present simple tense of    "be"


Reading for pleasure - My friend Sam

5 717p1517h

Unit 6 This is my grandfather.

This is my grandfather. Clothing

Possesive his / her

Parts of the body

Listening and reading skills

Reading for pleasure - Who am I?

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Accesari: 2379
Apreciat: hand-up

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