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Planificare calendaristica engleza

profesor scoala

Planificare calendaristica

Unitatea de invatatmant:

Profesor: Dumitru Adrian

Aria curriculara: Limba si comunicare

Disciplina: Limba engleza

Anul scolar: 2007-2008

Clasa: a VI-a / 2ore/ saptamana

Manual: World Class

Editura: Longman




Nr. Ore




17 - 21 IX

24 - 28 IX

A. Learning English

B. You

C. Your classroom.

1. Learning English. Student's book and activity book.

1. You. Student's book and activity book.

1. Your Classroom. Student's book and activity book.

01 - 05 X

08 -12 X

Module 1 : Animals

1. At the Zoo. Classifying animal vocabulary.

2. Nasty Pets. Present simple: short answer, Wh-questions

3. Quiz Time. Radio quiz: guess the animal. Verb to be.

4. A Day With the Dolphins. Magazine article: dolphins.

5. Birds. Extract: nature book. Adjectives.

6. Chimps. Can / can't: ability, possibility, permission.

7. The ant And the Dove. Subject and object pronouns. Possessive adjectives.

08 -12 X

15 -19 X

22 -26 X

29 X - 02 XI

Revision module 1

30. Interrogation. Past questions with. Who? Strong and weak forms: was / were.

31. The Perfect Spy. Want to + verb. Word wheel: occupations.

28 I - 01 II

11 - 15 II

18 - 22 II

25 - 29II

Valentine's Day

Mother's Day


1. Speaking. Giving directions.

2. Language revision. Present continuous, present continuous/present simple, simple past.

3. Vocabulary. Using a dictionary: nouns, verbs or adjectives?

25 - 29II

03 - 07 III

Module 5: Food

33. Favorites Foods. Plural endings: /s / / z / / z /

34. Banquets. Countable and uncountable: there is, there are, some, any. Quantities, questions: how much, how many.

35. Shopping. Greetings, thanks, apologies.

36. Healthy Eating. Giving advice: must, mustn't, should, shouldn't, have to, don't have to.

37. Staying Alive. Giving advice. Why, because.

38. Eating Out. Suggestions: shall, would you like, what about, let's, why don't we?

39. Zany Sandwiches. The Earl of Sandwich.

10 - 14 III

17 - 21 III

24 - 28 III

31III - 04 IV



1. Speaking. Suggestions. Giving advice

2. Language revision. Countable and uncountable.

3. Vocabulary. Organizing words. Test yourself.

07 - 11 IV

14 - 18 IV

Europe Day

Module 6: Robots

41. Robot World. Robot rebellion (1). This, that, these, those.

42. Tim. Present perfect. Irregular verbs.

43. Programming. Robot rebellion (2). Number square.

44. Madam Zara. Zodiac predictions. There will / there won't.

45. Cars. "Cars in the future". Robot rebellion (3).

46. The Polanski Twins. Plans (going to). Present perfect.

47. The Malbots! Plans and predictions: will, going to.

14 - 18 IV

21 - 25IV

05 - 09 V

12 - 16 V


1. Speaking. This, that, these, those.

2. Speaking. Suggestions: shall, would you like, what about, let's, why don't we?

3. Language revision. Plans and predictions: will, going to.

4. Vocabulary. Number square.

5. Vocabulary. Using a dictionary: nouns, verbs or adjectives?

6. Test yourself.

19 - 23 V

26 - 30V

02 - 06 VI

Children's Day

Final Revision

09 - 13 VI

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Apreciat: hand-up

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