scoala: URZICA, cu cls. I-VIII
Disciplina Engleza manual: Snapshot (Pre-Intermediate), Longman
Clasa: a-VII- a, 2 ore pe saptamāna
Planificare calendaristica orientativa (2008-2009)
Unitatea de īnvatare |
O.R. |
Continuturi |
Nr. ore |
Sapt. |
Obs. |
- &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; de ce lucram? - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; lucrul/timpul liber - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; cum ne petrecem timpul liber? - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; atractii turistice - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; present simple and continuous - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; echo questions - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; infinitive of purpose - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; past simple of regular and irregular verbs - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; revision - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; conjuctions so and because - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; relative clauses - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; future - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; present perfect with for and since - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; comparison of adjectives - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; comparison with (not) - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; revision - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; discutie si dezbatere despre Africa de Sud - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; incidente din trecut - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; evenimente nostime din trecut - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; past simple and continuous - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; time markers: while, as, when - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; question tags - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; present perfect with time adverbials: just, already, yet - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; past simple and present perfect simple - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; revision - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; cum sa māncam sanatos? - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; sanatatea/pericolul - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; cum sa ne ferim de pericol? - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; should/ought to - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; have to/must/mustn't - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; Present perfect continuous with for and since - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; Revision - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; descrierea unui program T.V. preferat - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; discutie despre viitor (posibilitati) - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; will/won't; may/might used for prediction - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; if clause (type I) - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; the passive: present and past simple - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; revision - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; vis/realitate - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; ambitii; sperante - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; situatii imaginare - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; pronouns - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; if clause (type II) - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; past perfect simple - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; too many, too much, not enough - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; revision - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; consolidarea limbii si abilitatiilor de comunicare |
S25 |
9. History and the Past (Innovations) Lessons 16, 17 |
- &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; este istoria importanta? - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; discutie asupra trecutului si progresului uman si stiintific - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; used to - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; so, such a/an+ noun for exclamations - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; so, such with a clause of result - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; reported statements - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; revision - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; discutie si dezbatere asupra succesului si esecului - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; succes/esec - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; reported questions - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; too+ adjective/adverb+ to - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; (not)+ adjective/adverb+ enough to - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; verb+ infinitive/gerund - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; revision - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; sunt miracolele posibile? (exemplificare textul din manual) - &n 17417c221r bsp; &n 17417c221r bsp; recapitulare finala si consolidarea cunostiintelor acumulate |
S35 |