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Responsabilitatile Executantului

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Responsabilitatile Executantului

- (1) Executantul are obligatia de a finaliza lucrarile, precum si de a remedia viciile ascunse, cu atentia si promptitudinea cuvenite.

(2) Executantul are obligatia de a supraveghea lucrarile, de a asigura forta de munca, materialele, instalatiile, echipamentele si toate celelalte obiecte, fie de natura provizorie, fie definitive.

- (1) Executantul este pe deplin responsabil pentru conformitatea, stabilitatea si siguranta tuturor operatiunilor executate pe santier, precu 424q1622e m si pentru procedeele de executie utilizate, cu respectarea prevederilor si a reglementarilor legii privind calitatea in constructii.

- (1) Executantul este responsabil de trasarea corecta a lucrarilor fata de reperele date de beneficiar, referitoare la terenul proprietatea sa, asa cum este prevazut in ANEXA 3 (Desen TO), precum si de furnizarea tuturor echipamentelor, instrumentelor, dispozitivelor si resurselor umane necesare in vederea indeplinirii responsabilitatii respective. Trasarea lucrarilor pana la limita de propietatea a BENEFICIARULUI, este responsabilitatea EXECUTANTULUI.

- Pe parcursul executiei lucrarilor si al remedierii viciilor ascunse executantul are obligatia:

a)      de a lua toate masurile pentru asigurarea tuturor persoanelor a caror prezenta pe santier este autorizata si de a mentine santierul (atata timp cat acesta este sub controlul sau ) si lucrarile (atata timp cat acestea nu sunt finalizate si ocupate de catre beneficiar) in starea de ordine necesara pentru evitarea oricarui pericol pentru respectivele persoane;

pe durata derularii contractului, executantul va remedia orice defect aparut in cablul de medie tensiune si in transformator in cel mai scurt timp, pe cheltuiala sa in maxim 24h de la aparitia defectului , dupa ce Electrica va pune la dispozitie instalatia

6. The responsabilities of the Executant

(1) The Executant has the obbligation to finalize the assignment, as well as retrieving the hidden vices, with the proper attention and dispatch.

(2) The Executant has the obbligation to supervise the work , to assure the labour, materials, instalations, equipment and all the other objects, either provisory or determinate.

(1) The Executant is fully responsable for the accordance, stability and safety of all the operations that are executed on the yard, as well as he is for the used procedures of execution, observing the provisions and legal regulations regarding the quality in the construction field.

(1)The Executant is responsible for the proper setting out of the work accountable to the markers given by the beneficiary, considering his domain, as it is foreseen in APPENDIX 3 (Draw TO), as well as furnishing all the equipment, instruments, appliances, and human resources that are needed for the accomplishment of the respective responsability. The setting out of the work above the property limit of the BENEFICIARY, is the responsability of the EXECUTANT.

- During the execution of the assignment and of the retrieving of the hidden vices, the executant has the obbligation:

a) to provide all the possibilities for ensuring all persons of whom presence on the yard is authorized and to maintain the yard (as long as it is under his control) and the work (as long as these are not finished and taken by the beneficiary) in the state of order necessary in order to avoid any risk for the respective persons;

During the contract, the executant will retrieve any bad that emerged in the medium voltage cable and in the adapter as quick as possible, on his own expense in maximum 24h from the apparition of the bad, after Electrica will provide the installation.

pe durata derularii contractului, executantul va remedia orice defect aparut in cablul de medie tensiune si in transformator in cel mai scurt timp, pe cheltuiala sa in maxim 24h de la aparitia defectului , dupa ce Electrica va pune la dispozitie instalatia

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