Instrument Editor Tutorials - Region Map
The following information is designed to be complementary to the online tutorial which includes automated playback of an actual editing session. Each section has a name that corresponds to the section in the help file. To start the help file (two different ways):
1. Insert the GigaSampler CD-ROM into your computers CD-ROM Driv 23223y242x e.
Open up the Instrument Editor and go to the Help Menu.
Select "Run Tutorial".
2. Insert the GigaSampler CD-ROM in your computers CD-ROM Driv 23223y242x e.
Double Click on the My Computer Icon in the desktop.
Double Click on the CD-ROM Icon.
Double Click on Tutorial.hlp
Create New Region
To create a new region, right click under the note you want to create a region on and choose "new region" Create as many regions as needed anywhere you want them. You can also leave gaps between notes.
(region map \ create new region.avi)
Deleting Regions
To delete a single region, right click on it and choose "delete region".
To delete multiple regions select several regions and right click and choose "delete regions"
There are several ways to select multiple regions.(for deleting, moving or editing)
1. Drag-select several or all the regions in the region map. You need a blank space to drag from.
2. Control-select several regions. This is good for selecting non-consecutive regions. Hold the control key down and select the regions you want.
3. Shift-select. You can not drag-select regions that are surrounded by regions on both sides. If you select on top of a region and drag, you will move the region. To select several regions that are surrounded, select one region and shift select another region and all the regions in between will now be selected.
(region map \ delete regions.avi)
Stretching Regions
When you first create a region, it is 1 note in length. Regions can be any length from 1 note to 127 notes. To stretch a region, select it and grab one side or the other and drag.
(region map \ stretching regions.avi)
Move Region
A region is move by simply dragging it across the region map. You can drag regions to any blank space in the region map. If you drop a region on top of another region, it will snap back to its original position.
(region map \ move region.avi)
Move Regions
Multiple regions can be selected and moved also. Select the regions you want to move and hold down the control key to move them.
There are several ways to select multiple regions.(for deleting, moving or editing)
4. Drag-select several or all the regions in the region map. You need a blank space to drag from.
5. Control-select several regions. This is good for selecting non-consecutive regions. Hold the control key down and select the regions you want.
6. Shift-select. You can not drag-select regions that are surrounded by regions on both sides. If you select on top of a region and drag, you will move the region. To select several regions that are surrounded, select one region and shift select another region and all the regions in between will now be selected.
(region map \ move regions.avi)
Zooming and scrolling
The zoom buttons allow you to zoom the notes in and out. Zooming out makes it easier to select all the regions at once. Zooming in makes selecting individual regions much easier.
When you are zoomed in, you will need to scroll the regions left and right to get them in view. To scroll the regions, grab the keyboard and drag it left and right.
(region map \ Zoom & Scroll.avi)
Region Scale
The scale tool helps make the editing of regions parameters as wide or precise as you need.
The blue dot in a region represents a parameter such as an envelope attack or release time or any of the other parameters available in the toolbar. Dragging the blue dot up and down adjust that parameter. The scale sets how wide the dot's range is.
For instance, the envelope times can range from 0 to 60 seconds. The scale tool can set the range from 1 to 60 seconds in 1-second increments.
(region map \ region scale.avi)
Drag Tools
Some of the most powerful editing features are the drag tools. The best way to learn them is to see them in action.
1. You can edit regions envelope parameters in the region map.
2. You can edit any combination of sub-regions parameters in the region map.
3. You can edit several consecutive regions envelope parameters all at once in the region map.
4. You can edit any selection of regions in the region map
5. The drag all and drag linear buttons allow graphic editing of multiple region parameters.
6. The drag proportionate button has to be seen to understand how it works.
7. The velocity splits of any 1, several or all regions can be edited in the region map.
(drag Tool 1 - 7.avi)