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Benjamin Franklin (1707-1790) - Autobiography

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Benjamin Franklin (1707-1790) - Autobiography

    REIII IFR = 1 nov

Founding Father (founder of America as a nation- political documents) 515e41f

Declaration of Independence (1776)

Constitution of the USA

Treaty of Paris

Alliance with France

Renaissance Scholar - learner + self learner (master in many fields of knowledge); progress / make life better

established the autobiography as a literary form

one of the first in English

a classic - new literary form

- still read/valid today

first popular self-help manual/book (didactic)

established the tradition of the American Dream (first real account of the American Dream in action: a man who experienced it firsthand)

a reflection of 18th century idealism (optimistic belief that man can embetter through science/politics) = Bandila I.

a glimpse into 18th c life = Blaga I

sense of humor = Bogdan C.

focus on reason not intuition = Borbely J

Deist = Bandila I.

Man = center of the universe = Blaga I

Self-reliance, independence = Borbely J

Belief in man's moral perfectibility= Bandila I.

Self-made man, self-betterment/improvement = Blaga I

Hard work = key to material success  = Bogdan C.

Betterment of society (public services; the Junto; through science) = Borbely J

Universal benevolence = willing to help all people = Bandila I.

Utilitarianism = useful life = Blaga I

Exaggerated optimism = Bogdan C.

Didacticism (moral lesson) = Borbely J

Document Info

Accesari: 1921
Apreciat: hand-up

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