§ 15215v2121p ; 15215v2121p ; OT lab operates a web server on the otp33 machine.
§ 15215v2121p ; 15215v2121p ; Students can access the special folder on the otp33 machine. HTML files and other web software (e.g. ASP) placed in the special folder can be viewed using web browsers. For example, the following are the URLs for the "default.htm" and "main.asp".
https://otp33/<team id>/default.htm
https://otp33/<team id>/main.asp
§ 15215v2121p ; 15215v2121p ; Both the "default.htm" and "main.asp" can be created or modified using the popular word processors such as wordpad and nodepad.
§ 15215v2121p ; 15215v2121p ; Note that the main.asp is a program that reads some columns from a given database (in our sample code, the database table used is obtained from the sample database known as "Northwind") and list them in a web page.
§ 15215v2121p ; 15215v2121p ; To allow DNS-less connection to the SQL server, please include the following code in main.asp.
ConnectionString="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1; Integrated Security=SSPI; Persist Security Info = False; Initial Catalog=Northwind; Data Source=OTP33"