This class is inherited from AcmSymbol. It overrides all overridden AcDbEntity functions, which needs to be done. The class sub-symbol is AcmCFCF inherited from AcmCSubSymbol.
virtual ~AcmFCF();
Adesk::UInt8 leaderStatus() const;
LPCTSTR value(Acm::Variable var) const;
Acm::ErrorStatus setValue(Acm::Variable var, LPCTSTR value);
Acm::Visibility variableStatus(Acm::Variable var) const;
Acm::ErrorStatus setVariableStatus(Acm::Variable var, Acm::Visibility status);
Acm::ErrorStatus getVarDlgInfo(Acm::Variable var,CVarDlgInfo& v) const;
Acm::ErrorStatus setVarDlgInfo(Acm::Variable var,const CVarDlgInfo& v);
Acm::GdtSymbolType symbol() const;
void setSymbol(Acm::GdtSymbolType sym);
Acm::GdtSymbolType symbol2() const;
void setSymbol2(Acm::GdtSymbolType sym);
Adesk::Boolean isAllAround() const;
void setAllAround(Adesk::Boolean status);
virtual void setOrigin (const AcGePoint3d &origin);
FCF defines the origin of ECS to be a start point of the sub-symbol, which is accomplished by overriding these member functions.
Then it overrides the following member functions from AcmSymbol Interface, to allow FCF specific operation:
virtual Acm::ErrorStatus setSymbolDefaults(AcDbDatabase* pDb = NULL);
virtual Acm::ErrorStatus addLeader(const AcGePoint3dArray &ptrArray);
virtual Acm::ErrorStatus removeLeader(Adesk::UInt16 index);
virtual void leaderTipPointChanged(const AcGeVector3d& offset, const AcmCLeader* leader);
virtual void leaderLandingChanged(const AcGeVector3d& offset, const AcmCLeader* leader);
virtual AcmCFCF* subSymbol() const;
virtual void regen();
virtual Acad::ErrorStatus getClassID(CLSID* pClsid) const;
This symbol doesn't have extended interface implemented. It is inherited from AcmCSubSymbol. The basic interface is implemented as described in AcmCSubSymbol.
virtual Acm::GdtSymbolType symbol() const;
virtual void setSymbol(Acm::GdtSymbolType sym);
Sets up or gets the symbol type information for the two symbols.
virtual void getSymbolAllowedList(AcDbIntArray& arr) const;
virtual void setSymbolAllowedList(const AcDbIntArray& arr);
Sets or gets the list of integers representing the allowed values of symbol types. It is used during DXFIN operations.
virtual Acm::GdtSymbolType symbol2() const;
virtual void setSymbol2(Acm::GdtSymbolType sym);
virtual Adesk::Boolean isAllAround() const;
virtual void setAllAround(Adesk::Boolean status);
virtual Adesk::UInt8 leaderStatus() const;
Specify where the leader is connected.