AutoCAD T Render API
Programmer’s Guide
Version 1.32
Copyright 1997 Autodesk, Inc.
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Table of Contents
High Level Design
General Information
Structures and Commands
Return values
Update for AutoCAD T
New Material Features
Programmer Note!
Sample Applications
Make files
The goal for the AutoCAD Render API is to provide our developers with an efficient mechanism for accessing Render functionality from other applications.
The basic design is made up of two parts; an AutoCAD dynamic link library (DLL) and the interface library. The DLL (acRender.arx) is, in fact, the full featured Render application loaded by AutoCAD. acRender.arx contains hooks(exported functions) to communicate with a 3rd party Render API client. The interface library (avlib.lib) is a set of routines that communicate through an Rx connection to acRender.arx, therfore any application linked with avlib.lib must be an Rx application.
acRender.arx and the Render API library are tied to particular releases of AutoCAD since the required Rx interface libraries in AutoCAD are typically release dependant. This has the unfortunate consequence that 3rd party applications that link to avlib.lib will have to be rebuilt for each release of AutoCAD which changes the ARX footprint.
To load the library call the function av_loadlib(). This should be done in response to the AcRx::kLoadADSMsg, usually at the same time you ads_defun your functions. Additionally you should call av_initialize() each time you receive an AcRx::invkSubrMsg, usually in your top-level function handler. See the sample file template.cpp for an example. Both of these functions will return quickly if the library is already loaded and initialized.
The basic paradigm for use of avlib.lib is a set of function calls. Each function corresponds to one of the lisp callable functions described in Autocad Customization Guide. Each structure has a flags field that has a bit position for each member of the structure. If the parameter is required its bit MUST be set. If it is optional it is only examined if the bit is set. Any inappropriately set bit will be flagged as an error. On error returns (return value not equal to AvRetNorm) the flags will indicate the first parameter that was detected to be in error. The only exception to this are excessive flags all of which will be set. Note that in the descriptions below, any field not listed in a table for a command mode is not permitted, and will be flagged as errors if passed in.
For fields which take string values the table will list how many characters are allowed in the string, but one more character may be needed for the NULL terminator for the string.
All commands which specify a color use the AvColor structure:
typedef enum AvColorSystem;
typedef struct AvColor;
For RGB colors the ADS point holds the red, green and blue components, all of which are in the range 0.0 to 1.0. For HLS the point holds the hue, lightness and saturation of the color. The ranges for hue, lightness and saturation are 0.0 to 1.0.
Since the length of paths and file names is operating system specific throughout this document and the api such structure members are char *.
Memory Management
Most commands do not allocate any memory that need to be freed by the application. The exceptions to this rule are the various "List" modes which return results in resbuf chains. These return values must be freed by the user of the library with the ads_relrb() call. Additionally, several "List" modes return selection sets which should be freed with the ads_ssfree() call. Also, "List" modes that return parameters that are strings, the strings are dynamically allocated.
It is the responsibility of user applications to do undo management. Unlike the normal command paths to Render the C API path does not provide UNDO/Group UNDO/End pairs. This allows the user program to do so. If a user program fails to group actions the UNDO’ing of Render actions can not be guarenteed.
Functions returning AvExtraneousField will set the flags member of the parameters structure for each extraneous field.
Functions returning AvRequiredFieldMissing will set the flag for the first missing field found.
Functions returning AvFieldOutOfRange or AvBadFieldValue will set the flag for the first field found to cause the range or value error.
Listing commands will set the flags to indicate the parameters that are being returned.
The flags field is undefined in all other cases.
AutoCAD T introduced changes to the Render material definition that required changes to the Render API library for compatibility with AutoCAD R14. Application developers will need to link with versions of the library with the following changes:
#define AvLibVersion 0.02 ! Updated from 0.01
typedef enum AvRmatMapFlags;
typedef struct AvRmatMap;
The AutoCAD T Render material definition was modified to add real world scale and Auto-axis texture mapping. These attributes are attached to each map definition and are passed in the mappingFlags member of AvRmatMap. These fields greatly enhance the useability of texture mapping in AutoCAD Render.
AutoCAD R14 cannot receive
materials with the new mappingFlags member, while AutoCAD T has this
capability. The AvMapStyle flag is used
to build the proper resbuf list. If the
flag is set then the resbuf includes mappingFlags links. One way to tell whether AutoCAD R14 Render or
AutoCAD T Render is loaded is to get a material from a drawing using
AvRmatList. If the material returns with
AvMapStyle set, then AutoCAD T is present and mappingFlags can be used safely.
The av_background command is used to set the background for rendering in Render.
#include "avlib.h"
AvErrorCode av_background(AvBackgroundParam *p);
typedef enum AvBackgroundMode;
typedef enum AvBgFit;
typedef enum AvBackgroundFlags;
typedef struct AvBackgroundParam;
av_background() has 7 modes:
Set the background to be a solid color, either specified or locked to the AutoCAD background color.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
lock |
or color |
0 ... 1 |
1 |
Lock the background color to the AutoCAD background color |
solid |
or lock |
AvColor |
(1.0 1.0 1.0) |
Sets the background color to be a solid different from the AutoCAD background |
Either the lock parameter or the color1 parameter MUST but both is an error.
Sets the background to be a two or three color gradient.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
color1 |
Yes |
AvColor |
none |
Top color of the gradient. |
color2 |
Yes |
AvColor |
none |
Middle color of the gradient |
color3 |
Yes |
AvColor |
none |
Bottom color of the gradient |
angle |
No |
-90.0 ... 90.0 |
0.0 |
Rotation angle of the horizon of the gradient |
horizon |
No |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
0.5 |
Location of the center of the middle band of the gradient |
height |
No |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
0.3 |
Height of the middle band of the gradient |
If the height is set to 0.0 a two color gradient will be produced.
Set the background to be an image from a specified file.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
imageFile |
Yes |
structure (see below) |
fit |
No |
AvBgFit |
AvBackgroundFitScale |
imageFile (see AvRmatMap in the materials section)
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
name |
Yes |
char *name |
none |
Name of the image file |
tile |
No |
AvTileType |
AvTileTile | |
scale |
No |
ads_point |
1.0 | |
offset |
No |
ads_point |
0.0 |
The fit parameter specifies the action on the image if it is not set the scales and offset are used (or defaulted). The AVEMAPS path will be search at render time if an absolute path is not specified. Passing an tile of AvTileDefault is not allowed. NOTE: File existance and validity is only checked at render time.
Sets the background to be an image from the current AutoCAD window. This mode supported only when rendering to viewport though it may be set at any time regardless of the current render destination setting. No parameters are required.
Sets the global environment map. This can be locked to the background (Solid, Gradient or Image) or an image file may be specified. Setting no flags set the default of envLock to background.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
envLock |
No |
AvBoolean |
TRUE | |
envFile |
No |
filename |
none |
Either envLock or envFile can be specified but not both.
Lists the current state of the background. This will list what the use has set not what will be rendered (see AvBackgroundMerge above). No parameters are required. The state of background is returned in the structure.
Calls the UI version of Background.
The av_colormap command is used to do save and restore AutoCAD colormaps.
#include "avlib.h"
AvErrorCode av_colormap(AvFogParam *p);
typedef enum AvColormapMode;
typedef struct AvColormapParam;
av_colormap() has 2 modes:
This mode saves the current colormap and sets the current colormap to the AutoCAD default colormap. This is only effective when on 8 bit displays, of course. An AvRetError is returned if there is a currently save colormap (ie you can NOT nest calls to av_colormap().
This mode restores the save colormap. An AvRetError is returned if no colormap has been saveed.
The av_errorstr command is used to provide internationalized error strings for each of the error codes supported by the library.
#include "avlib.h"
char *av_errorstr(AvErrorCode *code);
av_errorstr takes as it's parameter an AvErrorCode. Out of range error codes return an "Unknown Error" string.
The av_fog command is used to do fogging and depth cueing of scenes with Render. Depth Cueing is simply fogging with a dark (traditionally dark blue) color.
#include "avlib.h"
AvErrorCode av_fog(AvFogParam *p);
typedef enum AvFogFlags;
typedef enum AvFogMode;
typedef struct AvFogParam;
av_fog() has 3 modes:
Sets the fog/depth cueing as specified by the AvFogParam structure.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
enabled |
no |
AvBoolean |
TRUE | |
color |
no |
AvColor |
(1.0 1.0 1.0) |
White is fog, dark blue is traditionally depth cueing. |
nearDistance |
no |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
0.0 |
Percentage of the distanced from the camera to back of the scene that defines the near fog plane. Fogging will be a constant (nearPercent) till this point. |
farDistance |
no |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
1.0 |
Percentage of the distanced from the camera to back of the scene that defines the far fog plane. Fogging will be a constant (farPercent) beyond this point. |
nearPercent |
no |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
0.0 | |
farPercent |
no |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
1.0 | |
background |
no |
AvBoolean |
Fog any background along with geometry |
Fog between the near and far planes is smoothly ramped from the nearPercent to the farPercent.
Dview's clipping planes can be used to sent the bounds of the scene (basis for near and far Distance). If the clipping planes are not set the bounding boxes of the geometry will be used to determine the bounds.
Lists the current state of fog. No parameters are required. The structure is filled in indicating the state of fog.
Calls the UI version of Fog. No parameters are required.
The av_initialize command is used to initialize the library and its connections to Render.
#include "avlib.h"
AvErrorCode av_initialize(void);
av_ initialize takes no parameters. av_initialize needs to be called after av_loadlib and before any other calls are made to the library. The one restriction is that it may only be called in response to the AcRx::kInvkSubrMsg message from the Rx dispatcher. In other words, it must be called in a function call that was defined with ads_defun. It is recommended that you call this function every time you get a call to one of your functions. It will only initialize on the first call, and return immediately thereafter.
The av_light command is used to create, modify, and query lights and establish North in the drawing
#include "avlib.h"
AvErrorCode av_light(AvLightParam *p);
typedef enum AvLightFlags;
typedef enum AvLightMode;
typedef enum AvAttenType;
typedef enum AvLightType;
typedef struct AvLightParam;
av_light() has 13 modes:
Create a new distant light. If any of the sun angle parameters are supplied (month, day, hour, minute, daylight, latitude, longitude, timezone) then calculate the light location using the calculated sun angle.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
name |
Yes |
8 character |
None |
Light name. |
intensity |
No |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
1.0 |
Light intensity. |
color |
No |
AvColor |
(1.0,1.0,1.0) |
Light color. |
from |
No |
ads_point |
Current look-from |
Light location. |
to |
No |
ads_point |
Current look-at |
Light target. |
shadowmap- size |
No |
0 ... 4096 |
0 (no shadow map) |
Shadow map dimension in pixels. |
shadow- softness |
No |
1.0 ... 10.0 |
1.0 | |
shadow |
No |
AvBoolean |
Shadow-casing toggle. |
shadowobjects |
No |
ads_name |
None |
Selection set of objects which bound shadow maps. |
month |
No |
1 ... 12 |
9 | |
day |
No |
1 ... 31 |
21 | |
hour |
No |
0 ... 24 |
15 | |
minute |
No |
0 ... 59 |
0 | |
daylight |
No |
AvBoolean |
Daylight savings toggle. |
latitude |
No |
-90.0 ... 90.0 |
37.62 |
Latitude of San Francisco |
longitude |
No |
-180.0 ... 180.0 |
122.37 |
Longitude of San Francisco |
timezone |
No |
-12 ... 12 |
8 (PST) |
Offset, in hours, from GMT |
Create a new spotlight.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
name |
Yes |
8 character |
None |
Light name. |
intensity |
No |
† |
†† |
Light intensity. |
color |
No |
AvColor |
(1.0,1.0,1.0) |
Light color. |
from |
No |
ads_point |
Current look-from |
Light location. |
to |
No |
ads_point |
Current look-at |
Light target. |
shadowmap- size |
No |
0 ... 4096 |
0 (no shadow map) |
Shadow map dimension in pixels. |
shadow- softness |
No |
1.0 ... 10.0 |
1.0 | |
shadow |
No |
AvBoolean |
Shadow-casing toggle. |
shadowobjects |
No |
ads_name |
None |
Selection set of objects which bound shadow maps. |
attenuation |
No |
AvAttenType |
AvAttenuation-Inverse |
Light attenuation mode. |
hotspot |
No |
0.0 ... 160.0 |
44.0 |
Angle of brightest beam. |
falloff |
No |
0.0 ... 160.0 (and > hotspot) |
45.0 |
Angle of rapid intensity decay. |
† 0.0...1.0 (attenuation == AvAttenNone)
0.0...(drawing-extents/2) (attenuation == AvAttenInverse)
0.0...(drawing-extents/2)2 (attenuation == AvAttenuationInverseSquare)
†† 1.0 (attenuation == AvAttenNone)
(drawing-extents/2) (attenuation == AvAttenInverse)
(drawing-extents/2)2 (attenuation == AvAttenuationInverseSquare)
Create a new point light.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
name |
Yes |
8 character |
None |
Light name. |
intensity |
No |
† |
†† |
Light intensity. |
color |
No |
AvColor |
(1.0,1.0,1.0) |
Light color. |
from |
No |
ads_point |
Current look-from |
Light location. |
shadowmap- size |
No |
0 ... 4096 |
0 (no shadow map) |
Shadow map dimension in pixels. |
shadow- softness |
No |
1.0 ... 10.0 |
1.0 | |
shadow |
No |
AvBoolean |
Shadow-casing toggle. |
shadowobjects |
No |
ads_name |
None |
Selection set of objects which bound shadow maps. |
attenuation |
No |
AvAttenType |
AvAttenuation-Inverse |
Light attenuation mode. |
† 0.0...1.0 (attenuation == AvAttenNone)
0.0...(drawing-extents/2) (attenuation == AvAttenInverse)
0.0...(drawing-extents/2)2 (attenuation == AvAttenuationInverseSquare)
†† 1.0 (attenuation == AvAttenNone)
(drawing-extents/2) (attenuation == AvAttenInverse)
(drawing-extents/2)2 (attenuation == AvAttenuationInverseSquare)
Specify settings related to ambient light.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
intensity |
No |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
1.0 |
Ambient intensity. |
color |
No |
AvColor |
(1.0,1.0,1.0) |
Ambient color. |
Query settings related to ambient light.
Parameter |
Values |
Description |
intensity |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
Ambient intensity. |
color |
AvColor |
Ambient color. |
Modify any of the settings related to an individual existing light.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
name |
Yes |
8 character |
None |
Light name. |
intensity |
No |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
1.0 |
Light intensity. |
color |
No |
AvColor |
(1.0,1.0,1.0) |
Light color. |
from |
No |
ads_point |
Current look-from |
Light location. |
to |
No |
ads_point |
Current look-at |
Light target. |
shadowmap- size |
No |
0 ... 4096 |
0 (no shadow map) |
Shadow map dimension in pixels. |
shadow- softness |
No |
1.0 ... 10.0 |
1.0 | |
shadow |
No |
AvBoolean |
Shadow-casing toggle. |
shadowobjects |
No |
ads_name |
None |
Selection set of objects which bound shadow maps. |
month |
No |
1 ... 12 |
9 | |
day |
No |
1 ... 31 |
21 | |
hour |
No |
0 ... 24 |
15 | |
minute |
No |
0 ... 59 |
0 | |
daylight |
No |
AvBoolean |
Daylight savings toggle. |
latitude |
No |
-90.0 ... 90.0 |
37.62 | |
longitude |
No |
-180.0 ... 180.0 |
122.37 | |
timezone |
No |
-12 ... 12 |
8 (PST) | |
attenuation |
No |
AvAttenType |
AvAttenuation-Inverse |
Light attenuation mode. |
hotspot |
No |
0.0 ... 160.0 |
44.0 |
Angle of brightest beam. |
falloff |
No |
0.0 ... 160.0 (and > hotspot) |
45.0 |
Angle of rapid intensity decay. |
Delete a light.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
name |
Yes |
8 character |
None |
Light name to be deleted. |
Rename a light.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
name |
Yes |
8 character |
None |
Light name to be renamed. |
newName |
Yes |
8 character |
None |
New light name. |
Modify settings related to North location.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
northUCS |
No |
string |
None |
Name of UCS to use.† |
northRotation |
No |
0.0 ... 360.0 |
None |
Rotation in WCS X/Y plane. |
† Use "WCS" to effectively disable this option.
List North Location related information.
Parameter |
Values |
Description |
northUCS |
string |
Name of UCS to used (may be NULL).† |
northRotation |
0.0 ... 360.0 |
Rotation in WCS X/Y plane. |
† It is the caller's responsibility to free the memory which has been allocated for this string
Query the settings for an individual light.
Parameter |
Values |
Description |
name |
8 character |
Light name. |
intensity |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
Light intensity. |
color |
AvColor |
Light color. |
from |
ads_point |
Light location. |
to |
ads_point |
Light target. |
shadowmap- size |
0 ... 4096 |
Shadow map dimension in pixels. |
shadow- softness |
1.0 ... 10.0 | |
shadow |
AvBoolean |
Shadow-casing toggle. |
shadowobjects |
ads_name |
Selection set of objects which bound shadow maps. |
month |
1 ... 12 | |
day |
1 ... 31 | |
hour |
0 ... 24 | |
minute |
0 ... 59 | |
daylight |
AvBoolean |
Daylight savings toggle. |
latitude |
-90.0 ... 90.0 | |
longitude |
-180.0 ... 180.0 | |
timezone |
-12 ... 12 | |
attenuation |
AvAttenType |
Light attenuation mode. |
hotspot |
0.0 ... 160.0 |
Angle of brightest beam. |
type |
AvLightType |
Light type. |
falloff |
0.0 ... 160.0 (and > hotspot) |
Angle of rapid intensity decay. |
Provides the names of all lights in the drawing.
Parameter |
Values |
Description |
stringList |
struct resbuf * |
Names of lights in drawing.† |
† Each resbuf element in the chain contains the name of a light using the pointer resbuf->resval.rstring.
Invoke the Lights dialog.
The av_loadlib command is used to load the library.
#include "avlib.h"
AvErrorCode av_loadlib(void);
av_loadlib takes no parameters.
The av_lsobj command is used to create, modify, and delete landscape objects and libraries of landscape objects.
#include "avlib.h"
AvErrorCode av_lsobj(AvLsParam *p);
typedef enum AvLsAlign;
typedef enum AvLsMode;
typedef enum AvLsFlags;
typedef struct AvLsParam;
av_lsobj() has 12 modes:
Creates a new landscape object. The name must be the name of an object in the current landscape object library.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
name |
Yes |
256 characters |
None |
The name if the new landscape object |
height |
Yes |
Greater than 0.0 |
None |
The height of the new landscape object |
position |
Yes |
ads_point |
None |
The base of the new landscape object |
alignment |
Yes |
AvLsAlign |
None |
The camera alignment and geometry specification of the new landscape object |
Modify an existing landscape object.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
entity |
Yes |
ads_name |
None |
The ads_name of the object to modify |
height |
No |
Greater than 0.0 |
None |
The height of the landscape object |
position |
No |
ads_point |
None |
The base of the landscape object |
alignment |
No |
AvLsAlign |
None |
The camera alignment and geometry specification of the landscape object |
Any fields not specified are left unchanged.
List the values in a landscape object.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
entity |
Yes |
ads_name |
None |
The ads_name of the object to list |
This command fills in the name, height, position, and alignment fields of the structure for the specified object.
Open a new landscape library.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
name |
Yes |
Filename |
None |
The file name of the library to open |
Open the specified library and makes it the current landscape library.
Delete an entry from the current landscape library.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
name |
Yes |
Filename |
None |
Name of the library entry to delete |
Modify an entry in the current landscape library.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
name |
Yes |
Filename |
None |
The name of the library entry to modify |
alignment |
No |
AvLsAlign |
None |
The camera alignment and geometry specification of the landscape object |
texture |
No |
Filename |
None |
The texture map for the object |
opacity |
No |
Filename |
None |
The opacity map for the object |
Add and entry to the current landscape library.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
name |
Yes |
Filename |
None |
The name of the library entry to modify |
alignment |
Yes |
AvLsAlign |
None |
The camera alignment and geometry specification of the landscape object |
texture |
Yes |
Filename |
None |
The texture map for the object |
opacity |
Yes |
Filename |
None |
The opacity map for the object |
List the entries in the landscape library. If the name is not specified, this mode returns a list of the names of the objects in the current landscape library in the "stringList" member of the structure. If a name is provided, it returns the alignment, texture and opacity for that entry.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
name |
No |
Filename |
None |
The name of the library entry to list |
Saves the current landscape library into the given file.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
name |
Yes |
Filename |
None |
File name of the landscape library to save |
Display the "lsnew" dialog.
Display the "lsedit" dialog.
Display the "lslib" dialog.
The av_matlib command is used to manipulate Render material libraries (.mli files).
#include "avlib.h"
AvErrorCode av_matlib(AvMatlibParam *);
typedef enum AvMatlibFlags;
/* All Possible modes for MATLIB command */
typedef enum AvMatlibMode;
/* Structure for the MATLIB command to be passed in */
typedef struct AvMatlibParam;
av_matlib() has 6 modes:
Import a material into the drawing from a .mli file.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
materialName |
Yes |
16 character |
None |
Name of material to import. |
libraryName |
Yes |
AvFilename |
None |
Fully qualified .mli filename from which to import material. |
Export a material from the drawing to a .mli file.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
materialName |
Yes |
16 character |
None |
Name of material to export. |
libraryName |
Yes |
AvFilename |
None |
Fully qualified .mli filename to which to export material. |
Delete a material from the drawing.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
materialName |
Yes |
16 character |
None |
Name of material to delete. |
Delete all unused materials from the drawing.
List the materials in the drawing or a .mli file.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
libraryName |
No |
AvFilename |
None |
Fully qualified .mli filename (otherwise list materials in drawing). |
Set the current material library.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
libraryName |
Yes |
AvFilename |
None |
Fully qualified .mli filename to make current. |
Remove a material from a .mli file.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
materialName |
Yes |
16 character |
None |
Name of material to remove. |
libraryName |
Yes |
AvFilename |
None |
Fully qualified .mli filename from which to remove material. |
Return the name of the current material library in the librayaName field of the AvMatParam structure. The caller is resposible for freeing this string..
Invoke the Material Library dialog.
The av_rconfig command calls Render and tells it to reconfigure. This command has NO parameters in that all it does is enter Render's interactive reconfiguration command. No other configuration management can be accomplished by the client application.
#include "avlib.h"
AvErrorCode av_rconfig(void);
av_rconfig takes no parameters. See the AutoVision User's Guide and Reference for specifics on use of this command.
The av_render command is used to invoke the renderers and control the name of the destination file or the size and position of the crop window.
#include "avlib.h")
AvErrorCode av_render(AvRenderParam *p);
ttypedef enum AvRenderFlags;
/* All Possible modes for RENDER command */
typedef enum AvRenderMode;
/* Structure for the RENDER command to be passed in */
typedef struct AvRenderParam;
av_render has 2 modes:
Invoke the renderer, honoring the current render preferences settings. Regardless of the "skip render dialog" toggle in render preferences the dialog is skipped.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
fileName |
No |
AvFilename |
None |
Name of file to output rendered image (assuming rendering destination is FILE). |
point1 |
No |
ads_point |
None |
Upper left corner of cropwindow (assuming AvRprefCropwindowToggle is ON). |
point2 |
No |
ads_point |
None |
Lower right corner of cropwindow (assuming AvRprefCropwindowToggle is ON). |
Invoke the Render dialog.
The av_renderupdate command is used to control the updating of the Render internal geometry database.
#include "avlib.h"
AvErrorCode av_renderupdate(AvRenderUpdateParam *p);
typedef enum AvRenderUpdateMode;
typedef struct AvRenderUpdateParam;
av_renderupdate has 4 modes:
Causes the Render geometry database to be updated for every rendering.
Causes Render to update it's geometry database as it sees fit.
Forces an update of the geometry database for the next rendering then returns to the previous mode.
Forces the reuse of the geometry database for the next rendering then returns to the previous mode.
The av_replay command is used to paint an image file onto the rendering screen for viewing. In the past is was also used to provide, in concert with a merge rendering, backgrounds. This need has been eliminated with the addition of the background command.
#include "avlib.h"
AvErrorCode av_replay(AvReplayParam *p);
typedef enum AvReplayFileType;
typedef enum AvReplayMode;
typedef enum AvReplayFlags;
typedef struct AvReplayParam;
av_replay() has 2 modes:
Sets the file, filetype, size and positions of the replayed image.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
filename |
yes |
filename |
none | |
type |
yes |
AvReplayFileType |
none |
xoff |
no |
0 |
Offset of the bottom left corner of the image from the bottom left of the display. |
yoff |
no |
0 |
see xoff |
xsize |
no |
0 > xsize > image x |
Actual X Size |
amount of the image to display |
ysize |
no |
0 > ysize > image y |
Actual Y Size |
see ysize |
The length of the filename is MAXPATHLEN characters (OS dependent from ads.h).
Calls the UI version of Replay.
The av_rfileopt command is used to configure the render to file functionality. Fourteen file formats are supported as well as a large number of configurations of subtypes, eg. compression, colormodes, interlacing, etc. NOTE: there is no UI mode for this command since it is available from the rpref UI and render UI modes, though indirectly.
#include "avlib.h"
AvErrorCode av_rfileopt(AvFileOptParam *p);
typedef enum AvFileOptColor;
typedef enum AvFileOptMode;
typedef enum AvImageSize;
typedef enum AvFileOptFlags;
typedef struct AvFileOptParam;
av_rfileopt() has 16 modes, with 2 excptions they correspond to image file types:
Sets the output file type to the CompuServ GIF format.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
xRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image x resolution |
yRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image y resolution |
aspectRatio |
Yes |
> 0.0 |
None | |
colorMode |
Yes |
AvFileOptColor |
None |
Mono, G8, C8 |
interlace |
Yes |
1 or 2 |
None |
Sets the output file type to X11 pixmap format.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
xRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image x resolution |
yRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image y resolution |
aspectRatio |
Yes |
> 0.0 |
None | |
colorMode |
Yes |
AvFileOptColor |
None |
Mono, G8, C8 |
Sets the output file type to Jef Poskanzer's Portable Bitmap format.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
xRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image x resolution |
yRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image y resolution |
aspectRatio |
Yes |
> 0.0 |
None | |
ascii |
Yes |
AvBoolean |
None |
Sets the output file type to Jef Poskanzer's Portable Graymap format.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
xRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image x resolution |
yRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image y resolution |
aspectRatio |
Yes |
> 0.0 |
None | |
ascii |
Yes |
AvBoolean |
None |
Sets the output file type to Jef Poskanzer's Portable Pixmap format.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
xRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image x resolution |
yRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image y resolution |
aspectRatio |
Yes |
> 0.0 |
None | |
colorMode |
Yes |
AvFileOptColor |
None |
C8, C24 |
ascii |
Yes |
AvBoolean |
None |
Sets the output file type to AT&T's Targa format.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
xRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image x resolution |
yRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image y resolution |
aspectRatio |
Yes |
> 0.0 |
None | |
colorMode |
Yes |
AvFileOptColor |
None |
G8, C8, C16, C24, C32 |
interlace |
No |
1, 2 or 4 |
1 |
TGA interlace modes are not commonly supported. It is recommended to set 1 |
compression |
No |
AvBoolean |
TRUE | |
bottomUp |
No |
AvBoolean |
Sets the output file type to ??? PCX format.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
xRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image x resolution |
yRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image y resolution |
aspectRatio |
Yes |
> 0.0 |
None | |
colorMode |
Yes |
AvFileOptColor |
None |
Mono, G8, C8 |
Sets the output file type to Sun Microsystems rasterfile format.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
xRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image x resolution |
yRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image y resolution |
aspectRatio |
Yes |
> 0.0 |
None | |
colorMode |
Yes |
AvFileOptColor |
None |
Mono, G8, C8, C24 |
Sets the output file type to Microsoft Windows Bitmap format.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
xRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image x resolution |
yRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image y resolution |
aspectRatio |
Yes |
> 0.0 |
None | |
colorMode |
Yes |
AvFileOptColor |
None |
Mono, G8, C8 |
Sets the output file type to Level 1 encapsulated postscript.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
xRes |
Yes |
None |
Image resolution in the Poscript unit square |
yRes |
Yes |
None | ||
aspectRatio |
Yes |
> 0.0 |
None | |
colorMode |
Yes |
AvFileOptColor |
None |
Mono, G8, C8, C24 |
portrait |
No |
AvBoolean |
TRUE = Portrait FALSE = Landscape |
imageSize |
No |
AvImageSize |
AvFileOptAuto | |
size |
if AvFileOpt Custom |
None |
The number of x pixels in the result |
Sets the output file type to Tag Indexed File Format.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
xRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image x resolution |
yRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image y resolution |
aspectRatio |
Yes |
> 0.0 |
None | |
colorMode |
Yes |
AvFileOptColor |
None |
G8, C8, C24, C32 |
compression |
No |
AvBoolean |
Sets the output file type to Group 3 Fax format.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
xRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image x resolution |
yRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image y resolution |
aspectRatio |
Yes |
> 0.0 |
None | |
botomUp |
No |
AvBoolean |
TRUE = Reversed FALSE = Standard |
Sets the output file type to Amiga IFF format.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
xRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image x resolution |
yRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image y resolution |
aspectRatio |
Yes |
> 0.0 |
None | |
colorMode |
Yes |
AvFileOptColor |
None |
Mono, G8, C8 |
Sets the output file type to FITS format.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
xRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image x resolution |
yRes |
Yes |
None |
Output image y resolution |
aspectRatio |
Yes |
> 0.0 |
None |
Lists the currently configured output file type.
The av_rmat command is used to create, duplicate, modify, attach, detach and list Render materials.
#include "avlib.h"
AvErrorCode av_rmat(AvRmatParam *p);
typedef enum AvRmatMapFlags;
typedef enum AvTileType;
typedef struct AvRmatMap;
typedef enum AvRmatStandardFlags;
/* structure of the standard material type description. */
typedef struct AvRmatStandard;
typedef enum AvRmatMarbleFlags;
/* structure of the marble material type description. */
typedef struct AvRmatMarble;
typedef enum AvRmatGraniteFlags;
/* structure of the Granite material type description*/
typedef struct AvRmatGranite;
typedef enum AvRmatWoodFlags;
typedef struct AvRmatWood;
typedef enum AvRmatFlags;
typedef enum AvMaterialType;
typedef enum AvRmatAttachMethod;
typedef enum AvRmatMode;
/* structure of the material command */
typedef struct matParams;
unsigned long flags;
} AvRmatParam;
In all of the commands below, parameters that specify colors are represented by the type AvColor, which holds the RGB or HLS values specifying the color. The special RGB value of (-1.0, -1.0, -1.0) is given the name "By ACI" and means that the color is determined from the AutoCAD Color Index of the object being rendered.
New behavior for AVLIB 0.2: The enum AvRmatMapFlags has a new member AvMapStyle. It flags the use of struct AvRmatMap member mappingFlags. It’s behavior when creating new materials is backward compatible with previous versions in that the field is NOT sent in the resbuf chain when the AvMapStyle flag is not set. Member mappingFlags has the following definition: 0x01 = Fixed Scale set, 0x02 = Use AutoAxis.
Many of the commands below take parameters in the AvRmatMap structure, which describes texture maps. Here is a description of its fields:
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
name |
Yes |
Filename |
None |
The file name of the texture map. Can be in TGA, TIFF, GIF, JPG or BMP format |
value |
No |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
1.0 |
Blend value |
tile |
No |
AvTileType |
AvTileCrop |
Crop or tile mode |
scale |
No |
ads_point |
(1.0, 1.0) |
U and V scale factor |
offset |
No |
ads_point |
(0.0, 0.0) |
U and V offset |
In the ads_point for offset and scale, it applies to the UV mapper on the material, and only the first two values are used in the point.
av_rmat has 8 modes:
Create a new material.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
matType |
Yes |
AvMaterialType |
None |
The type of material to create |
name |
Yes |
16 characters |
None |
The name of the new material |
bumpMap |
No |
AvRmatMap |
None |
Texture map used to perturb surface normals. |
reflMirror |
No |
AvBoolean |
Activates ray trace reflections |
reflColor |
No |
AvColor |
By ACI |
Color of reflections |
reflWeight |
No |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
0.2 |
Weight of reflection color |
reflMap |
No |
AvRmatMap |
None |
Reflection environment map |
roughness |
No |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
0.5 |
Determines size of specular highlights |
matParams |
No |
Varies |
None |
Material type-specific parameters |
The matParams union describes the parameters specific to the type of material begin created.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
color |
No |
AvColor |
By ACI |
Main color of the material |
colorWeight |
No |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
0.7 |
Weight of main color |
patternMap |
No |
AvRmatMap |
None |
Texture map for material |
ambient |
No |
AvColor |
By ACI |
Ambient color of material |
ambWeight |
No |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
0.1 |
Weight of ambient color |
transparency |
No |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
0.0 |
Transparency of material |
opacityMap |
No |
AvRmatMap |
None |
Texture map of opacity |
Refraction |
No |
greater than 0.0 |
1.0 |
Relative index of refraction for material |
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
stoneColor |
No |
AvColor |
White |
The main color of the stone |
veinColor |
No |
AvColor |
Black |
The color of the veins |
turbulence |
No |
0 .. 100 |
3 |
The "twistiness" of the veins |
sharpness |
No |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
1.0 |
The blurring of the colors |
scale |
No |
greater than 0.0 |
0.16 |
The overall scale of the material |
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
color1 |
No |
AvColor |
White |
The first color |
amount1 |
No |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
1.0 |
Weight of the first color |
color2 |
No |
AvColor |
Dark Gray |
The second color |
amount2 |
No |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
1.0 |
Weight of the second color |
color2 |
No |
AvColor |
Black |
The third color |
amount3 |
No |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
1.0 |
Weight of the third color |
color4 |
No |
AvColor |
Light Gray |
The fourth color |
amount4 |
No |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
1.0 |
Weight of the fourth color |
sharpness |
No |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
1.0 |
The blurring of the colors |
scale |
No |
greater than 0.0 |
0.16 |
The overall scale of the material |
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
lightColor |
No |
AvColor |
Light Brown |
Color of the light rings |
darkColor |
No |
AvColor |
Dark Brown |
Color of the dark rings |
ratio |
No |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
0.5 |
Ratio of light to dark rings |
density |
No |
0.0 ... 100.0 |
6.0 |
Density of the rings |
width |
No |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
0.4 |
Ring width variation |
shape |
No |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
0.2 |
Ring shape variation |
scale |
No |
greater than 0.0 |
0.16 |
The overall scale of the material |
The modify mode take exactly the same parameters as the AvRmatNew mode, except the name must refer to an existing material. Also, instead of default, fields that are left unspecified leave the object unmodified for that field, so no defaults apply.
Copy a material.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
name |
Yes |
16 characters |
None |
The name of the existing material |
newName |
Yes |
16 characters |
None |
The name of the new material |
Attach a amterial to a selection set of objects, a layer or an ACI.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
name |
Yes |
16 characters |
None |
The name of the material to attach |
aci |
No |
0 ... 255 |
None |
The ACI to attach the material to |
selectionSet |
No |
ads_name |
None |
The entities to attach the material to |
layerName |
No |
16 characters |
None |
The layer to attach the material to |
If no aci, selectionSet or layerName are specified, then this function reports back how the specified material is attached. It will set the selectionSet field to a set of all the entities that this material is attached to, it will also set the "rb" member to a resbuf chain with the layers and ACIs that it is attached to. In the resbuf chain, if the type is RTSTRING, it is a layer name, and if it is RTSHORT, it is an ACI number.
This function call returns the resbuf chain which is the xdata required to attach a material to an entity. The chain may be use with ads_entmake or ads_entmod.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
name |
Yes |
16 characters |
None |
The name of the material to attach |
Detach materials from a selection set of objects, a layer ar an ACI.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
aci |
No |
0 ... 255 |
None |
The ACI to attach the material to |
selectionSet |
No |
ads_name |
None |
The entities to attach the material to |
layerName |
No |
16 characters |
None |
The layer to attach the material to |
At least one of aci, selectionSet or layerName must be supplied.
List the propoerties of a material, or the list of all materials in the drawing.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
name |
No |
16 characters |
None |
The name of the material to list |
If no name is given, the AvRmatList mode returns a list of all the materials defined in the current drawing. The list is returned in the "rb" member of the AvRmatParam structure. It is a resbuf chain of RTSTRINGs. If the material name is specified, then all of the parameters of that material are filled into the AvRmatParam structure. The fields that are filled in are specified by the flags field in the structure.
Show what material is attached to a given object, layer or aci.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
entity |
No |
ads_name |
None |
The ads_name of the entity to query |
layerName |
No |
16 characters |
None |
The layer. |
aci |
No |
0..255 |
None |
The aci. |
Return the name of the material attached to the given entity, layer or ACI in the "name" field. It also sets the "attachment" field to the method by which the material is attached if an entity is selected. Either an entity, layer or an ACI must be set.
This mode brings up the Render Rmat dialog.
The av_rpref command is used to control the renderer and its preference settings.
#include "avlib.h"
AvErrorCode av_rpref(AvRprefParam *p);
typedef enum AvRprefFlags;
typedef enum AvRprefToggleFlags;
typedef struct AvRprefToggleParam;
/* All Possible modes for RPREF command */
typedef enum AvRprefMode;
typedef enum AvRprefPaletteType;
typedef enum AvRprefDestType;
typedef enum AvRprefRenderTypeParam;
typedef enum AvRprefQualityType;
typedef enum AvRprefAntiAliasType;
typedef enum AvRprefSampleType;
/* Structure for the RPREF command to be passed in */
typedef struct AvRprefParam;
av_rpref has 4 modes:
Set common render options. Renderer-specific options apply to the current selected renderer.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
palette |
No |
AvRprefPalette-Type |
None |
Palette to use for rendering. |
destination |
No |
AvRprefDest-Type |
None |
Rendering destination. |
iconScale |
No |
> 0.0 |
1.0 |
Value to scale light icon blocks. |
renderType |
No |
AvRprefRender-TypeParam |
None |
Renderer to be used. |
selectEntities |
No |
AvBoolean |
Option to prompt for selection set of entities to be rendered. |
smoothing-Angle |
No |
0.0 ... 90.0 |
45.0 |
Maximum angle at which to treat adjoining faces as a smooth surface. |
subSampling |
No |
1 ... 8 |
1 |
Factor by which to reduce rendered resolution. |
toggle |
No |
AvRprefToggle-Param |
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
AvRpref-Smooth-Toggle |
No |
AvBoolean |
None |
Smooth shading option. |
AvRpref-MergeToggle |
No |
AvBoolean |
None |
Merge rendering option. |
AvRpref-FinishToggle |
No |
AvBoolean |
None |
Apply finishes option. |
AvRprefShad-owToggle |
No |
AvBoolean |
None |
Render shadows option. |
AvRprefSkip-RdlgToggle |
No |
AvBoolean |
None |
Skip Render dialog for RENDER command option. |
AvRprefCrop-window-Toggle |
No |
AvBoolean |
None |
Crop window prompting option. |
Set renderer-specific options.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
renderType |
Yes |
AvRprefRender-TypeParam |
None |
Renderer whose options are to be set. |
quality |
No |
AvRprefQuality-Type |
AvRprefGouraud |
Shading algorithm for AutoCAD Render. |
antiAlias |
No |
AvRprefAnti-AliasType |
AvRprefAnti-AliasMinimal |
Level of anti-aliasing. |
Texture-Sample |
No |
AvRprefSample-Type |
AvRprefSample-Linear |
Texture map sampling algorithm. |
minimumBias |
No |
>= 0.0 |
2.0 |
Shadow map minimum bias. |
maximumBias |
No |
>= 0.0 |
4.0 |
Shadow map maximum bias. |
discardBack-faces |
No |
AvBoolean |
Option to discard all faces whose normal points away from the camera. |
backfaceNor-malNegative |
No |
AvBoolean |
ON |
Back facing normal points away from the camera. |
adaptive-Sampling |
No |
AvBoolean |
ON |
Adaptive sampling. |
contrast-Threshold |
No |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
0.03 |
Contrast threshold. |
Query render options. All parameters are returned. If renderType is supplied, then renderer-specific items are returned which correspond to renderType. Otherwise, renderType is returned with the value of the currently selected renderer.
Parameter |
Always Returned |
Values |
Description |
palette |
Yes |
AvRprefPalette-Type |
Palette to use for rendering. |
destination |
Yes |
AvRprefDest-Type |
Rendering destination. |
iconScale |
Yes |
> 0.0 |
Value to scale light icon blocks. |
renderType |
Yes |
AvRprefRender-TypeParam |
Renderer to be used. |
quality |
Yes |
AvRprefQuality-Type |
Shading algorithm for AutoCAD Render. |
antiAlias |
Yes |
AvRprefAnti-AliasType |
Level of anti-aliasing. |
Texture-Sample |
Yes |
AvRprefSample-Type |
Texture map sampling algorithm. |
minimumBias |
Yes |
>= 0.0 |
Shadow map minimum bias. |
maximumBias |
Yes |
>= 0.0 |
Shadow map maximum bias. |
discardBack-faces |
Yes |
AvBoolean |
Option to discard all faces whose normal points away from the camera. |
backfaceNor-malNegative |
Yes |
AvBoolean |
Back facing normal points away from the camera. |
adaptive-Sampling |
Yes |
AvBoolean |
Adaptive sampling. |
contrast-Threshold |
Yes |
0.0 ... 1.0 |
Contrast threshold. |
selectEntities |
Yes |
AvBoolean |
Option to prompt for selection set of entities to be rendered. |
smoothing-Angle |
Yes |
0.0 ... 90.0 |
Maximum angle at which to treat adjoining faces as a smooth surface. |
subSampling |
Yes |
1 ... 8 |
Factor by which to reduce rendered resolution. |
toggle |
Yes |
AvRprefToggle-Param |
Invoke the Rendering Preferences dialog.
The av_saveimg command is used to save the rendering in the current viewport to an image file. Only GIF, TGA, and TIFF file formats are supported. This feature has been made largely obsolete for rendering to an image file by the addition of the render to file capabilities (See av_rfileopt).
#include "avlib.h"
AvErrorCode av_saveimg(AvSaveimgParam *p);
typedef enum AvSaveimgFileType;
typedef enum AvSaveimgPortion;
typedef enum AvSaveimgCompress;
typedef enum AvSaveimgMode;
typedef enum AvSaveimgFlags;
typedef struct AvSaveimgParam;
av_saveimg has 2 modes:
Sets the file, filetype, source position and size for the image to be saved.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
filename |
yes |
char * |
none | |
type |
yes |
AvSaveimgFileType |
none | |
portion |
no |
AvSaveimgPortion |
AvSaveimgActive | |
xoff |
no |
>= 0 |
0 | |
yoff |
no |
>= 0 |
0 | |
xsize |
no |
> 0 |
Actual X Size | |
ysize |
no |
> 0 |
Actual Y Size | |
compression |
no |
AvSaveimgCompress |
AvSaveimgRLE |
TGA or TIFF only |
The portion parameter is only applicable when saveing from a viewport. If you are configured to render to a separate display, omit it. RLE is the only compression allowed for TGA. Only PACK and LZW compression is allowed for TIFF.
Calls the UI version of SaveImage.
The av_scene command is used to create, modify, delete, rename, and list scenes. A Render scene is a named construct consisting of a view and some set of lights.
#include "avlib.h"
AvErrorCode av_scene(AvSceneParam *p);
typedef enum AvSceneFlags;
typedef enum AvSceneMode;
typedef struct AvSceneParam;
av_scene() has 6 modes:
Create a scene.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
sceneName |
Yes |
8 character |
None |
Name of new scene. |
view |
Yes |
string |
None |
Name of view to use in scene (if NULL use current drawing view). |
lights |
No |
struct resbuf * |
None |
If supplied, give list of light names, or NULL (meaning no lights). If not supplied, use all lights. |
Change the composition (name, view, lights) of a scene.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
sceneName |
Yes |
8 character |
None |
Name of scene to modify. |
sceneNew-Name |
No |
8 character |
None |
Name of scene to be renamed. |
view |
No |
string |
None |
Name of view to use in scene (if NULL use current drawing view). |
lights |
No |
struct resbuf * |
None |
If supplied, give list of light names, or NULL (meaning no lights). |
Delete a scene.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
sceneName |
Yes |
8 character |
None |
Name of scene to delete. |
Select a scene to be rendered (this is, in effect, a rendering preference).
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
sceneName |
Yes |
8 character |
None |
Name of scene to select for rendering. (If NULL, use default scene). |
Query the list of scenes in the drawing, or the composition of a given scene.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
sceneName |
No |
8 character |
None |
Name of scene to list. If not supplied, a list all scenes is returned in 'scenes' (see below). |
view |
No |
string |
None |
Returns the name of the view contained in the scene specified in sceneName (NULL for current view).†† |
lights |
No |
struct resbuf * |
None |
Returns a list of light names contained in the scene specified in sceneName.† |
selectedScene |
No |
8 character |
None |
Returns the currently selected scene (NULL for default scene).†† |
scenes |
No |
struct resbuf * |
None |
Returns a list of scene names if sceneName is not supplied. |
† lights == 0 no lights in scene
lights->resval.rstring == "*ALL*" scene contains all lights
otherwise lights contains resbuf chain with all lights in scene
†† It is the caller's responsibility to free any memory allocated for this field.
Invokes the Scene dialog.
The av_setuv command is used to attach, detach, modify, or list the UV or RST mapper assigned to an entity or selection set of entities.
#include "avlib.h"
AvErrorCode av_setuv(AvSetuvParam *p);
typedef enum AvSetuvType;
typedef enum AvSetuvMode;
typedef enum AvSetuvFlags;
typedef struct AvSetuvParam;
av_setuv() has 5 modes:
Sets the mapper to the selection set of objects. Note that this command takes only a selection set of objects
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
selectionSet |
Yes |
ads_name |
None |
List of objects to which the mapper is to be assigned |
mappingType |
Yes |
AvSetuvType |
None | |
p1 |
Yes |
Any |
None |
For point description see below. |
p2 |
Yes |
Any |
None | |
p3 |
Yes |
Any |
None |
Must not be collinear with p1 and p2 |
p4 |
For Solid |
Any |
None |
Must not be coplanar with p1, p2, and p3 |
tile |
No (not Solid) |
AvTileType |
AvDefault |
Set an override to the tiling specified in the material. AvDefault indicates use of the materials tiling. |
scale |
No (not Solid) |
!= 0 |
(1.0, 1.0) |
This scaling will be composited with that from the material at render time |
offset |
No (not Solid) |
ads_point |
(0.0, 0.0) |
This offset will be composited with that from the material at render time |
The points specified have different meanings depending on the mappingType:
p1 is the bottom left corner of the mapper.
p2 is the bottom right corner of the mapper.
p3 is the top left corner of the mapper.
p4 is not legal.
p1 is the bottom center of the cylinder.
p2 is the top center of the cylinder.
p3 is in the direction of the wrap line.
p4 is not legal.
p1 is the center of the sphere.
p2 is the north pole of the sphere.
p3 is in the direction of the wrap line.
p4 is not legal.
p1 is the origin of the mapper.
p2 is the U (X analog) coordinate of the mapper.
p3 is the V (Y analog) coordinate of the mapper.
p2 is the W (Z analog) coordinate of the mapper.
Note that the 3rd component of the ads_point for scale and offset is ignored.
Builds a resbuf that represents the specified mapper. This resbuf can be used by entmakes or entmods.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
mappingType |
Yes |
AvSetuvType |
None | |
p1 |
Yes |
Any |
None |
For point description see AvSetuvAssign. |
p2 |
Yes |
Any |
None | |
p3 |
Yes |
Any |
None |
Must not be collinear with p1 and p2 |
p4 |
For Solid |
Any |
None |
Must not be coplanar with p1, p2, and p3 |
tile |
No (not Solid) |
AvTileType |
AvDefault |
Set an override to the tiling specified in the material. AvDefault indicates use of the materials tiling. |
scale |
No (not Solid) |
!= 0 |
(1.0, 1.0) |
This scaling will be composited with that from the material at render time |
offset |
No (not Solid) |
ads_point |
(0.0, 0.0) |
This offset will be composited with that from the material at render time |
The command returns a resbuf in the rb entry in the structure. This resbuf can be used to set the mapping for an entity via entmake, entmod etc.
Detaches any mapper that might be assigned to a selection set of objects.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
selectionSet |
Yes |
ads_name |
None |
List of objects from which the mappers are to be detached. |
Returns the mapper associated with a entity.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
entity |
Yes |
ads_name |
None |
Single object to which the mapper is to be listed |
The structure is filled in to indicate the type of mapper that has been assigned. If no flags are set no mapper has been explicitly assigned to the entity.
Calls the UI version of SetUV. No parameters are required.
The av_stats command is used to save the statistics from the previous and all subsequent renderings to the statistics file.
#include "avlib.h"
AvErrorCode av_stats(AvStatsParam *p);
typedef enum AvStatsMode;
typedef enum AvStatsFlags;
typedef struct AvStatsParam;
av_stats() has 3 modes:
Sets the filename to save stats into and saves the statistics. To stop saving statistics with each rendering call the AvStats command with no filename parameter.
Parameter |
Req'd |
Values |
Default |
Description |
filename |
no |
filename |
none |
The length of a filename is MAXPATHLEN characters (OS dependent from ads.h).
Returns the statistics for the last rendering. The returned flags field indicates which values are filled in. If no values (other than the statistics filename) then no rendering has taken place yet. Due to the way the various rendering algorithms work, not all timing values are filled for all rendering types. For example shadow time is never filled in for AutoCAD Render. As AutoCAD Render combines traversal and rendering, the traversal time is combined with the rendering time and only the rendering time is returned. Likewise, since the Render renderers combine rendering and display, stats returns the rendering time which has the display time combined with it.
Calls the UI version of Stats.
/* Return Codes for Render API */
typedef enum AvErrorCode;
We provide a Microsoft Visual C++ 4.2b workbench makefile for each sample application.
The Template folder contains a skelelal project that can be used as a starting point for your own AVLib ARX application.
The Allmat folder contains a project that implements a command to display the contents of a materials library in an AutoCAD drawing, using AVLib.