Below is a list of constants specified in AutoCAD Mechanical.
Specifies the type of GDT symbol used in the FCF symbol. Possible values are :
kStraightness, kFlatness, kCircularity, kCylindricity, kProfileLine, kProfileSurface, kAngularity, kPerpendicularity, kParallelism, kPosition, kConcentricity, kSymmetry, kRunoutCircular, kRunoutTotal, kLeastMaterialCondition, kMaximumMaterialCondition, kProjectedToleranceZone, kTangentPlane, kFreeState, kEnvelope, kRegardlessO 959p1511j fFeatureSize, kStatisticalTolerance, kDiameter, kBetween, kReciprocityCondition, kSquare, kAngularity.
Expresses the location of each weld symbol in relation to the reference line. Possible values are:
kArrowSide, kOtherSide, kOnlyOnRefLine, kOnlyOnArrowSide, kOnlyOnOtherSide, kOnBothSides.
Expresses the location of each weld symbol. It is used to filter out the types which are not suitable to use in some conditions. Possible values are:
kForBothSides, kForOtherSide, kForArrowSide.
Expresses the association for the weld symbol. Possible values are:
kNoAssociation, kAssociationSpacer, kAssociationMoveStagger, kAssociationMirrorStagger, AssociationSpecialStagger, kAssociationBacking.
Expresses the type of stagger supported by the weld symbol. Possible values are:
kNoEnableStagger, kEnableMoveStagger, kEnableMirrorStagger, kEnableSpecialStagger, kMoveStagger, kMirrorStagger, kSpecialStagger.
Expresses the type of identification line supported by the sub-welding symbol. Possible values are: kNoIdentLine, kIdentLineOtherSide, kIdentLineArrowSide.
Expresses the type of welding symbol. Possible values are: kWeld, kContour, kBacking, kAreaDesc.
Expresses the attachment points of the symbol to be used to connect to the leader. Possible values are: kTopLeft , kTopCenter, kTopRight, kMiddleLeft, kMiddleCenter, kMiddleRight, kBottomLeft, kBottomCenter, kBottomRight.
Expresses the visibility of control in the schematic dialog UI. It has following values and meanings:
kHidden = 0, invisible
kDisabled = 1, visible but not editable
kShaded = 1, visible but not editable
kSelectOnly = 2, selectable but not editable - used by combo-box or list-box
kVisible = 3 visible and editable.
Expresses the type of connection point of the weld symbol. Possible values are: kAtStartRefLine, kAtMiddleRefLine, kAtEndRefLine.
Expresses the basic type of surface texture symbol. Possible values are: kBasic, kRemovalOfMaterialRequired, kRemovalOfMaterialProhibited, kRemovalAllowanceSpecified.
Expresses the possible values of direction of lay symbol of surface texture. Possible values are:
kNotSpecified, kParallelToPlaneOfProjection, kPerpendicularToPlaneOfProjection, kCrossedIn2SlantDirections, kMultiDirection, kCircularRelativeToCenter, kRadialRelativeToCenter, kParticulateNonDirectional.
Specifies the type of datum target symbol. Possible values are: kNoTarget, kBalloon, kPoint, kLine, kCircular, kRectangular, kAttach.
Express the type of arrowhead to be used for the leader. Possible values are:
kNoArrow, kArrowOpen, kArrowOpen15, kArrowOpen30, kArrowOpen60, kArrowOpen90, kArrowEmpty, kArrowEmpty15, kArrowEmpty30, kArrowEmpty60, kArrowEmpty90, kArrowClosed, kArrowClosed15, kArrowClosed30, kArrowClosed60, kArrowClosed90, kArrowFilled, kArrowFilled15, kArrowFilled30, kArrowFilled60, kArrowFilled90, kArrowBoxBlank, kArrowBoxFilled, kArrowDatumBlank45, kArrowDatumFilled45, kArrowDatumBlank60, kArrowDatumFilled60, kArrowDot, kArrowDotBlank, kArrowOblique, kArrowOrigin, kByStandard, kArrowDatumThickLine, kArrowDotSmall, kArrowDotBlankSmall.
Contains two additional arrowheads for symbol support. New types: kArrowFilledHalf and kArrowEmptyHalf are used for ANSI-based section view arrowheads and for detail annotations. No change aside from recompiling and relinking is necessary for existing applications.
Expresses the groups of arrowheads. They can all be either standard-specific arrowheads or AutoCAD arrowheads. The possible values are: kAcadArrow, kStandardArrow.
Expresses the type of variable, existing in the symbols. Possible values are:
Acm::SurfTextRaMax, Acm::SurfTextRaMin, Acm::SurfTextProduction, Acm::SurfTextProduction2, Acm::SurfTextAllowance, Acm::SurfTextDirLay, Acm::SurfTextSampLength, Acm::SurfTextCutoff, Acm::SurfTextOtherValue, Acm::SurfTextOtherMin, Acm::SurfTextMaxRspac, Acm::SurfTextReference, Acm::SurfTextWaviness, Acm::SurfTextComment, Acm::FCFSymbol, Acm:: FCFSymbol2, Acm:: FCFTolerance,Acm::FCFTolerance2, Acm:: FCFToleranceB, Acm:: FCFToleranceB2, Acm::FCFDatumPrimary, Acm::FCFDatumPrimary2, Acm::FCFDatumSecondary, Acm::FCFDatumSecondary2, Acm::FCFDatumTertiary,Acm::FCFDatumTertiary2, Acm::FCFProjectedZone, Acm::FCFDatumId, Acm::DatumIdText, Acm::WeldSize,Acm::WeldThickness, Acm::WeldLength, Acm::WeldNumber, Acm::WeldSpacing, Acm::WeldAngle, Acm::WeldDepth, Acm::WeldPitch, Acm::WeldGap, Acm::WeldClearance, Acm::WeldBacking, Acm::WeldBrazing, Acm::WeldFinishing, Acm::WeldContour, Acm::WeldNotes, Acm::DatumTargetSize, Acm::DatumTargetText,Acm::NoteExpression, Acm::NoteEvalText, Acm::EdgeMax, Acm::EdgeMin, Acm::EdgeSign. Contains several new symbol variables for new symbol support. New types for Detail Symbol (DetailSymLabelPattern, DetailSymLabelName, DetailSymScale, DetailSymShowBorder, DetailSymShowLeader, DetailSymShowAnnotLeader), new types for Section View Symbol (SectionSymLabelPattern, SectionSymLabelName). No change is necessary for existing applications.
Expresses the column data type. Possible values are: kGeneralText, kInteger, kDouble.
Expresses the column alignment. Possible values are: kLeft, kCenter, kRight.
Expresses the balloon type. Possible values are: kByStdBalloon, kNoBalloon, kCircBalloon, kCirc2Balloon, kLinearBalloon, kEmptyBalloon, kNAngleBalloon.
Expresses the size of row in partlist. Possible values are: kSingleRow, kDoubleRow, kTripleRow.
Expresses the type of balloon collection. Possible values are: kHorizontal, kVertical.
Expresses the type of balloon attachment which control where the leader tip point is pointing to. Possible values are:
kToCenter, kToExtents, kToOrigin.
New enumeration for the projections type (kFirstAngle, kThirdAngle). Used in view creation module. No change is necessary for existing applications.
New enumeration for the common insertion point type. Used in Parts List setting, revision list setting, hole charts setting. New enums are(kInsTopLeft, kInsBottomLeft, kInsBottomRight, and kInsTopRight. It influences all other insertion types: for example, if you set the common insertion point to kInsBottomLeft, the parts list attachment type will also be changed to kBottomLeft. No change aside from recompiling and relinking is necessary for existing applications.
New enumeration for variable used in AcmStandard (kUnits, kListAttach, kTextHeight, kTextStyle, kArrowType, kProjectionType, kScale). It is used with the AcmStdReactor class. No change is necessary for existing applications..