The Feature Control Frame (FCF) portion of the Standard Framework contains the AcmFCFStd class for standard parts, and also the AcmFCF symbol. The symbol contains one sub-symbol - AcmCFCF.
This class is inherited from the AcmSymbolStd class, and implements all of its virtual member functions. The class is responsible for the FCF sub-symbol. The class has the following successors: AcmFCFStd 939e422j ANSI, AcmFCFStdBS, AcmFCFStdDIN, AcmFCFStdISO, and AcmFCFStdJIS, which implement standard-specific variations. The class doesn't contain any special services.
Supports the interface required by AcmSymbolStd class and the following additional member functions:
virtual ~AcmCFCFStd();
virtual void getSubEnts(const AcmCFCF * pSymb, AcmCAuxEntArray& subents, AcGePoint3d* secondLeaderPoint=NULL) const;
Creates a list of all sub-entities, which represents the symbol according the content of sub-symbol. If the last parameter is supplied, it will be filled with the second point to attach leader to.
See also "AcmCSubSymbol," "Family of AcmCAuxEntities."
virtual void getSubEntsAllAround(AcmCAuxEntArray& subents, const AcGeMatrix3d& mat) const;
Member function to be used to get sub-entities for the all-around symbol.
virtual void setDefaultSubSymbol(AcmCFCF* pData) const;
This member function should be used to properly initialize the sub-symbol. It is used in the setStandardDefaults member function of a symbol and it performs a function similar to that performed by setDatabaseDefaults.
void setGdtStyleId(const AcDbObjectId& id);
AcDbObjectId gdtStyleId() const;
Id of the special font for GDT symbols. The characters from that font are used internally to represent special characters.
Acad::ErrorStatus setGdtStyleName(LPCTSTR value);
Acad::ErrorStatus getGdtStyleName(CString& name,CString& font) const;
Acad::ErrorStatus getGdtFontName(const char*& fontName) const;
Another way to specify font for GDT symbols.
double frameGap() const;
void setFrameGap(double value);
Gap between the frame and text inside the symbol.
Adesk::Boolean endPadding(void) const;
void setEndPadding( Adesk::Boolean value);
Status for end padding (if both rows are not same length, is symbol frame is shortened or not).
Adesk::Boolean mergeDatum(void) const;
void setMergeDatum( Adesk::Boolean value);
Specifies whether two identical symbols, tolerances, or datums used in the symbol will be expressed as one or two symbols.
Adesk::Boolean separateProjected() const;
void setSeparateProjected(Adesk::Boolean value);
Specifies whether projected tolerance is in line or not.
Adesk::Boolean mergeSymbol(void) const;
void setMergeSymbol( Adesk::Boolean value);
Specifies whether identical symbols used in the symbol will be expressed as one or two symbols.
Adesk::Boolean mergeTolerance(void) const;
void setMergeTolerance( Adesk::Boolean value);
Specifies whether two identical tolerances or datums used in the symbol will be expressed as one or two text strings.
Adesk::Boolean separateDatumId() const;
void setSeparateDatumId(Adesk::Boolean value);
Specifies whether datum can be on last line, separated from the tolerance value
void getOfferedAuxSymbols(AcDbIntArray& array) const;
void setOfferedAuxSymbols(const AcDbIntArray& array);
Specifies, which auxiliary symbols will be visible in standard setting dialog. Even if the symbol is not shown, it still can exist in drawing.
void getOfferedGdtSymbols(AcDbIntArray& array) const;
void setOfferedGdtSymbols(const AcDbIntArray& array);
Specifies, which special GDT symbols will be visible in standard setting dialog. Even if the symbol is not shown, it still can exist in drawing
virtual Adesk::Boolean getArrowDesc(AcmCObjArray<AcmCArrowDesc>& list) const;
Supply the list of description objects for FCF specific arrowheads.
virtual Acm::ErrorStatus checkVisibility(AcmCFCF* pData) const;
virtual Acm::ErrorStatus initFields(AcmCFCF* pData) const;
virtual Acm::ErrorStatus setSuggested(AcmCFCF* pData) const;
virtual Adesk::Boolean getSymbolImp(int subSym, CString& symtext) const;
virtual Adesk::Boolean getSymbolImp(Acm::GdtSymbolType subSym, CString& symtext) const;
These member functions are used to convert the GDT symbol type to its string representation. The representation depends on the font used for GDT symbols.
Supports the interface required by the AcmSymbolStd class and the following additional member functions:
virtual Adesk::Boolean getGeom(AcmCObjArray<AcmCGDTSymbolDesc>& list,
AcmCFCF* pSubSym = NULL) const;
Returns the list of available geometric characteristic descriptor objects.
virtual Adesk::Boolean setGeom(const AcmCObjArray<AcmCGDTSymbolDesc>& list);
Sets the list of allowed geometric characteristic symbols. It uses availability only. All other values from the descriptor object are lost. The function checks if the length of the array is the same as the number of known geometric characteristic symbols in a standard. If not, it returns eInvalidInput.
virtual Adesk::Boolean getMat(AcmCObjArray<AcmCGDTSymbolDesc>& list) const;
Returns the list of available material removal characteristics.
virtual Adesk::Boolean setMat(const AcmCObjArray<AcmCGDTSymbolDesc>& list);
Sets the list of allowed material removal characteristic symbols. It uses availability only. All other values from the descriptor object are lost. It checks if the length of the array is the same as the number of known material removal characteristic symbols in a standard. If not, it will return eInvalidInput.
virtual Acm::Visibility variableStatus(AcmFCFStd::Variable var) const;
virtual void setVariableStatus(AcmFCFStd::Variable var, Acm::Visibility status);
Users can control the visibility of the editing controls. Each standard variable can be visible or editable for different kinds of standards. The Acm::Visibility status can be kHidden, kDisabled, kShaded, kSelectOnly, kVisible, where kDisabled, kShaded and kSelectOnly have the same meaning. AcmCFCFStd::Variable can be kMergeSymbol, kMergeTolerance, kMergeDatums, kEndPadding, kGDTStyle, kSepProjected, or kSepDatumId.