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AcmSymbol is the base class for all symbol classes in AutoCAD/M. AcmSymbol is derived from AcDbEntity and can't be used to create instances. This class's primary responsibility is to handle leaders and connections to the AcmStandard. It also handles the sub-entities created by each particular symbol.


This class is inherited from the AcmSymbolStd class, and implements all of its virtual member functions. This class is responsible for welding sub-symbols. It contains several services to handle all types of weld symbols. The structure of the welding symbol is more complex than that of any other symbol.

The class has the following successors: AcmWeldingStdANSI, AcmWeldingStdBSI, AcmWeldingStdDIN, AcmWeldingStdISO and AcmWeldingStdJIS, which implement standard-specific variations.

Constructing and Initializing


The constructor is protected, this class cannot be instantiated.

virtual ~AcmWeldingStd();

virtual Adesk::Boolean setFactoryDefaults();

virtual void setDefaultSubSymbol(AcmCSubWelding* pData) const;

This member function should be used to properly initialize the sub-symbol. It is used in the setStandardDefaults member function of a symbol and does similar things as setDatabaseDefaults.

void setAllowedIdentLine(Adesk::Boolean flag);

Adesk::Boolean registerService(AcmCWeldService* pNewServ);

virtual void getSideSubEnts(AcmCWeld* pWeld, AcmCWeld* pWeldS, AcmCAuxEntArray& entitySet, Acm::AlignmentType& align, double& moveX) const;

These member functions are protected and so only the successor is able to use them.

Setting and Querying Data

virtual Adesk::Boolean allowedIdentLine(const AcmCSubWelding* pSubWeld = NULL) const;

Returns Adesk::kTrue when an identification line is allowed in the standard.

virtual Acm::StaggerType allowedStaggerType(const AcmCSubWelding* pWelding) const;

Returns the allowed stagger value based on the standard.

virtual Adesk::Boolean allowedSpacer(const AcmCSubWelding* pWelding) const;

Returns Adesk::kTrue if a spacer is enabled.

void setAllowed 646x233g ClosedTail(Adesk::Boolean status);

Adesk::Boolean allowedClosedTail() const;

Determines that the closed tail is enabled.

Acm::ErrorStatus setIdentLtypeId(const AcDbObjectId& idType);

AcDbObjectId identLtypeId() const;

Returns the object id for the identification line type.

double identLineGap() const;

void setIdentLineGap(double value);

Gets and sets the gap for the identification line. The value is the multiplication factor for the text height. For real value, use currentIdentLineGap. For example, if we set this value to 0.3 and the current text height is 0.12, the currentIdentLineGap will return 0.036.

double symbolGap() const;

void setSymbolGap(double value);

Gets and sets the gap for the symbol text. The value is the multiplication factor for the text height. For real value, use currentSymbolGap. For example, if we set this value to 0.3 and the current text height is 0.12, the currentSymbolGap will return 0.036.


double currentIdentLineGap() const;

void setCurrentIdentLineGap(double value);

Gets and sets the current value of the gap for the identification line. It is a real value. This function uses the text height to find and set the gap. For example, setting the value to 0.036 with a text height of 0.12 will set setIdentLineGap to 0.3.

double currentSymbolGap() const;

void setCurrentSymbolGap(double value);

Gets and sets the current value of the gap for the symbol text. It is a real value. This function uses the text height to calculate the gap and than set the gap. For example, setting the value to 0.036 with a text height 0.12 will set setSymbolGap to 0.3.

Acm::ErrorStatus getIdentLtypeName(char*& pName) const;

Acm::ErrorStatus setIdentLtypeName(const char* pName);

Gets or sets the name of line type to be used for the identification line.


virtual void getSideSubEnts(AcmCWeld* pWeld,

AcmCWeld* pWeldS,

AcmCAuxEntArray& entitySet,

Acm::AlignmentType& align,

double& moveX) const;

Creates sub-entity list for one side of the weld. The first and second parameters, pWeld and pWeldS, are specifications of the weld and the secondary weld used on this weld side. The last two parameters specify how and how far these sub-entities have to be moved to place them in the correct position. This is a protected member function.

virtual void getSubEnts(const AcmCSubWelding* pSubSym,

AcmCAuxEntArray& subents,

AcGePoint3d& ptRefEnd) const;

Extra parameter returns the end of the reference line. This function is the main entry point for welding. It will call getSideSubEnts for each side of the welding symbol. Last parameter is currently not used.

Accessing and Working with Services

There are two main entry points for services: registerService and getService. The developer uses the first one to register a service to AcmWeldingStd. This service is called during constructing of AcmWeldingStd. Each service object contains a back pointer to allow you to remove its reference if the service is deleted. These services are used internally by AcmWeldingStd to draw specific types of welds.

Adesk::Boolean registerService(AcmCWeldService* pNewServ);

Registers a new service. This function is called during the initialization of the class. When registering the new service, the standard takes over the ownership of the service object. The caller must not delete the service object afterwards.

Adesk::UInt32 numOfServices() const;

Returns the number of weld services that are registered in the standard.

AcmCWeldService* getService(Acm::SubSymbolType wType) const;

AcmCWeldService* serviceAt(Adesk::UInt32 at) const;

Returns the AcmCWeldService object at the specified location.

Adesk::Boolean isOfferedService(Acm::SubSymbolType wType) const;

Returns Adesk::kTrue if weld service is offered for the weld type wType. This way we can specify whether the weld on one side can be combined with the weld on other side.

Adesk::Boolean removeService(Acm::SubSymbolType wType);

Adesk::Boolean removeServiceAt(Adesk::UInt32 at);

Removes the service from the standard.

Dialog Support

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus getSuggestedFinished(CStringList& list);

During this function the class is responsible for returning the list of possible finish strings.

virtual Adesk::Boolean initPost(AcmCWeld* pWeld);

During this function the class will initialize prefixes and suffixes for each variable that can then be used in edit controls in the welding dialog.

virtual Adesk::Boolean getWelds(const AcmCSubWelding *pSubWeld,

Acm::WeldLocationFilter filter,

AcmCObjArray<AcmCSymbolDesc>& list) const;

Returns the list of description objects for welds on each side of the sub-welding. This information is then used in the weld symbol palette and so on.

virtual Adesk::Boolean getWeldDesc(AcmCObjArray<AcmCSymbolDesc>& list,

Acm::WeldGroup wGroup = Acm::kWeld,

Acm::WeldLocationFilter filter = Acm::kForBothSides) const;

Gets the list of allowed welds in the specified group. See Acm::WeldGroup and Acm::WeldLocationFilter.

virtual Adesk::Boolean setWeldDesc(const AcmCObjArray<AcmCSymbolDesc>& list);

Sets the list of allowed welds in the specified group. It uses availability of the weld service only. All other values are ignored. This function determines whether the length of the array is the same as the length of registered welds in a standard. If not it will return eInvalidInput. See Acm::WeldGroup and Acm::WeldLocationFilter.

virtual Adesk::Boolean isMultipleSymbolsAllowed() const;

Some welding standards (such as ANSI) allow multiple welding symbols (sub-weldings) to be connected to one leader. If the standard supports this feature this function should return kTrue.

AcmSymbolStd Standard Interface

These member functions implement the symbol standard behavior for weldings. See AcmSymbolStd for details.

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus cInit();

virtual Adesk::Boolean setFactoryDefaults();

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus getDescription(CString& desc,

CBitmap*& pBmpLoaded,

CBitmap*& pBmpReg,

Adesk::Boolean& enablePref) const;

virtual Acm::Visibility variableStatus(AcmWeldingStd::Variable var) const;

virtual void setVariableStatus(AcmWeldingStd::Variable var, Acm::Visibility status);

virtual void initToEditOriginal();

virtual void initToEdit();

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus setSuggested(AcmCSubWelding* pData) const;

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus checkVisibility(AcmCSubWelding* pData) const;

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus initFields(AcmCSubWelding* pData) const;

AcDbObject Interface

This is the basic AcDbObjectInterface.

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus dwgInFields(AcDbDwgFiler* filer);

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus dwgOutFields(AcDbDwgFiler* filer) const;

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus dxfInFields(AcDbDxfFiler* filer);

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus dxfOutFields(AcDbDxfFiler* filer) const;

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus getClassID(CLSID* pClsid) const;


This class has a friend class (AcmCWeldBaseService) described below, and a large number of successors. For a complete list see weldserv.h.

Initializing and Services

virtual ~AcmCWeldService();

Base initialization called from the standard.

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus initFields(AcmCWeld* pWeld) const;

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus setSuggested(AcmCWeld* pWeld) const;

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus checkVisibility(AcmCWeld* pWeld) const;

virtual void getSubEnts(AcmCWeld* pWeld,AcmCAuxEntArray& entArray);

These member functions have the same responsibility as the ones in the symbol standard. They are used for each particular weld symbol to edit it properly. They are used in the current UI, but can also be used in any alternative one.

Accessing Private Service Data

Acm::WeldGroup group() const;

Returns the group of this service. Possible return values are: kWeld, kContour, kBacking. Specifies the general purpose of the service.

LPCTSTR serviceName() const;

void setServiceName(LPCTSTR srvName);

Protected in weldsym.h. These protected functions can be used in derived classes only.

void setServiceNameRcId(UINT rcSrvNameId);

Returns the internal service name, which is used in the dialog box or for other identification purposes. Needed for derived classes.

Acm::SubSymbolType serviceType() const;

Returns the type of weld service. Possible return values are: kFilletWeld, kSecondaryFillet, kPlugWeld, kSlotWeld, kStudWeld, kSpotWeld, kSpotOnRefLineWeld, kSeamWeld, kSeamOnRefLineWeld, kBackWeld, kSurfacingWeld, kFlangeEdgeWeld, kFlangeCornerWeld, kSquareGrooveWeld, kScarfGrooveWeld, kVGrooveWeld, kBevelGrooveWeld, kUGrooveWeld, kJGrooveWeld, kFlareVGrooveWeld, kFlareBevelGrooveWeld, kEdgeWeld, kFoldJointWeld, kInclinedJointWeld, kSurfaceJointWeld, kSteepFlankedVWeld, kSteepFlankedBevelWeld, kSingleVBroadRootFace, kSingleBevelBroadRootFace, kPermanentBackingStripWeld, kRemovableBackingStripWeld, kMeltThrough, kConsInsert, kFlushContour, kConvexContour, kConcaveContour, kSmoothContour, kFlushFinishedContour, kWeldingTail, kWeldAllAround, kFieldWeld, and kSpecialStaggerWeld.

void setServiceType(Acm::SubSymbolType srvType);

Acm::WeldLocation allowedLocation() const;

Allowed placement of a weld symbol. Possible return values are: kArrowSide, kOtherSide, kOnlyOnRefLine, kOnlyOnArrowSide, kOnlyOnOtherSide, and kOnBothSides. It specifies for which side the service could be used.

Adesk::Boolean enableSpacer() const;

Enables the insertion of a spacer - its symbol breaks the reference line. This is ANSI-specific.

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus getBreakExtents(AcDbExtents& ext, const AcmCWeld* pWeld) const;

Used for spacer-enabled services to get the extents for the break of the reference line.

Acm::StaggerType allowedStaggerType() const;

Returns allowed stagger type. Possible return values are: kNoEnableStagger, kEnableMoveStagger, kEnableMirrorStagger, kEnableSpecialStagger, kMoveStagger, kMirrorStagger, and kSpecialStagger.

This function is filled weld specific and expresses whether the service enables the stagger to be used.

Acm::AlignmentType alignment() const;

Returns the alignment type of the symbol created by this service. Possible return values are: kLeft, kCenter, kRight.

virtual double alignSize() const;

Specifies the distance to be used when aligning the symbol to center.

Adesk::Boolean hidden() const;

void setHidden(Adesk::boolean hide);

Verifies or sets that the service is hidden in the standard preference setting dialog. It is used for special services such as the all-around symbol, the tail symbol, and other special symbols.

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus linkDef(const AcmCWeld* pWeld,AcGeMatrix3d& trans);

Returns the matrix, which is used to attach contour symbols.

virtual AcDbMText::AttachmentPoint attachContourText(const AcmCWeld* pWeld) const;

Returns the type of attachment points of the contour symbol.

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus secondaryFillet(AcmCWeld* pWeld,AcGePoint3d& pt) const;

Returns eOk if the service supports secondary fillets. The point specifies the attachment point for the fillet. The pWeld parameter can be used to query the weld.

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus getTransform(const AcmCWeld *pWeld, AcGeMatrix3d& trans) const;

Calculates the transformation matrix for the weld symbol. Determines where the symbol is located - on the arrow side or on the other side of the symbol. The matrix is then used to transform sub-entities to their final positions.

virtual HBITMAP loadBitmap(Adesk::Boolean flip = Adesk::kFalse) const;

Loads the bitmap of the weld service. It is called from the dialog when it needs to display the bitmap image of the weld service. Flipped is true for arrow side page, false otherwise.


virtual Acm::ErrorStatus initFields(AcmCWeld* pWeld) const;

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus checkVisibility(AcmCWeld* pWeld) const;

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus setSuggested(AcmCWeld* pWeld) const;

virtual void getSubEnts(AcmCWeld* pWeld, AcmCAuxEntArray& entArray);

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus drawBrazing(const AcmCWeld* pWeld, AcmCAuxEntArray& entArray);

virtual void initTexts(AcmCWeld* pWeld);

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus initPost(AcmCWeld* pWeld) const;

virtual void getBasicSymbol(AcmCWeld* pWeld, double txtH, double gap, Adesk::UInt16 symColor, AcmCAuxEntArray& entArray);

virtual void brazing(const AcGePoint3d& p1, const AcGePoint3d& p2, const AcGePoint3d& p3, LPCTSTR value,

AcmCAuxEntArray& entArray, double arwSize = - 1.0);


Constructing and Initializing


Specific Member Functions

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus getTransform(const AcmCWeld *pWeld, AcGeMatrix3d& trans) const;

virtual AcDbMText::AttachmentPoint attachContourText(const AcmCWeld* pWeld) const;


Contains one or more sub-welding symbols, whose origins are positioned on the last leader segment. If the tip point changes, all origins need to be recalculated.

The welding sub-symbol is structured even more deeply - it is a special container of weld symbols. The primary responsibility of the weld symbol is to hold the data. Each weld symbol type has its own weld service associated with it.

Constructing and Initializing


virtual ~AcmWelding();

Welding-Specific Member Functions

Acm::ErrorStatus setOrientation(Acm::Orientation orientation);

Acm::Orientation orientation() const;

Orientation is the same for all sub-symbols in a welding symbol.

void resetOrigins();

Adesk::Boolean resetOrigins(const AcGePoint3d& tip,const AcGePoint3d& prev); (protected in weldsym.h)

These two member functions recalculate origins for all sub-symbols in a welding.

void weldHighlight(Adesk::UInt16 num) const;

void weldUnhighlight(Adesk::UInt16 num) const;

Auxiliary member functions to highlight sub-symbols for editing purposes.

Acm::SubSymbolType type(

Adesk::Boolean arwSide = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::Boolean primary = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0) const;

void setType(Acm::SubSymbolType type,

Adesk::Boolean arwSide = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::Boolean primary = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0);

Gets, sets the weld type for the primary or secondary weld on the arrow side or the non-arrow side for the specified subWelding.

Acm::SubSymbolType contourType(

Adesk::Boolean arwSide = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::Boolean primary = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0) const;

void setContourType(Acm::SubSymbolType type,

Adesk::Boolean arwSide = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::Boolean primary = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0);

Gets or sets the contour type for the primary or secondary weld on the arrow side or the non-arrow side for the specified subWelding.

Adesk::Boolean brazing(Adesk::Boolean arwSide = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::Boolean primary = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0) const;

void setBrazing(Adesk::Boolean brazing,

Adesk::Boolean arwSide = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::Boolean primary = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0);

Gets or sets the brazing flag for the primary or secondary weld on the arrow side or the non-arrow side for the specified subWelding.

LPCTSTR value(Acm::Variable var,

Adesk::Boolean arwSide = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::Boolean primary = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0) const;

Acm::ErrorStatus getValue(

Acm::Variable var,

CString& value,

Adesk::Boolean arwSide = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::Boolean primary = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0) const;

Acm::ErrorStatus setValue(

Acm::Variable var,

LPCTSTR value,

Adesk::Boolean arwSide = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::Boolean primary = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0);

Gets or sets the variable value for the primary or secondary weld on the arrow side or the non-arrow side for the specified subWelding. Var can have the following values: Acm::WeldNotes, Acm::WeldSize, Acm::WeldThickness, Acm::WeldLength, Acm::WeldNumber, Acm::WeldSpacing, Acm::WeldAngle, Acm::WeldDepth, Acm::WeldPitch, Acm::WeldGap, Acm::WeldClearance, Acm::WeldBrazing, Acm::WeldFinishing, Acm::WeldContour.

Acm::Visibility variableStatus(

Acm::Variable var,

Adesk::Boolean arwSide = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::Boolean primary = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0) const;

Acm::ErrorStatus setVariableStatus(

Acm::Variable var,

Acm::Visibility status,

Adesk::Boolean arwSide = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::Boolean primary = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0);

Gets or sets the variable value dialog status for the primary or secondary weld on the arrow or non-arrow side for the specified subWelding. Var can have following values: Acm::WeldNotes, Acm::WeldSize, Acm::WeldThickness, Acm::WeldLength, Acm::WeldNumber, Acm::WeldSpacing, Acm::WeldAngle, Acm::WeldDepth, Acm::WeldPitch, Acm::WeldGap, Acm::WeldClearance, Acm::WeldBrazing, Acm::WeldFinishing, Acm::WeldContour.

Possible return values are: kVisible (editable, valid for the current context), kHidden (cannot be used, not valid in current context), kDisabled (valid, but cannot be changed in the current context).

Acm::ErrorStatus getVarDlgInfo(

Acm::Variable var,

CVarDlgInfo& v,

Adesk::Boolean arwSide = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::Boolean primary = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0) const;

Acm::ErrorStatus setVarDlgInfo(

Acm::Variable var,

const CVarDlgInfo& v,

Adesk::Boolean arwSide = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::Boolean primary = Adesk::kTrue,

Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0);

Gets or sets the complete dialog information for the primary or secondary weld on the arrow or non-arrow side for the specified subWelding. Var can have the following values: Acm::WeldNotes, Acm::WeldSize, Acm::WeldThickness, Acm::WeldLength, Acm::WeldNumber, Acm::WeldSpacing, Acm::WeldAngle, Acm::WeldDepth, Acm::WeldPitch, Acm::WeldGap, Acm::WeldClearance, Acm::WeldBrazing, Acm::WeldFinishing, Acm::WeldContour.

As the result it returns the object CvarDlgInfo, which holds the labels, tooltips, control index and so on.

Acm::SubSymbolType areaDescType(Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0) const;

void setAreaDescType(Acm::SubSymbolType type, Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0);

Gets or sets the area description type for the primary or secondary weld on the arrow or non-arrow side for the specified subWelding. Possible types are: Acm::kWeldAllAround, Acm::kWeldAllAroundSquare. For user-implemented weld symbols, there may be other possible values.

Adesk::Boolean fieldWeld(Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0) const;

void setFieldWeld(Adesk::Boolean field, Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0);

Gets or sets whether the field weld is used for the specified subWelding. The current implementation of the field weld is controlled by the appropriate weld symbol.

Acm::IdentLineType identificationLine(Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0) const;

void setIdentificationLine(Acm::IdentLineType type, Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0);

Gets or sets the identification line type for the specified subWelding. The possible values are: kNoIdentLine, kIdentLineOtherSide, kIdentLineArrowSide.

Adesk::Boolean closedTail(Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0) const;

void setClosedTail(Adesk::Boolean status, Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0);

Gets or sets whether the tail symbol (welding process) is closed or open for the specified subWelding.

Acm::WeldAssociation associationType(Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0) const;

void setAssociationType(Acm::WeldAssociation type, Adesk::UInt16 subWelding = 0);

Gets or sets the identification line type for the specified subWelding. The possible values are: kNoAssociation, kAssociationSpacer, kAssociationMoveStagger, kAssociationMirrorStagger, kAssociationSpecialStagger, or kAssociationBacking

Sub-welding Support

Adesk::Boolean addSubWelding(AcmCSubWelding* pSubWelding);

Adesk::Boolean insertSubWeldingBefore(Adesk::UInt16 index, AcmCSubWelding* pSubWelding);

Adesk::Boolean insertSubWeldingAfter(Adesk::UInt16 index, AcmCSubWelding* pSubWelding);

Adesk::Boolean removeSubWelding(Adesk::UInt16 index);

void removeAllSubWeldings();

Adesk::UInt16 numOfSubWeldings() const;

These functions add, remove and calculate sub-symbols. When the user adds a sub-welding object to the symbol, the symbol takes over the ownership of the allocated memory. Users must not delete sub-welding objects afterwards.

AcmCSubWelding* getPrevSubWelding(AcmCSubWelding* pThisSubWelding) const;

AcmCSubWelding* getNextSubWelding(AcmCSubWelding* pThisSubWelding) const;

Adesk::UInt16 findSubWelding(AcmCSubWelding* pSubWelding) const;

AcmCSubWelding* subWelding(Adesk::UInt16 index) const;

Methods for direct or sequential accessing of the sub-symbols. The sub-welding object's memory is owned by the welding symbol. Users must not delete the objects returned from those methods.

virtual AcmCSubWelding* newSubWelding() const;

Creates a new sub-welding object. If you don't add or insert this object to the welding symbol, you must delete the allocated object. The caller is responsible for its memory management.

Adesk::Boolean getLeaderLastTwoPoints(AcGePoint3d& tip,AcGePoint3d& prev) const;

Calculates the last two leader points. This is useful for appropriate placement of the symbol. This member function is protected and can be used for implementing derived classes only.

AcmSymbol Interface

The following member functions are overloaded from AcmSymbol. They are usually overloaded to supply intelligent behavior for a leader and sub-symbol specific initialization.

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus setSymbolDefaults();

virtual void leaderTipPointChanged(const AcGeVector3d& offset, const AcmCLeader* leader);

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus removeLeader(Adesk::UInt16 index);

AcDbEntity and AcDbObject Interface

This part of the interface implements all necessary methods to handle a welding symbol as an entity.

The list of implemented member functions is:

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus getGsMarkersAtSubentPath( const AcDbFullSubentPath& subPath, AcDbIntArray& gsMarkers) const;

virtual AcDbEntity* subentPtr (const AcDbFullSubentPath& id) const,

virtual Adesk::Boolean worldDraw (AcGiWorldDraw* pMode),

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus explode (AcDbVoidPtrArray& entitySet) const,

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus getGeomExtents (AcDbExtents& extents) const,

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus getGripPoints(AcGePoint3dArray& gripPnts, AcDbIntArray& osnapMasks, AcDbIntArray& geomIds) const,

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus moveGripPointsAt(const AcDbIntArray& indices, const AcGeVector3d& offset),

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus getSubentPathsAtGsMarker(.),

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus dwgInFields(AcDbDwgFiler* pFiler);

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus dwgOutFields(AcDbDwgFiler* pFiler) const;

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus dxfInFields(AcDbDxfFiler* pFiler);

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus dxfOutFields(AcDbDxfFiler* pFiler) const;

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus getClassID(CLSID* pClsid) const;


Inherited from AcmCSubSymbol. The basic interface is implemented as described in AcmCSubSymbol.

Symbol-Specific Member Functions

virtual Acm::Orientation orientation() const = 0;

Returns the orientation of the weld symbol.

virtual Adesk::Boolean reverseSide() = 0;

virtual Acm::SubSymbolType areaDescType() const = 0;

virtual void setAreaDescType(Acm::SubSymbolType type) = 0;

virtual Adesk::Boolean fieldWeld() const = 0;

virtual void setFieldWeld(Adesk::Boolean field) = 0;

virtual Acm::IdentLineType identificationLine() const = 0;

virtual void setIdentificationLine(Acm::IdentLineType type) = 0;

See "Acm::IdentLineType"

virtual Adesk::Boolean closedTail() const = 0;

virtual void setClosedTail(Adesk::Boolean status) = 0;

virtual Acm::WeldAssociation associationType() const = 0;

virtual void setAssociationType(Acm::WeldAssociation type) = 0;

See "Acm::WeldAssociation"

virtual AcmCWeld* weldOnArrowSide(Adesk::Boolean isMain = Adesk::kTrue) const = 0;

virtual Adesk::Boolean setWeldOnArrowSide(AcmCWeld* pNewWeld,Adesk::Boolean isMain = Adesk::kTrue)= 0;

virtual AcmCWeld* weldOnOtherSide(Adesk::Boolean isMain = Adesk::kTrue) const = 0;

virtual Adesk::Boolean setWeldOnOtherSide(AcmCWeld* pNewWeld, Adesk::Boolean isMain = Adesk::kTrue)= 0;

Deals with welds on the arrow or non-arrow side. If isMain is kFalse, it works with the secondary fillet.

virtual AcmCWeld *newWeld() const = 0;

Creates the new weld object. If you don't add or insert this object to the sub-welding symbol, you must delete the allocated object.


Inherited from AcmCSubSymbol. The basic interface is implemented as described in AcmCSubSymbol.

Symbol-Specific Member Functions

virtual Acm::SubSymbolType type() const = 0;

virtual void setType(Acm::SubSymbolType type) = 0;

Returns weld type, which enables WeldingStd's getSubEnts to select the right service to handle the data.

virtual Acm::SubSymbolType contourType() const = 0;

virtual void setContourType(Acm::SubSymbolType type) = 0;

virtual Adesk::Boolean brazing() const = 0;

virtual void setBrazing(Adesk::Boolean brazing) = 0;

virtual Adesk::Boolean asSecondary() const = 0;

virtual Acm::WeldLocation location() const = 0;

virtual Acm::StaggerType staggered() const = 0;

See "Acm::WeldLocation," "Acm::StaggerType"

virtual double staggerAuxDist() const = 0;

virtual void setStaggerAuxDist(double value) = 0;

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus getPrefixSuffix(Acm::Variable var,CString& prefix,CString& suffix) const = 0;

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus setPrefixSuffix(Acm::Variable var,LPCTSTR prefix, LPCTSTR suffix) = 0;

Auxiliary member functions that help to initialize dialog data surrounding the edit box for certain variables.

virtual Adesk::Boolean isEmpty(Acm::Variable var) const = 0;

Returns the status of the weld's variable. Possible var values are:

Acm::WeldNotes, Acm::WeldSize, Acm::WeldThickness, Acm::WeldLength, Acm::WeldNumber, Acm::WeldSpacing, Acm::WeldAngle, Acm::WeldDepth, Acm::WeldPitch, Acm::WeldGap, Acm::WeldClearance, Acm::WeldBrazing, Acm::WeldFinishing, Acm::WeldContour.

virtual AcmCSubWelding* subWelding() const = 0;

Returns the pointer to the parent sub welding object. It shouldn't be deleted.

virtual LPCTSTR value(Acm::Variable var) const = 0;

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus getValue(Acm::Variable var, CString& value) const = 0;

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus setValue(Acm::Variable var, LPCTSTR value) = 0;

Gets or sets the variable value for weld. Var can have following values:

Acm::WeldNotes, Acm::WeldSize, Acm::WeldThickness, Acm::WeldLength, Acm::WeldNumber, Acm::WeldSpacing, Acm::WeldAngle, Acm::WeldDepth, Acm::WeldPitch, Acm::WeldGap, Acm::WeldClearance, Acm::WeldBrazing, Acm::WeldFinishing, Acm::WeldContour.

virtual Acm::Visibility variableStatus(Acm::Variable var) const = 0;

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus setVariableStatus(Acm::Variable var, Acm::Visibility status) = 0;

Gets or sets the variable value dialog status for the weld. Var can have following values:

Acm::WeldNotes, Acm::WeldSize, Acm::WeldThickness, Acm::WeldLength, Acm::WeldNumber, Acm::WeldSpacing, Acm::WeldAngle, Acm::WeldDepth, Acm::WeldPitch, Acm::WeldGap, Acm::WeldClearance, Acm::WeldBrazing, Acm::WeldFinishing, Acm::WeldContour.

Possible return values are: kVisible (editable, valid for the current context), kHidden (cannot be used, not valid in the current context), kDisabled (valid, but cannot be changed in the current context).

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus getVarDlgInfo(Acm::Variable var,CVarDlgInfo& v) const = 0;

virtual Acm::ErrorStatus setVarDlgInfo(Acm::Variable var,const CVarDlgInfo& v) = 0;

Gets or sets the complete dialog info for the weld. Var can have following values:

Acm::WeldNotes, Acm::WeldSize, Acm::WeldThickness, Acm::WeldLength, Acm::WeldNumber, Acm::WeldSpacing, Acm::WeldAngle, Acm::WeldDepth, Acm::WeldPitch, Acm::WeldGap, Acm::WeldClearance, Acm::WeldBrazing, Acm::WeldFinishing, Acm::WeldContour.

As the result it returns the object CvarDlgInfo, which holds the labels, tooltips, control index and so on.

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