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Business Analysis with Microsoft Excel

Excel en

1) Business Analysis with Microsoft Excel (3rd Edition) (Business Solutions) (Paperback) by Conrad Carlberg (Author)

Book Description

Whether you own a small business or work for a large corporation-whether you are looking for help making financial and business decisions-this book is for you. Business Analysis with Microsoft® Excel, Third Edition, provides in-depth info 333d31d rmation that will streamline your use of the tools within Excel. Professional advice and guidance from an experienced author provide the answers to your most pressing questions:

. What's the relationship between my cost of goods sold and my inventory?

. How do I get Excel to keep these values up-to-date on my income statement and my balance sheet?

. I have to track service quality over time. How can I automate that using Excel charts?

. How can I forecast future demand for my products, based on prior sales results?

. What's the difference between financial leverage and operating leverage? How do I calculate them using my financial records?

. I need to project my financials for next year. Does Excel have a tool for that? What do I need to know to use it effectively?

. How do I do all these things using the new Ribbon in Excel 2007?

. What are the best ways to automate a connection between Excel and an external database?

Category Spreadsheets

Covers Applicable for versions of Microsoft Excel 97 to 2007

User Level Intermediate-Advanced

More great stuff. is just a click away!

. Sample journals and ledgers; examples of trial balances, income statements, and balance sheets

. Custom functions, such as FIFO and LIFO, for inventory management

. VBA routines that automate the creation of forecasts, quality control charts, and sales and marketing analysis

. Statistical process control charts: P charts, X-and-S charts, X-and-MR charts

. Forecasting tools: Seasonal smoothing and ARIMA model identification quote from the front cover

"Conrad takes the time to give the readers an easy-to-follow step-by-step understanding of the material, accompanied by clear illustrations, making this an excellent book to learn the material. I recommend this book to anyone wanting to gain more expertise in using and manipulating business data from within Excel." -Bob Umlas, Excel MVP

2) Excel PivotTables and Charts (Mr Spreadsheet) (Paperback) by Peter G. Aitken

Book Description

These are powerful, flexible, and complex tools, and most Excel users never tap their full potential. But you can, with Peter Aitken's step-by-step tutorials, understandable instructions, and detailed explanations. You'll learn to create and use PivotTables and charts from the simplest to the most complex.

This book will help you get more from Excel than ever before.

Chart Topper # 1 Creating a PivotTable Report

Chart Topper # 3 Using Special PivotTable(r) Tools

Chart Topper # 6 Understanding and Using PivotCharts

Chart Topper # 7 Working with Multidimensional Data

Chart Topper # 10 Programming PivotTables with VBA

Download Description

These are powerful, flexible, and complex tools, and most Excel users never tap their full potential. But you can, with Peter Aitken's step-by-step tutorials, understandable instructions, and detailed explanations. You'll learn to create and use PivotTables and charts from the simplest to the most complex. This book will help you get more from Excel than ever before. Chart Topper # 1 Creating a PivotTable Report Chart Topper # 3 Using Special PivotTable(r) Tools Chart Topper # 6 Understanding and Using PivotCharts Chart Topper # 7 Working with Multidimensional Data Chart Topper # 10 Programming PivotTables with VBA

3) Learn Excel from Mr. Excel: 277 Excel Mysteries Solved (Paperback) by Bill Jelen

Book Description

Containing 277 business case studies that illustrate nearly every aspect of Excel, this book presents real-life business problems and works them through to their solutions. In addition to exemplary solutions, each case analysis considers alternate approaches and gotchas, and includes a summary of the necessary commands and functions. Excel files that can be downloaded and worked through step-by-step are included for each case.

About the Author

Bill Jelen the principal of and the author of Mr. Excel on Excel and Guerilla Data Analysis Using Microsoft Excel. He lives in Uniontown, Ohio.

4) Microsoft Excel Data Analysis and Business Modeling (Bpg-Other) (Paperback)

by Wayne L. Winston

Book Description

Now you can apply the techniques that business analysts at leading companies use to analyze and transform data into bottom line results. For more than 10 years, well-known consultant and business professor Wayne Winston has been teaching corporate clients and MBA candidates the most effective ways to use Microsoft Excel for data analysis, modeling, and decision making. This practical, business-focused guide delivers the best of Winston's classroom experience to you in 70+ concise chapters, organized by real-world scenarios. Quickly find and apply exactly the information you need to solve a specific business problem-from asset allocation modeling to estimating exponential growth, forecasting sales, optimizing portfolios, and other critical functions. You also get all the book's sample files on CD-ROM-ready for use in your own work.

About the Author

Wayne L. Winston teaches decision sciences at Indiana University's Kelley School of Business. For more than 10 years he has taught business analysts how to use Excel to make better decisions. His clients include Bristol-Myers Squibb Company; Cisco Systems, Inc.; Eli Lilly and Company; Ford Motor Company; General Motors Corporation; Intel Corporation; Microsoft Corporation; NCR Corporation; Owens Corning; Pfizer, Inc.; Proctor & Gamble; the U.S. Army; and the U.S. Department of Defense. Wayne and business partner Jeff Sagarin developed a player rating system that the Dallas Mavericks use to identify statistical trends and evaluate players. Wayne is also a two-time Jeopardy! Champion.

5} Excel Hacks: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips and Tools [ILLUSTRATED] (Paperback) by Raina Hawley

Book Description

If you think that getting creative with Excel means the underhanded tweaking of numbers, think again. Excel Hacks shows even the most experienced users how to do things with Excel they might never have thought of doing--and lets them have a little fun while they're at it. Microsoft Excel is not just the dominant spreadsheet in the world; it's also one of the most popular applications ever created. Its success lies not only in its power and flexibility, but also in its streamlined, familiar interface that casually conceals its considerable capabilities. You don't need to know everything that Excel can do in order to use it effectively, but if you're like the millions of Excel power users looking to improve productivity, then Excel Hacks will show you a wide variety of Excel tasks you can put to use, most of which are off the beaten path. With this book, Excel power users can bring a hacker's creative approach to both common and uncommon Excel topics--"hackers" in this sense being those who like to tinker with technology to improve it. The "100 Industrial Strength Tips and Tools" in Excel Hacks include little known "backdoor" adjustments for everything from reducing workbook and worksheet frustration to hacking built-in features such as pivot tables, charts, formulas and functions, and even the macro language. This resourceful roll-up-your-sleeves guide is for intermediate to advanced Excel users eager to explore new ways to make Excel do things--from data analysis to worksheet management to import/export--that you never thought possible. Excel Hacks will help you increase productivity with Excel and give you hours of "hacking" enjoyment along the way.

6} Excel Data Analysis: Your Visual Blueprint for Analyzing Data, Charts, and PivotTables, 2nd Edition (Visual Blueprint) (Paperback)

by Jinjer Simon - cu cd

Book Description

Excel is a spreadsheet / data analysis tool attached to the Microsoft Office suite and is available in all Office offerings. Office holds 80-900f the market share for productivity suites. Though many consumers know the basics of using Excel, they may not know the full power of the program. With Excel, you can harness the power of your data, manipulate it to suit your needs, and achieve more by doing less work. Charts are interactive, allowing the consumer to tweak results with the click of a mouse. Pivot tables allow you to fuse data from several sources into one document. Excel has an enhanced Find function, allowing users to easily search entire workbooks, and search worksheets by cell format. Excel supports XML as a file format for easy importing or exporting of XML data. Excel also includes enhancements for saving files as Web pages, and enhancements to Pivot Tables.

From the Back Cover

Excel Data Analysis 2nd Edition

Welcome to the only guidebook series that takes a visual approach to professional-level computer topics. Open the book and you'll discover step-by-step screen shots that demonstrate over 100 key Excel data analysis techniques, including:

Creating PivotTables and PivotCharts

Importing and linking data

Compiling data from various sources

Filtering a list

Creating an amortization table

Manipulating data within a chart

Editing external database tables

Using an Excel function in a macro

Building PivotTable formulas

Using Analysis Toolpak add-ins

High-resolution screen shots demonstrate each task

Succinct explanations walk you through step by step

Two-page lessons break big topics into bite-sized modules

"Apply It" and "Extra" sidebars highlight useful tips

7} Excel Data Analysis for Dummies (Paperback) by Stephen L., MBA, CPA Nelson

Book Description

So here's a funny deal: You know how to use Excel. You know how to create simple workbooks. And how to print stuff. And you can even, with just a little bit of fiddling, create cool-looking charts. But sometimes you wish that you could do more with Excel, such as how to use Excel to really gain insights into information, the data, that you work with in your job.

Using Excel for this kind of stuff is what Excel Data Analysis For Dummies is all about. This is a book that assumes that you want to use Excel to learn new stuff, discover new secrets, and gain new insights into the information you're already working with in Excel.

Ready to take Excel to the next level? This plain-English guide covers all of these concepts, and more, to ensure that you're using Excel to its fullest capacity:

Harnessing information in lists

Querying external databases and Web pages tables

Cleaning data with text functions

Building and working with PivotTables

Customizing PivotCharts

Using the statistics functions

Understanding Optimization Modeling

If all this talk of statistics and advanced tools makes you light-headed, don't worry. Excel Data Analysis For Dummies distills the most important fundamentals into everyday language. You'll find just enough information to help you get your work done - without leaving you gasping for air in a sea of technobabble. It'd be a real shame if you didn't at least know what bells and whistles Excel has to offer and the basic steps that you need to use them.

Book Info

For readers who want to move beyond building simple worksheets and want to begin using Excel to gain valuable insight from their data. Provides detailed step by step instructions on the use of Excel to perform statistical analysis. Softcover

8) Guerilla Data Analysis Using Microsoft Excel (Paperback) by Bill Jelen

Book Description

This book includes step-by-step examples and case studies that teach users the many power tricks for analyzing data in Excel. These are tips honed by Bill Jelen, "MrExcel," during his 10-year run as a financial analyst charged with taking mainframe data and turning it into useful information quickly. Topics include perfectly sorting with one click every time, matching lists of data, data consolidation, data subtotals, pivot tables, and much more.

Download Description

This book includes step-by-step examples and case studies that teach users the many power tricks for analyzing data in Excel. These are tips honed by Bill Jelen, "MrExcel," during his 10-year run as a financial analyst charged with taking mainframe data and turning it into useful information quickly. Topics include perfectly sorting with 1 click every time, matching lists of data, data consolidation, data subtotals, pivot tables, and much more.

9) Pivot Table Data Crunching (Business Solutions) (Paperback)

by Bill Jelen

Book Description

Become a savvy Microsoft Excel user. Pivot tables are a great feature in Excel that help you organize and analyze data, but not many Excel users know how to use pivot tables. Pivot Table Data Crunching offers a comprehensive review of all the functionalities of Pivot Tables from author Bill Jelen, otherwise known as Mr. Excel from, and Michael Alexander, a Microsoft Certified Application Developer. The authors' practical scenarios and real-world advice demonstrate the benefits of Pivot Tables and how to avoid the common pitfalls of every day data crunching. Each solution presented in the book can be accomplished with resources available in the Excel interface, making Pivot Table Data Crunching a beneficial resource for all levels of Excel users.

10) Formulas and Functions with Microsoft Excel 2003 (Business Solutions) (Paperback) by Paul McFedries

Book Description

The world of mathematical formulas and jargon in Microsoft Excel is complex and can be intimidating for even advanced computer users. Perhaps like you, a majority of users find it difficult to get the most they can out of this very valuable program. Formulas and Functions with Microsoft Excel 2003 strives to break down the complexities by focusing on the four primary technologies to master: ranges, formulas, data analysis tools and lists. Chapters such as "Getting the Most Out of Ranges," "Building Your Own Functions Using VBA," and "Solving Complex Problems with Solver" will teach you practical skills and solutions that you can put to work immediately. Frustration will become a thing of the past as you begin to master the complex world of Excel!

Download Description

The old "80/20" rule for software - that 80 percent of users use only 20 percent of a program's features - doesn't apply to Microsoft Excel. Instead, this program operates under what could be called the "95/5" rule: 95 percent of Excel users use a mere 5 percent of the program's features. Most of those users know that they could be getting more out of Excel by using more of its commands and options, but aren't sure where to start. Excel is big and complex, and most of its intermediate-to-advanced features are shrouded in the mysteries of mathematics, finance, and impenetrable spreadsheet jargon. This Business Solutions title demystifies the program's features and presents them in a jargon-free way. This book not only takes them through Excel's intermediate and advanced options, but also tells them why these options are useful and shows them how to use them in everyday situations and real-world models. This book aims to do all of this with no-nonsense, step-by-step tutorials and lots of practical, useful examples.

11) Financial Statements.xls: A Step-by-Step guide to Creating Financial Statements Using Microsoft Excel, Second Edition (Paperback) by Joseph Rubin

Book Description

This guide for financial professionals helps in the full preparation of financial statements and management reports using Microsoft Excel, regardless of the size and complexity of the organization. Tips are provided on creating financial statements in a single workbook and presenting, printing, or mailing them on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis, based on either a calendar or fiscal-year reporting system. Also discussed is how to analyze financial statements and create comparable five-year balance sheets and income statements as well as how to add graphs and ratio analysis pictures to cells. Advanced Excel features such as using the Pivot Table reports to analyze financial statements, summarize totals using running numbers, add percentages, and add quarterly calculations are also presented.

Bonus CD-ROM includes:

* Complete searchable eBook - easy to browse and print

* Sample Financial Statements in Excel workbook file

* Excel workbook files contain all data and formulas covered in the book

* Additional bonus: A number of free Add-Ins

About the Author

Joseph Rubin, CPA, principal of (a leading Excel Web site) is the author of the very successful books:

· F1 Get the Most out of Excel!

· F1 Get the Most out of Excel Formulas & Functions

· Financial Statements.xls

Joseph Rubin has over 27 years of financial experience in the accounting industry. He has served as CFO, Controller and has run his own CPA practice for many years. Joseph Rubin, CPA, is an independent consultant specializing in the development of applications using Microsoft Excel for the financial industry and has instructed thousands of professionals on Microsoft Excel.

12) Financial Statements: A Step-By-Step Guide to Understanding and Creating Financial Reports (Paperback) by Thomas R. Ittelson

Book Description

Finally, a resourceful and unique primer on financial statements that uses a creative and different approach to explain every kind of financial report a small business owner or manager needs to succeed. Through an unique visual approach, this book leads users to a clear understanding of how business scores are kept and how to interpret the results.From balance sheets, cash flow statements and income statements, learn how to understand the basic elements that will pave the way to achieving financial success.

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