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Fix for Bug in Microsoft® Word 97®

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Fix for Bug in Microsoft® Word 97®

Microsoft Word 97 contains a bug that scrambles text in documents. The bug occurs when certain symbol fonts (such as older Greek and Hebrew fonts) are used in documen 313s1817d ts created by older versions of Word (Word 6, Word 95, etc.). When Word 97 reads the document, the text using these fonts is converted to double-byte text and scrambled.

This document contains a macro that will unscramble the text in files using older BibleWorks fonts.

To install the macro

Install the new BibleWorks fonts. (Download from

Open this document in Word 97.

Click on this button to install the "Fix97Fonts" macro:

After the macro is installed, a toolbar with a button labeled "Fix97" will appear. You can drag the toolbar to the top of the Word window to dock it.

To unscramble documents created in older version of Word

Open the document in Word 97.

Push the "Fix97" button on the toolbar.

The macro will create a copy of the document and fix the scrambled text in the copy of the document. You can then review the changes and save the corrected document.

To uninstall the macro

Open this document in Word 97.

Click on this button to uninstall the "Fix97Fonts" macro:

You must exit Word to complete the "uninstall" process.

After the macro is installed, a toolbar with a button labeled "Fix97" will appear.

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Accesari: 1036
Apreciat: hand-up

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