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Terminology JAVA DOC

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Terminology JAVA DOC

API documentation (API docs) or API specifications (API specs)

On-line or hardcopy descriptions of the API, intended primarily for programmers writing in Java. These can 17417l118r be generated using the javadoc tool or created some other way. An API specification is a particular kind of API document, as described above. An example of an API specification is the on-line Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition API Specifications. An example of an API document is the Java Class Libraries book by Chan/Lee.

Documentation comments (doc comments)

The special comments in the Java source code that is delimited by the delimiters. These comments are processed by the javadoc tool to generate the API docs.


The JDK tool that generates API documentation from doc comments.

Source files

The javadoc tool can generate output (usually HTML files) originating from four different types of "source" files:

Source code files for Java classes (.java) - these contain class, interface, field, constructor and method comments.

Package comment files (package.html) - these contain package comments

Overview comment files (overview.html) - these contain comments about the set of packages

Miscellaneous unprocessed files - these include images, sample source code, class files, applets, HTML files, and whatever else you might want to reference from the previous files.

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