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Blending Composite Paths

Macromedia freehand

Blending Composite Paths

Composite paths are those objects that have had the Join command applied. If you use composite (joined) paths in a blend, you have some extra controls as to how the blend is drawn. (For more information on composite paths, see page108.)

To use composite paths in a 11311x2318l blend:

Select the composite paths you want to blend.


Some or all of the objects in the blend can be composite.

Choose Modify > Combine > Blend.

Set the Type list options in the Object inspector as follows

Figure 11. The Type and Order controls are used to control the appearance of composite shapes in a blend.

o        Normal uses the normal appearance of the composite object for the blend. This is the best setting for most composite paths

Figure 12. These three composite ovals have been blended to the bottom oval at the settings of Type: Normal and Order: Stacking.

o        Horizontal gives the best appearance when the composite paths do not overlap and are arranged in a horizontal alignment.

o        Vertical gives the best appearance when the composite paths do not overlap and are arranged in a vertical alignment.

Set the Order list options in the Object inspector as follows

o        Positional blends the objects based on their position on the page

Figure 13. The same composite ovals have been blended to the bottom oval at the settings of Type: Horizontal and Order: Position.

o        Stacking blends the objects based on their stacking order.

The Rules of Blends (continued)

Blends between two spot colors must remain grouped in order to mix as spot colors. If you ungroup, the intermediate steps will be converted to process colors.

You cannot blend between objects that have lens fills.

You cannot mix different types of gradient fills. For instance, you cannot blend between a linear and a radial graident. Also the gradients must contain the same number of colors.

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Accesari: 1035
Apreciat: hand-up

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