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Changing the Defaults File

Macromedia freehand

Changing the Defaults File

Defaults are the settings that you have when you open a new FreeHand document. Default settings include such things as the units of measurement, the colors in the Swatches panel, if the rulers 11411w221l are visible, page sizes, number of pages, and so on.

To create a new defaults file:

With FreeHand open, choose New from the File menu. An untitled file opens.

Create a new document, changing the preferences and settings to your specifications

Figure 9. Save a new document as the FreeHand Defaults file.

Choose File > Save As. The Save dialog box opens.

Navigate to the folder/directory English within the FreeHand folder/directory.

Save the file under a unique name.

To choose the new defaults file:

Choose Edit > Preferences.

Click the Document category. (See the next section on specifics of choosing the preferences.)

Type the name of the defaults file you created in the previous step in the New document template field . The new defaults file now controls all new documents.

Figure 10. Use the New document template field to type in the name of the document to be used as the FreeHand Defaults file.

Setting the Preferences

Preferences control the entire application. This means that any changes you make to the Preferences settings will be applied to all documents - past, present, and future.

To change the preferences (Mac):

Choose Edit > Preferences. The Preferences dialog box appears

Figure 11. The Macintosh Preferences settings with the categories controlled by a list on the left.

The preferences settings are divided into 11 categories on the left side of the Preferences dialog box.

Click the category you want to control and change the settings as needed.

To change the preferences (Win):

Choose Edit > Preferences. The Preferences dialog box appears

Figure 12. The Windows Preferences settings with the categories controlled by the tabs on the top.

The preferences settings are divided into 10 categories shown as tab settings at the top of the Preferences dialog box.

Click the category you want to control and change the settings to suit the way you work.


For a complete list of each of the preferences and how they affect working with FreeHand, see Appendix C

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Apreciat: hand-up

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