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Constraining Transformations

Macromedia freehand

Constraining Transformations

As you draw, move, or transform objects, the objects are positioned along an invisible line called the Constrain axis. The default setting of 424c218e this axis is 0°. This means that your objects line up in an ordinary horizontal fashion. However, by changing the Constrain axis, you can make all your objects automatically align along any angle you choose.

To change the Constrain axis:

Choose Modify > Constrain. The Constrain dialog box appears

Figure 42. Use the Constrain dialog box to change the horizontal axis along which objects are drawn.

Enter the angle you want for the Constrain axis in the Angle field.


Rotate the wheel to enter an angle in the field.

Click OK. All objects will be drawn along the angle you have just set

Figure 43. The top rectangle was drawn with a Constrain axis of 0°. The bottom rectangle had a Constrain axis of 23°.


Changing the Constrain axis only affects those objects created from that point on. It does not affect previously created objects.

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Accesari: 1064
Apreciat: hand-up

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