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Controlling Xtras

Macromedia freehand

Controlling Xtras

If you install many third-party Xtras, the Xtras may conflict with each other. FreeHand comes with an Xtras Manager that allows you to turn the Xtras on or off. This can be helpful if you are 313c26d trying to discover the source of an Xtras conflict or to avoid conflicts.

To use the Xtras Manager:

Choose Xtras > Xtras Manager. The Xtras Manager dialog box appears

Figure 30. (Mac) Click the checkmark in the Xtras Manager makes the Xtras active or inactive.

Figure 31. (Win) A checkmark indicates the Xtra is active. An X indicates the Xtra is inactive.

Click next to each Xtra to make it active or inactive.


Use the Options pop-up menu to turn all the Xtras on or off.


The Windows Xtra Manager lets you open or close the Xtra categories using the plus or minus signs.

Once an Xtra is used from the Xtras menu, it appears as the Repeat [Xtra] command. This means that the Xtra can be reapplied via a keystroke.

To use the Repeat Xtra command:

Choose Xtra > Repeat [Xtra] or

(Mac) Press Command-Shift-+.

(Win) Press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-X.

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Apreciat: hand-up

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