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Converting Text Case

Macromedia freehand

Converting Text Case

Once you have text on your page, you may want to convert the case from upper to lower, etc. FreeHand has several sophisticated Convert Case commands.

To apply the Convert Case commands:

Select the text to be converted.

Choose Text > Convert Case and then choose one of the following from the submenu

Figure 41. An example of applying the Convert Case commnads.

o        Upper changes all the text to uppercase.

o        Lower changes all the text to lowercase letters.

o        Small Caps changes the text size to simulate the look of a small caps font.

o        Title changes the initial letter of every word to uppercase.

o        Sentence changes the initial letter of a sentence to uppercase.

To set the Small Caps appearance:

Choose Text > Convert Case > Settings. This opens the Settings dialog box

Figure 42. The Settings dialog box for the Convert Case commands.

Set the Small Caps percentage of point size to whatever amount you want the text reduced for Small Caps.

You can also set certain words that should not be converted using the Convert Case commands. For instance, you would not want the letter USA converted to lowercase.

To set the Convert Case exceptions:

Choose Text > Convert Case > Settings. This opens the Settings dialog box

Click the Add button.

Type the word you want to make an exception to the Convert Case command.

Check which Convert Case commands should not be applied to that word.

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Accesari: 940
Apreciat: hand-up

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