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Exporting a Flash (SWF) File

Macromedia freehand

Exporting a Flash (SWF) File

Once you have all the movie settings to your liking, it is a simple step to export the SWF file. If you are in the Flash Player window for the Test Movie command, you can easily export 14214i83o the movie at the current settings.

To export a SWF file from the Flash Player:

Choose Control > Export Movie.


Click the Export Movie button in the Controller. This opens the Export dialog box where you can name the exported file and save it to a location

Figure 17. When you export from the Flash Player, the Export Movie dialog box only requires you to name the file and choose a destination.


The Flash movie is exported using whatever settings are currently active in the Movie Settings dialog box.

You can also export an SWF file directly from the FreeHand document.

To export a SWF file from the FreeHand window:

Choose Edit> Export. This opens the Export Document dialog box

Figure 18. When you export from the FreeHand document, you open the regular Export Document dialog box.

Choose Macromedia Flash (SWF) from the format list.

Click the Setup button. This opens the Movie Settings dialog box.

Make any necessary changes to the Movie Settings dialog box and click OK.

Name the exported file and save it to a location.

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Accesari: 926
Apreciat: hand-up

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