FreeHand has several different ways to import raster images into a document.
To import artwork using the File menu:
Choose File > Import. 353b110d
Use the dialog box to find the image you want to import. The cursor changes into a corner symbol
If you are going to print your artwork, import a TIFF or EPS file.
Click the corner symbol to import the file in its original size.
Drag the corner symbol to set the image to a specific size
Unless you have changed the Import Preferences settings, the placed image is only linked to the FreeHand file. You must send the original image along with the FreeHand file for it to print properly.
To import artwork by copying and pasting:
Open the file from which you want to import artwork.
Select the artwork you want to import and copy it to the clipboard.
Bring the FreeHand document to the front and choose Edit > Paste.
The artwork is imported as a group which becomes an embedded TIFF when ungrouped. (See pages 313 - 314 for understanding embedded images.)
(Mac) You can drag and drop artwork from applications onto the FreeHand document.