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Importing and Exporting Symbols

Macromedia freehand

Importing and Exporting Symbols

Symbols created in one document can be exported as libraries that can then be opened for use in other documents.

To export symbols:

Choose Export from the Options pop-up menu on the Symbol panel. The Export Symbols dialog box opens

Figure 14. Choose the symbols you want to export from the Export Symbols dialog box.

Select the symbols you want to export.


Use the Shift key to select a range of symbols. Use the Cmd/Ctrl key to select non-adjacent symbols.

Click Export. The Save (Mac) or Export Symbols (Win) panel opens.

Assign a name to the library you are creating and click Save.

You can import symbols from any FreeHand document.

To import symbols:

Choose Import from the Options pop-up menu on the Symbol panel. The Choose a File navigation dialog box opens.

Navigate to the document you want to import symbols from and click Choose/ Open. The Import Symbols dialog box opens

Figure 15. Choose the symbols you want to import from the Import Symbols dialog box.

Select the symbols you want to import.


Use the Shift key to select a range of symbols. Use the Cmd/Ctrl key to select non-adjacent symbols.

Click Import. The symbols appear in the Library of the current document.

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Accesari: 1042
Apreciat: hand-up

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