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Linking Text

Macromedia freehand

Linking Text

While it is very easy to create columns within a text block, you may want to have text flow from one text block to another. Or, you may want your text to flow onto an open path or into a closed pat 323s1817d h. You can link the text in these ways by using the Link box of the text block.

To link text between objects:

Select a text block you would like to link to another object.

Using the Selection tool, drag from the Link box of the text block. You will see a wavy line extend out

Figure 60. To link text, drag from the Link box to another text block or object.

Drag the wavy line onto the object to which you want to link your text

Figure 61. Text linked from a text block to an ellipse.

Release the mouse button. If you had an overflow of text, the text flows into the new object and you see arrows in the Link box.


If you did not have an overflow, you still see arrows in the Link box. This indicates that if you add text or decrease the size of the first text box, the text will appear inside the new object.


You can link text within a page or across pages.

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Accesari: 933
Apreciat: hand-up

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