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Moving Between Pages

Macromedia freehand

Moving Between Pages

With multiple pages in your document, you will need to move from one page to another. You can move between pages in the document window or by using the Document inspector.

To move between pages in the window area:

1.     10310k1023k ;  Choose the Hand tool.


Hold the Spacebar to temporarily access the Hand tool.

2.     10310k1023k ;  Drag to move from one page to another

Figure 15. Use the Hand tool to move from one page to another in the document window.

To move between pages in the Document inspector:

1.     10310k1023k ;  Position the cursor inside the Preview Area of the Document inspector.

2.     10310k1023k ;  Hold the Spacebar to temporarily access the Hand tool.

3.     10310k1023k ;  Drag within the Preview Area to move from one page to another

Figure 16. Use the Hand tool to scroll within the Preview Area of the Document inspector.

Where Are My New Pages?

In theory, each new page you add or duplicate should appear just to the right of the current page. Unfortunately this doesn't always happen. (The technical name for something like this is called a bug.)

You may find that you add or duplicate pages, but you don't see the new pages on the pasteboard. If this happens, use the Hand tool to move all the way to the top-left corner of the pasteboard. You should see your missing pages there.

Why does this happen? The best reason I've been able to discover is that if you have changed the magnification icon to either the middle or large icon, there may not be enough room to add pages in the Document inspector. In that case, FreeHand creates new pages all the way in the top-left corner of the pasteboard.

If your pages do appear in the wrong position, you can use the Page tool (see the previous page) or the Document inspector to move the pages into the correct position.

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Accesari: 837
Apreciat: hand-up

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