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Organizing Symbols

Macromedia freehand

Organizing Symbols

As you work, you may find it helpful to organize your symbols into different categories. These categories can be for each graphic, category, or page - you decide what 23123i820x ever is right for you.

To create a symbol group:

Click the New Group icon in the Library.


Choose New Group from the Library submenu.

To add symbols to a group:

Drag the symbol from the Library list into the group

Figure 11. Drag a symbol into a group to organize the symbols in the Library.

To open or close a group:

(Mac) Click the twist triangle in the Library list

Figure 12. (Mac) Use the twist triangle to open and close the groups in the Library.


(Win) Click the plus or minus signs in the Library list

Figure 13. (Win) Use the plus or minus signs to open and close the groups in the Library.

To delete a group:

Select the name of the group.

Click the Remove (trash can) icon.


Choose Remove from the Library submenu.

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Apreciat: hand-up

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