I wish I knew. Many years ago there were differences between the two types of onscreen elements. But those differences were lost with each new version of FreeHand.
In fact, you can even group panels with inspectors.
The only real difference I can see is that inspectors are found under the Window > Inspectors and panels are under Window > Panels.
The Text inspector (Window > Inspector > 949t197j Text) is used to control the various attributes applied to text . There are five different settings for the Text inspector. (For more information on the Text inspector, see Chapter 18 Basic Text
The Document inspector (Window > Inspector > 949t197j Document) controls various attributes of the entire FreeHand document including pages . (For more information on the Document inspector, see Chapter 4 Working with Pages
The Library (Window > Library) stores the graphic symbols that are used to help automate working with FreeHand . These symbols are also used when working with brushes and when exporting as Flash (SWF) animations. (For more information on the Library, see Chapter 21 Styles
Technically, the Library looks like - and can be used like - a panel. But it is such an important onscreen element that it is found under its own listing: Window > Library. So it is named simply as Library, not Library panel or Library inspector.
The Main toolbar (Window > Toolbars > Main) contains icons that let you apply the most commonly used commands in FreeHand such as Save, Copy, Paste, Undo, and so on . (For information on the basic commands, see Chapter 2 Document Basics
You can customize the toolbars so they contain your own set of commands. (For information on customizing the toolbars, see Chapter 32 Customizing FreeHand
The Text toolbar (Window > Toolbars > Text) contains some of the most commonly used attributes for working with text . This makes the Text toolbar a quick alternative to using the five different modes of the Text inspector. (For information on styling text, see Chapter 18 Basic Text
The Xtra Tools toolbar (Window > Toolbars > Xtra Tools) contains specialized tools . These tools may not appear in the Tools panel (covered on page 19). The Xtra tools include the Arc, Smudge, and Graphic Hose tools. (For information on the Xtra tools, see Chapter 24 Xtra Tools
The Xtra Operations toolbar (Window > Toolbars > Xtra Operations) contains icons that let you apply Xtra Operations such as Emboss . (For information on the Xtra operations, see Chapter 9 Path Operations
The Controller toolbar (Window > Toolbars > Controller)is used to work with the preview of Flash (SWF) movies . (For information on creating Flash (SWF) movies, see Chapter 29 Flash Animations
Customize your FreeHand ExperienceWhen you first install FreeHand you will notice the toolbars, panels, and inspectors are all arranged in certain orders. These are the default settings. If you want to restore the onscreen elements to their default settings, you can trash the Preferences file which is located in Macromedia FreeHand: English: Settings. However, if you have made any customization settings to the toolbars, you will need to reinstall a fresh copy of the toolbars file which is located in Macromedia FreeHand: English: Settings: Toolbars. A backup copy of these settings is on the FreeHand application CD. |
The Envelope toolbar (Window > Toolbars > Envelope) lets you assign the features of FreeHand's envelopes to distort text . (For information on the envelope commands, see Envelopes and Perspectives
The Info toolbar (Window > Toolbars > Info) shows the size, position, and other attributes of objects as they are created and manipulated . (For information on using the Info toolbar, see Chapter 10 Move and Transform
The Status toolbar (Window > Toolbars > Status) controls various attributes of the document such as the preview mode and magnification The Status toolbar is only available in Windows. On the Macintosh it is permanently fixed to the bottom of the document window. (For details on the using the parts of the Status toolbar, see Chapter 3 Display Options
Although it is not labeled as a toolbar, the Tools panel (covered on page 19) can also be modified like the toolbars.