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Points on a Path

Macromedia freehand

Points on a Path

As you create paths, you may need to delete or add points to make other modifications to the path.

To delete selected point from a path:

Select the point or points you want to delete.

Press the Delete key. The point is deleted and the path reshapes

Figure 20. When you delete a point, you reshape the path 10410k1014k .


If you delete an endpoint from a path, the path is reshaped, and the next endpoint is selected. You can then continue to delete each point along the path

Figure 21. When you delete an endpoint, the next point along the path is selected. This point can then be deleted and so on.

You can also use the Pen or Bezigon tools to delete points from a path. This is helpful if you do not have your hands near the delete key on the keyboard.

To delete a point using the Pen or Bezigon tools:

Select the path.

Move the Pen or Bezigon tool over the point you want to delete. If the point has no handles, a minus sign (-) appears next to the cursor

Figure 22. Click with the Pen or Bezigon tools to delete a point from a path.

If the minus sign appears, click to delete the point.


Click to retract the handles. You can then click again to delete the point.


You can't use the Pen or Bezigon to delete an endpoint from a path.

Open or Closed Paths

There are two types of paths: open and closed. Open paths have points at the end of the path called endpoints. A piece of string is an example of an open path.

Closed paths do not have endpoints. A rubber band is an example of a closed path.

You can also use the Pen or Bezigon tools to add points to a path.

To add a point to a path:

Select the path.

Move the Pen or Bezigon tool where you want the new point. A plus sign (+) appears next to the cursor

Figure 23. To add a point to a path, click with the Pen or the Bézigon tool on the path.

Click. A point appears where you clicked.


If you click too far away from the path, you create a new point that is not part of the path.

To connect points:

Choose two open paths.

Choose Modify > Join. FreeHand creates a path between the two closest endpoints of the paths . If the two points are on top of each other, FreeHand merges them into one point.

Figure 24. The Join command automatically created a new line segment connecting the points.

To split a point:

Choose a single point on a path.

Choose Modify > Split. FreeHand splits the point into two points on top of each other

Figure 25. A point on the top path was selected and the Split command was applied. This created the bottom two paths. (Points were moved to show the separation.)


There is no indication that the points separate; select the points and then move one manually to see the split.

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Accesari: 1486
Apreciat: hand-up

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