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Printing Blends

Macromedia freehand

Printing Blends

If you are printing to a low-resolution device such as a laser printer, you may not be satisfied with the printout of the blend. That is because those printers cannot reproduce all the ton 22522k108w es necessary to create a smooth blend.

If you are printing on a high-resolution device such as an imagesetter, your blend should print smoothly. However, sometimes blends produce an effect called banding . The following may help you avoid banding when printing on PostScript devices. (For more information on printing, see Chapters and

Figure 21. A blend with banding (left). The same blend with more steps to decrease the banding (right).

To avoid banding in blends when printing

Print at high resolutions. For most work, this is a minimum of 2400 dpi.

Lower the screen ruling if you see banding. This is especially helpful when printing to laser printers.

Avoid blends over 7 inches long. This is especially true if you are outputting to a PostScript Level 1 device. If you are outputting to a PostScript Level 2 device, you may not need to limit the length of your blends.

Examine the difference between the percentages of each of the CMYK colors. If you are getting banding, try increasing the difference between the percentages.

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Apreciat: hand-up

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