Another type of transformation is rotation. Rotation allows you to change the orientation of an object.
To rotate an object by eye:
Select the object you want to rotate.
Choose the Rotate tool in the Tools panel
Move your cursor to the page. Your cursor turns into a star.
Position the star on the spot around which you would like the object to rotate . This is the transformation point.
Press on the point you have chosen. Do not release the mouse button. A line extends out from the transformation point. This is the rotation axis
You can transform an object around a point anywhere in the document.
Still pressing, drag the cursor away from the transformation point. Then move the rotation axis. The object rotates as you move the rotation axis
Hold the Shift key to constrain the rotation to 45° increments.
Release the mouse button when you are satisfied with the position of the object.
The farther you drag your cursor away from the transformation point during rotation or reflection, the easier it is to control the transformation.
To copy as you rotate an object:
Hold the Opt/Alt key as you drag to rotate the object. A plus sign (+) appears next to the star cursor.
Release the mouse button first and then the Opt/Alt key to create a copy of the object rotated to the position you chose.
To rotate using the Transform panel:
Choose the object you want to rotate.
Click the Rotate icon in the Transform panel
Enter the number of degrees you want to rotate the object in the Rotation angle field.
To change the Center of the rotation, enter the coordinates you want in the x and y fields.
With the Rotate tool active, hold the Opt/Alt key and click to select a transformation point.
Select Contents to rotate any items pasted inside along with the object (see page 109)
Select Fills to rotate any fills such as tiled fills (see page 188).
Click the Apply (Mac) or Rotate (Win) button or press Return or Enter to apply the rotation.